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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. First, welcome Argon, glad ta have ya here. Second, I will be cruising the WW1 forum here to keep an eye on upcoming sims. Its an area that interest me. Third, what good WW1 sim would you recommend that is currently out? Like, which one are you and dagger talkin about? Thanks...pc
  2. A real mission editor on the par with IL2FB. Keith's is a start but is a long way from being a complete answer. A proper mission editor would greatly extend the playability life of this sim.
  3. Cant beleive how good that plane looks. Volks and Gramps are kickin butt! :D Be real glad to see the F-8 join the pantheon.
  4. Yes, definately good news. A forum really is a must. And if they visit here too, that would be even better. I am REALLY interested in this sim. It would round out my collection for sure. WW1 aviation is real seat of yur pants type flying that appeals to me a LOT. Hope this title becomes the real deal. Best wishes and good luck to Aspect.
  5. Crab's done a really sweet job of blending in that hump. It'll be cool having another version of the A4. I hope eventually the electronics in the hump will be modeled too. (I beleive it was mostly EW gear wasnt it?) That of course depends on TK.
  6. Humor Me Caption

    Since me and my freinds seem to be so big on farting, Im gonna hafta send them your pic MJ, lol. Liked Dialogues' comment too. Put the old timer in a black cape and he COULD be Darth Vader! No, really... Ya know, maybe I oughta send MJ's pic off to the whitehouse...wonder if they have a sense of humor? :D Here's mine..."This is no time for jokes fellas, I want my upper set of teeth back NOW!"
  7. Should Biohaz add some FPS forums?

    Ghost Recon Ravenshield Vietcong America's Army Splinter Cell (?) Delta Force BlackHawk Down Half Life Rainbow Six ...for starters. :) PS. Im all for having sim style shooters on Biohaz. It might turn into a monster to handle though MJ so watch out. I thought about Unreal Tournament and BF1942 also, both excellent games, but they are more run and gun and less tactical sim.
  8. Post your PC pic

    Hey Beer, looks like the party shack pal... :D Ill just bet your gonna say thats your girlfreind standin there... Question...Those rudder pedals homemade? Looks like you can adjust them for length. The length adjustment have pegs or something to hold the peddals in place? I have GOT to make my own pedals. The twist grip on my logitech wingman FF is cool but not realistis methinks. Anyone got any good plans?
  9. Post your PC pic

    Ranger, you remind me of that charachter on Doonesbury, Mike I think his name is, that always wears the helmet. You really DO need to get out more hehe... (...at least I take my helmet off before I play on my PC.) PS. I gotta get me another camera and set up my scanner before I can show my machine...
  10. finally 500 posts!

  11. About this girl winning the CMH?

    First, let me say I am glad she and the rest of the prisoners are safe at home now. As for a medal, I would be surprised to see her get a Silver Star though. That is one of our very highest awards. Of course it depends on the circumstances of her action and subsequent capture. If she did something meritoriuos like saving another life at the risk of her own or offered valourious succer/leadership to the other prisoners, maybe then. I hope they dont just hand them out in this ages' rush for heroes and wind up cheapening the medals worth. And please dont get me wrong. I understand that her ordeal as a prisoner wasnt easy. I often thought how I would feel in the prisoners' place. It would have been very frightening and difficult. But she isnt the first prisoner ever taken. How many prisoners in WW2 or Vietnam won Silver Stars or CMH's except they did something to merit it. Like most posts above, I agree, we should wait and see what story unfolds. Ranger's comment above about women in combat got me to thinking. I dont mean to hjack the thread but a personal feeling if I may... I do not agree with women in combat for several reasons: First, I do not beleive that they are psychologically suited to it. Now before you go spastic hear me out. Women are trained, and it is their nature, to be nuturers, not destroyers. They also tend to be very emotional. Do NOT beleive those few so called "experts" who say men and women are the same psychologically. The stress of combat can break the strongest men, how much more quickly would a woman break? The few months or even years of military training is not likely to change ingrained emotionalism. I would be very nervous of the presence of a woman next to me in combat, considering her to be an unknown quantity for dependability. Of all the women in my Natl Guard unit, there was only one who I felt was capable of withstanding the stress of combat and motivated enough to succeed in action if the need arose, she was a former DI. I consider her to be an exception to the rule, there almost always is one... :0) Second, They do not have the strength to perform on the battlefield under battlefield conditions. They could NOT march under full pack/kit load 20-30 miles a day indefinately. How many of you can see a woman carrying a SAW while running from hole to tree to rock during combat? The Army to the best of my knowledge actually lowered the physical tests requirements to keep women from being discouraged, or whatever, from being constantly behind men. In my last year in the Guard, they actually RAISED the standards somewhat realizing that they had lowered them too much. It was a joke among the men that the PT test was so easy. The old timers who had been in 20 or more years knew what the test used to be in terms of requirements. I am slow as the seven year itch and I could run rings around almost any woman there. When the whole company ran together which was fairly rare, the men would grab the guidon and take turns running around the entire company just to have a little challenge. Men have come out of the unisex Army bootcamp feeling disappointed at the lack of physical challenge. I've heard it with my own ears and read about it with my own eyes. Lastly, I say this too...I was in the military from 1075-84, then got out for 12 years. Then I rejoined the local Natl Guard unit in '96 for the extra money every month. (I finished with 14 years in) It was a UNIQUE experiance coming back into a military that had allowed women and gays into it and had become very politicised and politically correct. Nearly every man I talked to or tried to talk to about this was afraid to talk and speak their mind. Probably thought I was some investigator or something. The differance between the time I was in back in '84 and the time when I went back in in '96 was nothing less than astounding, and more than a little discouraging. Now having sounded like some conservative old fart who is unwilling to change, let me add this...I have thought much on these things since getting out back in 2000. As a Christian, I can not agree with the practice of homosexuality. However, also as a Chritian, I realize how often I have erred and tend to look at Homosexuals as erring humans like myself. I do not hate them nor do I refuse to associate with them. I realize that as members of our society, they have something to contribute, perhaps even in the military. My quandry being in the line that may be crossed affecting morale. It is not clear to me what to do or where to draw it. The military has a mission to protect this country, and all else, politcs espesially, should take a back seat to that. So I leave this issue to men wiser than me. As for women, They have a very valid role to play in the military even if it doesnt entail combat. Never will I think women are any stupider or unintelligent than myself. The ONLY thing that unsuits them for combat is their physical strength and emotinal makeup. I have no doubt that our quickly becoming unisex society will breed even the emotionalism from women in time. Then they will become killers like men. Then who will nuture us? Think about it, what has happened to familys without fulltime moms? And what will happen to society without the gentleness only women can impart? Who will we come home to after the war if we have all fought in it?
  12. Hey, how is the J29 Tunnan coming along these days? That was a cool little fighter someone was making. Anyone know?
  13. You can see my SF video here...http://www.members.cox.net/pcpilot/video/F4Topgun.WMV There are two more good ones here by MajorLee...http://www.major-lee.net/P1.html And the best one for last here...http://www.craigmusgrove.com/tim/radarriderlarge.wmv
  14. VERY nice Dave, got it in my favorites. Like Beer, Im lookin forward to that A-7. The fitter will be bad to the bone too, hehe.
  15. A carrier pilot's view

