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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. This is just plain cool! Man, am I jazzed...what a great weekend for addon aircraft, hehehe. Feel like a kid in a candy shop..."Hey Mom!, can I have that candy apple red P-51?" :D
  2. That is a very cool plane. I was gonna sound all wise and say it was an Italian plane, which it turns out, is correct. But then i knew someone would ask which one...hehehe. Is this sim gettin better or what? :D
  3. Take a look at this fellas, posted at SimHQ... http://www.simhq.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cg...c;f=55;t=004392
  4. What are we doing to conserve gas?

    Im not eating so many beans these days...
  5. Hehehe...know the feelin'...thats why I never became a ballerina...hehe.
  6. The new sky definately looks better, even real. Good job as usual Dueces.
  7. I agree DB, both of these campaigns sound real good. lookin forward to 'em. Chief, I was on the Indy too...1977-79, 4th Div in charge of the fantail, then went to boats in the 3rd.Div. Made a Med cruise on her. Went to Rota and Mallorca, Spain, Suda Bay, Crete, Hiafa, Is., Toulon and Marsielles, France, Palermo, Sicily, Athens, Greece, and of course genoa and naples, Italy. My son was born while I was away. Never forget homecoming and seein him for the firsttime... Kept singin "gotta see the lights of Tucson" all the way home to the states...
  8. A pal of mine had CFS3 on his 'puter. it seemed to run ok, but I didnt care for it much. IL2 had it beat I felt. Now with FB comin out soon, there's no way Ill go for CFS3. Il2 for ww2, SFP1 for 50's and 60's, lomac for modern. All i need now is a decent ww1 sim.
  9. Fast Eagle sick....

    Glad yur doin better Eagle. I grew up and became the man I am today thanks to all those anti-biotics I took as a kid for pnuemonia. Germs dont even come close to me anymore... Just do what the Doc says and REST. The squadron will keep runnin more or less in yur absence. Then, when yur over the illness, you can chew out all the dopes that screwed things up while you were away. That always made me feel better, hehehe. :D
  10. I think what Ranger is telling you is you need to set the command line "DEBUG' to TRUE. Like this... [Debug] DisplayDebug=TRUE It is part of the HUDData.ini file in the flight folder.
  11. Oh! I forgot to mention, this sim does a pretty good job of modeling your explosive death if you drop bombs from 500 feet or lower. I recommend not any lower than 1000 feet unless you have snakeeye. Havent tried a real low attack with the rockeye, not sure if the canisters were hazardous that low or not.
  12. MJ, I'd like your addy too for a kitty-kick-in...and one of those mugs sounds pretty good too, hehe. Dang, "MJ's Biohaz Emporium", Fly and Buy at its best... :D
  13. Id love to see an F111 in SF. I have the Time Life series on the "Vietnam Experiance". One of the books talks quite a bit about the F-111 and its use in 'Nam. Jag is correct about the structural problems. A lot of planes were lost, I think the book said half of the original contigent, because of a failure in the swing wings' pivot pins. They were actually pulled out of service for awhile until the problem was figured out. Apparently, planes were going out and not coming back, lost in the jungles somewhere. Once the problem was cleared up, they returned, I think the book said 1970 or '71. A standard large airstrike was usually followed by 2 or 3 single F-111's attacking just after the all clear was given. The NVN's hated it. By this time the plane had the laser designators and were very precise in their attacks. This would be VERY cool to model in the game.
  14. To add alittle to hedu's post on Dive bombing... I find it is the easiest way to get bombs on or near target. I will generally appraoch at around 10K feet, chop throttle and drop the airbrakes as Hedu suggested, then dive. I usually drop the entire load of bombs at around 2k, then retract the airbrake, and hit the throttle, zooming out from the target, weaving, as fast as possible. If flak is heavy, Ill drop lower and zoom right above the ground out from target. The lower you are, especially following terrain, the harder it is to hit you generally. Putting buildings and trees between you and the flak gunners helps your survival with the gunners, but you best not hiccup... :shock: :D I dont usually drop flaps if there is a lot of flak becuase it takes awhile to slow and going that slow just makes you an easier target. If I find I have missed the target, then I will try a follow up with rockets and guns if I have them, often using the same approach technique. The best thing I can suggest for level bombing is to get used to using the same altitudes and speeds when bombing and just practice your timing at dropping the ordnance. Once you are good at say, 2ooo feet, going at 500knots, then practice at 1000 feet going 750 knots. Dont want the enemy to know your exact alt. and speed do ya? :D Good Luck...
  15. We gots tons of great birds comin our way from a LOT of effort from a LOT of people with a LOT of other people anticipatin' those planes release... and not a one of them to my knowledge has an accurate flight model. They have to rely of FM's already done and in the game for entirely different aircraft, or do them the long handed way with a LOT of trial and error. Come on TK, you wanted this sim to be open arch. So allow this work to be finished, and these people's hopes for this sim youve done to be fullfilled, I respectfully ask you to please release the FM editor, they need it now... Lets consider this a petition, everyone sign it please and show your support for the efforts of TK in bringing us this sim and improving it, but also in the outstanding efforts of so many others to make it even better with GREAT, ACCURATE, QUALITY addons. Special thanks to LVP, Gecko, WpnSgt, Boopidoo, Volksjager, Digital Overload, ArmourDave, BigBeer, USAFMTL, Fleet Defender, Pasko, Crab_02, Crisis, Swede, and many others. Thanks for your time and efforts, they are appreciated.
  16. :shock: WHOA! I guess I wont be modeling any Flight models...hehe. You know, Im not even sure there is such a thing as a FM Editor. If there is, I hope TK will say so and release it for public use. If there isnt, then he sure had a chore doing the FM's for all the release aircraft. WOW!
  17. Im sorry to hear that. If this is about the row with Thurber, then I guess its a reminder that our behaivour can influence those around us for good or otherwise. Speaking for myself, if I offended Leon, my apologies...
  18. Blast it all Marcello! Ya caused me to slobber all over my keyboard AGAIN! This is starting to cost me, havin to run out for a new KB everytime... :D Outstanding as usual mi amigo. :D
  19. How do I make a video?

