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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. YAY! Glad to hear it. Hope the multiplay is gettin squared away. The single missions are gettin old. Any word on a proper mission editor? I'd sure like to roll my own...
  2. Yeah, I love this sim. Way too cool. It seems to run pretty good on my P3 1ghz machine with a Radeon 8500 64 meg card. I do have some graphical glitches occasionally though. Almost everytime I go head on with an enemy, my screen goes black. I have one airbase were I start my missions for the campaign I am building and the end of the runway is raised above the rest of the runway, really weird. I also get an opengl error message when I close the game out. Doesnt seem to affect restarts of the game. Other that that, she runs good. Already played online with a few guys and it was cool. Now all I gotta do is figure out the bombsights.
  3. Geez...

    Sorry for the problems you encountered on your return Jeff. Hope ya nail the slime...
  4. Lookin forward to this bird. It will be a LOT of fun to do the dumbo walk over a target... :shock: :D 8)
  5. WOOHOO! I met the girl of my dreams!

    LOL the youngsters version of affirmative posting action :D Hey good luck Todd, just be considerate and a gentleman, and flash yur grin at her, you'll likely get her attention. :D
  6. See ya for now

    Be careful FE & watch yur six pal. We'll keep the fires bright here till ya get back. From an old serviceman to the new generation... Semper Fi bro.
  7. actually, the bush picture is kinda amusing, hehe. Oughta email that to the pres...
  8. A Soldiers voice from the past...

    Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 13:55:03 -0500 The following passage is from a sermon by a local minister: I want you to close your eyes and picture in your mind the soldier at Valley Forge, as he holds his musket in his bloody hands. He stands barefoot in the snow, the cold wind whipping thru the rags that cover him, starved from lack of food, wounded from months of battle and emotionally scarred from the eternity away from his family surrounded by nothing but death and carnage of war. He stands though, with fire in his eyes and victory on his breath. He looks at us now in anger and disgust and tells us this... "I gave you a birthright of freedom born in the Constitution and now your children graduate too illiterate to read it. I fought in the snow barefoot to give you the freedom to vote and you stay at home because it rains. I left my family destitute to give you the freedom of speech and you remain silent on critical issues, because it might be bad for business. I orphaned my children to give you a government to serve you, and you have allowed it to legislate away your freedoms, to steal democracy from the people by chipping away at the true meaning of the constitution. It's the soldier not the reporter who gives you the freedom of the press. It's the soldier not the poet who gives you the freedom of speech. It's the soldier not the campus organizer who allows you to demonstrate. It's the soldier who salutes the flag, serves the flag, whose coffin is draped with the flag that allows the protester to burn the flag!!! Its the soldier that swore to defend the constitution, from enemies foreign AND domestic." "Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior Amen." Please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our U.S. troops all over this world. Of all the gifts you could give a US Soldier, Prayer is the very best one.
  9. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! :shock: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... :evil: As long as my gun's still in me warm hands, we wont have lost nothin'.
  10. Phantom FYI

    Good story...yeah, takes cajones...
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hmmmm, man those poor Russians sure had some squirrelly lookin pilots... hehehe, couldnt resist...
  12. Found this at SimHq, a little blurb from tk on the status of the second patch. Im glad to hear he is still alive and working on it...http://www.simhq.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cg...c;f=55;t=004458
  13. USS John C. Stennis

    I didnt think your question was stupid at all Dutchy, nothin wrong with askin my friend. I wish I was still in the Navy, Id love to have given you a tour of my ships. Then maybe one day, you could give me a tour of your good country. I just got done readin some books I got on World War2 and the resistance in the German occupied countries. The Netherlands very bravely resisted and saved many jews and allied flyers, and did much to assist in paving the way for their eventual liberation by allied forces, all to thier eternal credit. Sounds like my kinda people... :D Take a look here Dutchy... http://www.cvn74.navy.mil/
  14. Boycott Paris Airshow?