    DANG! Almost jumped outta my skin! Talk about a hairraising job, hehe. :shock: By the way, which carrier do you think that is? You probably know cheif so hold off before answering, lets see if someone else can guess it. I dont know myself. Cant tell if its got a stack or not so unsure if its nucleur. Cant see the name clearly on the stern. Also, what the heck is that grate like thing hangin down on the stern to the water??? :?
  16. another french joke

  17. My son, pictures from Iraq...

    Dang Dutchy, your right, he does look like goose! ROFLOL! Im gonna call him goose from now on, hehe. Ill let him know you guys said hello. As for what his unit does there, I dont know for sure as he has been very tight lipped. Yes, the rivers are navigable quite a ways inland, I think, all the way to bagdad but I could be wrong. The Navy since Vietnam has moved great strides in improving its brown water navy and has no problem deploying it in very short notice anywhere. It has become an integral part of local, in theater, combat deployments, formations, etc. I do know that he drives Navy Seals around and that his unit supports Marine amphib units. I do not know yet how much combat, if any, he has seen. I would prefer none...
  18. And you thought you had it bad...talk about the swamp...
  19. Daughter's Navy Pen Pal

    Yeah BABY! The "Dont tread on me flag", LOVE IT! GO NAVY! Nice to see the Kitty Hawk is still givin 'em hell. I pulled plane guard duty behind that tub many a night back in the early '80's on the David R. Ray DD-971 as rescue boat coxswain. Ask your daughter to tell her pal and her shipmates, we at Biohaz love 'em and are mighty proud of them. :D
  20. New Iraqi town names.....

    ...loved #9... ...cant... *gasp* ...stop... *choke* ...laughin... *wipes tears outta eyes*
  21. Ill try to get some screenies tonight, preferablly of you getting shot by me, hehe.
  22. Yes, my screen name is same as here, pcpilot. Ill have a room titled "pcpilots' furball". We can have the settings full real if you wish, though Im not good with the engine controls. I usually set them to simple or whatever its called so I dont have to deal with them. Everything else is real, weps, ammo, fuel, etc. I also like padlock on though I dont usually use it. I also like cockpit off as I like to view whats going on around me but that can be real too if you wish. Ill try to start by 6pm, but we have a big Nascar race tonite with Military Gamers at the taledega track which is my strong track so I cant miss it. I need to kick butt to gain some points. As soon as that race is over, I will be at hyperlobby and start my room. If however one of you care to host and start a room before I get there, then Ill join you. Just call it by your screen name so I can find it. Cya then fellas.
  23. Hi SD, its possible. I get off work at 3pm PST and have a Nascar2003 race with MGG, my club. After that around 6pm PST I can play some IL2 if the time is good for you and anyone else here at Biohaz too for that matter. I had a real good time this evening. Played for an hour and a half on hyperlobby hosting my own room. At one point there was 12 people playing. We had quite a furball goin. I got into a shootout with a pilot in an IL2 (!) who gave me fits. I was flyin an ME109. Never did shoot him down but we both damaged each other pretty good. we had a pretty feirce effort on both parts to manuever in a good position to shoot. Went into rolling scissors several times, with him actually besting me a couple times forcing me to flee since I was faster than him. However, several times I was able to use the yoyo, high and low, to turn inside him and line up shots. His blasted plane was T.O.U.G.H!!! Several people, myself included flew the TB-3 on bombing missions against enemy bases, that is another tough to shoot down plane. I also made a successful attack with a stuka, rolling over into a screaming dive from 2000 meters and placing bombs on top of a gun position taking it out. This after evading an attacking hurricane who did some damage to me. Good game all in all. :D
  24. Never take it for granted, always be vigilant, even here at home. And always remember the cost paid behind that beautiful flag... <S> semper fidelis....

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