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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Sunday evening is possible. I actually work dayshift on Sundays with the scholl district, the rest of the week is swing. I ususally reserve it for MGG but if nothing happens with them we can play. I wont know however till its gametime around 5pm my time. If I can play, I send you an PM at that time. Matter of fatc, Ill send a number of guys here a PM and maybe we can get something going. If this doesnt work, lets aim for next week, say friday evening? Let me know Pal. :)
  2. I made the TU22 and IL28 flyable in the game. I went to do some missions and find that I can only carry one bomb no matter the mission for both aircraft. I thought at first that maybe the mission type was limiting us to only one bomb, but I have found that no matter what mission type, you still only get one bomb. I then checked several websites for the TU22 and sure enough, the TU can carry up to 12,000 kg of bombs and missles. One website said it can carry up to 24 FAB-500 bombs or one FAB-9000 bomb! I then opened the TU22 Data, ini, and loadout files using the extract utility. The loadout.ini file says we can use 12 FAB250 bombs for strike and attack missions. The TU22_data file says under [WeoponStations] that we can carry 12 bomb class wepons up to 9000kg. So theoretically we should be able to carry more than one bomb but I cant figure out why we arent showing more than one bomb in the loadout screen ingame. I havent checked the bombload for the IL28 and know that it was pretty light but I would be surprised if it didnt carry more than one bomb. Can anyone else out there help out and figure why we cant carry more than one bomb for the TU22 and IL28? Also, is there a way to add a bombbay door animation to the data file? It has the line for it, just no animation listed. It looks odd dropping my one bomb thru the fuselage.
  3. The other "Chief" at my house....

    I'd LOVE to see him with the seat scrap of "Iraqi Khaki" hangin outta his mouth, preferably Saddam's seat, hehe.
  4. Hawker, I'd be interested. I think the upload MadJeff mentioned is the way to go. But keep in mind, a LOT of the guys here prefer sounds from the actual aircraft. An F-14 sounds different than a F-4, etc. Now if you were to continue your research and come up with distinct sounds for each aircraft, you'd have people slobberin all over you... :shock: I'd also suggest gettin with someone like Pinch who made the first sound pack, and between the two of you, come up with a comprehensive sound pack. I KNOW you'd have a LOT of takers for that, as there is a lot of room for improvement for ingame sounds. I've no doubt you'll have takers with this F-14 sound too for that matter so dont get depressed and think we arent interested. Thanks for your time and trouble. A LOT of the people here realize what goes into researching something like this.
  5. The post your pic thread

    Hey! Is that the MOON shinin over the horizon there? :shock:
  6. POW Rescue

    This jazzed me to no end to hear that she was rescued. With all my heart I hope the rest of the POW's make it home in one peice too. The news mentioned tonite that the area was cordoned off by Rangers or Delta force, I forget which. Then Navy SEALS went in and took her out. They said there was no shooting in the hospital but quite a bit going in and coming out. I understand the girl had several gunshot wounds I assume from her own firefight and subsequent capture. I had heard she had some broken limbs too but they didnt say on the news. I guess Im old fashioned but I do wish women werent in frontline units, it really bothers me. Yet I know they can do a lot if not actual infantry combat. But that is besides the point I suppose. I still consider her a soldier and as such Im mighty proud of her, and I thank the Good Lord that she is coming home soon. I pray for her speedy recovery. God Speed Jessica!
  7. Welcome Skater to Biohaz

    Welcome to Biohaz pal! :D
  8. A conversation with a US Navy CPO......hehehehe....

    that'd be me...lol!
  9. Military questions

    As long as your vision is correctable, you wont have a problem. As for the anti-depresants and your brother, SD is correct, you should see a recruiter. If there is a way to get you or your brother in, they will find it.
  10. Ill host then unless someone else with a faster machine and cable/dsl wants to. Let me know, when is good. Those times I suggested are just that, a suggestion. If you need a different time, just say so pal. :)
  11. Cripes man! I didnt realize you had posted this, sorry. Now, as to your challenge...You have the gall and dare to challenge ME to combat??!!?? Well, HERE IS MY ANSWER! ...sure dude, anytime, hehe. :D :roll: How about this coming Friday or saturday nite? I work swing shift during the week so those are my two big nites free. Sunday nite I am usually gaming with the Military Gamers Group, MGG. Anyone else is welcome to join too if you wish. SD, Fast Eagle, MJ, and anyone else with the game. Now I am Pacific time. I can start, say at 4pm PST, that would be 7pm for you east coast boys. What kind of machine and connection you got? I have cable on a Pentium3 1ghz. I can host, but better if faster machine host. Whoever host can post his IP via email or PM thru Biohaz. I suggest everyone who wants to play, leave your name here in this thread and the host will pm you his IP. I wouldnt post an IP on the forum if you are cable or DSL because of spamming, hacking idiots like GT, etc.
  12. The post your pic thread