    The French annoy the daylights outta me, but I am not sure this is wise. Sounds too knee jerk to me and Congress excells at that. Isnt there an old saying that, "it isnt a fight till both sides swing." I think we would be a far better example to the world if we put aside our anger and demonstrated our quiet pride in ourselves, our equipment, and our achievements at the airshow.
  15. Warning....this will make some of you very angry....

    Im sure it did snapple, you made mine...well done lad...
  16. LOL! Todd throws in a pic of a troller, hehehe. Good one man!
  17. USS John C. Stennis

    Sheesh...the media, our opponents best allie...after Clinton...
  18. Charlie Daniels, a true American

    Im not exactly pleased with the way our President has went about preparing for this war. I would have liked to see more of a concensus built like his dad did prior to the Persian Gulf war. However, I wonder why it isnt clear to so many the danger Saddam and his kind present to all of us. Saddam has been the aggressor in the Middle East, not the Americans. We didnt start the Iran-Iraq war, Saddam did. We didnt start the Persian Gulf war, Saddam did. Saddam was only a few months from making a nucleur weapon when the Israelis demonstrated the guts to destroy Saddams' plant back in 1980. SAddam has gassed his own people, not to mention his enemies during HIS wars, killing 10's of thousands. Dictators like saddam want nothing but power, the kind of power that comes from complete CONTROL of other humans. He takes peoples dignity. Since he isnt over here, so many feel he isnt a threat. They make excuses for him. Does anyone here really beleive what he says? Ask the people who used to live over there before you condemn this war. Ask an Iraqi-American what he thinks. Ask a Kurd what his opinion of Saddam is. Ask a survivor of Saddams occupation of Kuwait and his torture what he thinks. These people were there and endured his terror. Your claim of big oil and our thirst for it is simplistic, naive, and myopic. You say that we used to support Saddam and so we did. So that makes it ok now to allow his evil to continue? If I suffered from drug use in my youth and say nothing when I see a young person starting the habit, I am wrong bottom line. Just because I used to do drugs, doesnt make it ok to not try to save someone from the same mistake. It doesnt make it ok for them to do drugs just because I used to. The same idea can be applied to our past relationship with Saddam. If anything, we know he is a scumbag even better now. Its time to take him out. DOWN WITH DICTATORS!
  19. USS John C. Stennis

    Speaking as a former Marine and Sailor, ship movements and locations are generally classified. While anyone with a "Janes all the worlds ships book" and a good pair of binocs could easily determine which ships and their class are here in San Diego or any port, you'd hafta be here to find out. Family members have an Ombudsman for that info. Im sure our freind Dutchy isnt a bad guy and I am aware the Netherlanders our among our most cherished allies. Yet I would tend to be averse to diseminating a major ships' movement or location over the internet. Bad guys ears are everywhere and when it comes to the safety of our lads overseas and our nations defences, its best not to take anything for granted. Those lessons were learned at great cost during WW2. My humble opinion, no offence intended.
  20. Charlie Daniels, a true American

    Always liked ole charlie, glad to see he's still given 'em what fer. Ditto FE bein back, glad ta see it. :D
  21. Looks like a real good start crab. It'll be another fun aircraft to fly. Thank you... :D I always liked the French aircraft...now if I could say the same for their politics...hehe.
  22. New Poll!!

    This is a fair question, so I'll answer it...I wouldnt be surprised at all, at what youre saying, considering the rate of support the game seems to get. I have to say that the anticipation of a new mod or plane is what keeps my interest going right now, not the news of a new patch or addon or some other useful bit from the developers and publishers.
  23. Whats a better video card?

    I have enough spare parts to build a second computer. I have two video cards, but cant decide which is best. What do you guys think? I dont think the voodoo is DDR vidram. They are both AGP. Which ever card isnt used will simply be stored as a spare. I know the second computer isnt too strong, but I have a lot of games I can play on it networked to the other one. The second computer will be a celeron 566 w/ 320 MB PC-133 RAM.
  24. Whats a better video card?

    Thanks fellas for your input. Looks like my second machine will have the VooDoo. I always liked that card too.

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