    Take a look at these threads if you want a SFP1 movie... http://forum.biohazcentral.com/viewtopic.p...highlight=fraps http://forum.biohazcentral.com/viewtopic.p...highlight=fraps Hope this helps...
  20. Hi Savage, I saw lastnite on SimHQ a posting that the Thud will be released a week from now and another plane which I cant remember in two weeks. I would give you the thread link but SimHQ is down again.
  21. On the day of my 18th birthday, in 1975 I might add, not one person said "happy B'day". All I heard was "GET OFF THE BUS MAGGOT!" clearly spoken by a Marine D.I. in San Diego MCRD. AAAAH, memories... Happy Birthday D.O. and many more my young freind... :D
  22. You guys probably already know about this site but thought I'd post it anyway. Gramps is on the SimHQ forum a lot and seems to be a pretty nice joe. He has some skins worth taking a look at, and I think he's workin on a B-36 project which would be verrrrrry kewl. He finishes that bird and Ill kiss him on his bald little noggin'... :D ...assuming of course he has a bald spot on his noggin'... http://www.grampsvmf214.0catch.com/
  23. Jeff call off your SPAM GOONS

    Never got any spam here. That fellow sure was strange. I went back and looked at his profile which didnt say anything about himself, then took a look at all his posts. Nearly every one was negative in some way. If he is Galen thurber as I suspect he likely is, its weird how he calls himself a Christian and says the things he does, kinda like the KKK and Nazis callin themselves christian. Guess its like the bible says, "Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them" Matthew 7:20.
  24. Hehehe, looks good man, cant wait. Had to throw in a picture of the Phantom doin its "thang"... :D Also, here is a REALLY good data webpage on this "commie" bird... http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/russia/bomber/tu-95.htm It has LOTS of specifacations and a good number of pix.
  25. Nice replies fellas, your a good example of why I like this forum. You are correct urubu, Marc's sight is slow as molassis in January and I got cable too. I expect it is his server provider, maybe behind some maladjusted firewall or something. It'll likely get worked out eventually. I just do what I always did on 56K and go get a cup o' joe while waiting.

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