    Loved wearin the Marine uniform. But the one I always wanted to wear cause it meant I was a seagoin man like the rest of my family was this one, that'd be me on the left...its still my favorite, just cant fit into it anymore, hehe. Sorry if its a little big, dont know how to make it smaller. Yeah chief, always liked that khaki uniform too. Wouldnt minded wearin it either.
  13. Lex, I agree that there can be some improvement. I suggest that you start researching on the net and see what you can come up with. Maybe someone with some knowledge of where to start will reply too. Maybe you can PM Pinch and see where he got his sounds. If I get some time, Ill try and see what I come up with and if I find anything usable, Ill PM you. Been a bit busy lately...
  14. Interesting looking plane, havent seen this one before. Good luck with your work. I dont know anything about 3D work, but there are lots of fellas that do if you ever need help, advice, etc. Im with ext, any addition to this sim is needed and appreciated, it'll only make it better.
  15. Hey Beer, look heer...hehe.

    I forgot about this one I had posted awhile back on the MGG website, thought you might grin...a play on "2001, a space oddessy"... :)
  16. The post your pic thread

    Nice dent in the front of that plane there Dice, what have you been doin to my tax dollars bud?
  17. America's Newest Stealth Fighter...

    Good foto, gave me a grin. Bet the Iraqis are thinkin its all too true right now, hehe. SD, yur story reminded me of another early attempt at stealth in WW2. IIRC, it was the Brits who flew a number of aircraft thru searchlight beams, all painted different colors, to see which color hid the aircraft best at night. All the aircraft were spotted, including the one painted flat black, except for one. When the light battery commander asked where the plane was, they were told it had already flown thru. They had it fly thru the beam several times and never spotted it once. Its color? Gloss black, a color still used by spec ops and contraban runners to this day. Seems the light beams tend to reflect off the vehicle and dont cast a silohuette. Watch the shiny black cars and trucks on the streets at night. You'll notice that when they pass thru the shadows, they are more difficult to see distinctly. When I was overseas, when we pulled into Naples, Italy, While we were running liberty boats, we had to keep an eye out at night for the contraban boats. They were high performance boats painted glossy black. Generally, all you saw of them was a blue flame coming from their exhaust pipes and a little wake as they hydra-planed past you going very fast. Once in awhile they were followed by flashing red and blue lights... We heard later what cargo they were hauling that was so valuable to risk jail, care to guess? It wasnt drugs, at least not generally, it wasnt booze, it was cigerettes, US made cigarettes.
  18. The post your pic thread

    Well, I just gotta say, after seein some of you guys pics, I sure feel a LOT better about myself.... :shock: :P ...just pullin yur chains, hehe. I did get a good grin though. :D
  19. The post your pic thread

    All right, you asked for it...this is a few pics I posted on the Military Gamers Group website. The fairly recent pic of me is from 1999 when I was still in the California Natl Guard. Dont have one more recent. Just add a beard, take away more hair on top and paint it all grey and you'll have it... http://www.militarygamers.com/personal18.htm I might also add that any of you military and former military are welcome to request to join the MGG. We need more targets... :0) The main page is here... http://www.militarygamers.com/index2.htm
  20. Hmmmm, hadnt heard of that before. Whenever I was killed before in IL2, I could still see everything. Never had the screen go black like that before. Oh well, me dying in headons isnt uncommon though, you'd think I'd learn... :roll: I did find that I could switch views and continue seeing what was going on. Thanks. So when do you charchters wanna get together for a little mano e mano? Hey I understand if ya dont though, I do have a pretty deadly reputation... :roll:
  21. So now ya got me wondering...is the thrust vectoring problem in SFP1 being squared away in this next patch? That would allow helos of all stripes, along with planes like the Yak-36/38 Forger or the HArrier. That would be...cool... :) Check out these VTOL aircraft, some real oddities...http://www.strange-mecha.com/aircraft/VTOL/VTOL.htm
  22. Yeah, kinda like "what if" scenarios. I do agree that for now the focus should be to get out the "era" aircraft first. But I see no reason why newer a/c couldnt be added later.
  23. Cool, verrrrry cool....did I say that this is cool? Let me reiterate that this is way cool, even totally cool. I mean, its like ... cool... :D F-89...its cool...
  24. Thanks Urubu, glad to hear Marcello's still "painting". Love his skins... :D
  25. Interesting plane pasko. I'll be glad when all these neat models finally have real flight models. I understand now that TK said something about there not being a flight model editor. So you doin that editing long hand? Thats gotta be a pain... Anyway, thanks for all your great work, I love it. I can see me in that cockpit...hehe.

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