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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Amraam, I installed the addon and the sound works great, sounds very cool. Big problem though...I have a HUGE drop in framerates. Not sure what is causing it. tried several different aircraft but sim is nearly unplayable. I am gonna uninstall it tommorrow and see what happens.
  2. Thanks Amraam, Ill give it a whirl and see how she floats...
  3. Two great illustrations......

    GO NAVY!
  4. YAY! Allright Carb! Well done pal, hope to see it soon, preferably in Jarhead colors... :D
  5. YAY! Allright Carb! Well done pal, hope to see it soon, preferably in Jarhead colors... :D
  6. Dang man, that looks good! :D Ill be downloadin that baby! Good job Galanti...
  7. Just got done doin a clean install and it works great. Well done Pasko and thanks for the effort. Nailed 3 aircraft out of 4 missiles fired first mission. Sure wish it had a gun though, hehe. :)
  8. Hehe, I guess I tried the same thing Mabroc did in your post above. Thanks Pasco, I will try again tonite when I get home from work. I think what threw me was the loadout screen. I figured something wasnt right. However, I think when I tried it, I got the SA-2 in the nose effect seen above in the picture. If that happens again, what is wrong?
  9. Pasco, There apparently was a number of things you left unsaid in the readme. Suggestion: Assume everyone who reads your readme has no clue as to how to make things work, like me... -I didnt realize at first that I was supposed to copy and paste the entries you made for the _data.ini and _loadout.ini and thus eliminating the old entries in those files. -Took me awhile ti figure out that the two lines that I was supposed to add to the right and left wings needed to be consecutively numbered with the other 3 "system names"...like this... SystemName[001]=RightFlap SystemName[002]=RightWingStation SystemName[003]=RightOuterWingStation <----Line added SystemName[004]=RightMainGear -The weapons station sections' data needed to be copied and pasted too after removing the old entries. -In the allowed weapon class line, For the outer wing stations, the only allowed wep is FT or fuel tank. -For the Right and Left wing stations, the allowed weapons class is not the AA-1, it is the standard Mig wep loadout. -I still havent been able to make the rails showup. I have finally been able to add all four stations after quite a bit of...shall we say, stress? I was able to make all 4 stations carry the standard MiG loadout. However, first, i cannot see a weps pylon or rail, second, I do not know what the AA-1 designation is for the allowedweaponsclass line. What is it called in the allowedWeaponsClass line? Not tryin to be a crab, just wanted you to know there was a problem with the readme. I really like your work and look forward to wasting some unsuspecting roundeyes soon with my new MiG. PS. It also seems that I can use the skins from my regular MiG-17 to spruce up the -PFU. I am also working on a hanger screen for the plane.
  10. Looks very nice, cant wait. I always need reinforcements for my AirFleet.
  11. IIIIIIIIII LIKE IT!!! :D Psssst...Any word on when this might be realeased? Ill keep it a secret... 8)
  12. Thanks Pasco, I like the idea myself. Im gonna give it a try and see what happens. In your readme you said it cant be painted over easily...are you talking about skinning the plane? I was hoping to try some of your other Mig-17 skins on this A/C.
  13. AnyOne?

    You can say that again...
  14. Is there a way to enable wingtip smoke? Would love to do some movies on BFM's.
  15. :(

    Yeah, it is depressing to see another good bird bite it. Maybe we can start a "save a phantom phoundation". We can pool our resources and save enough to buy at least one anyway if not a whole squadron. Those in our group who know how to fix it can make it fly, those who can fly it can drive everyone else around to special phantom aphairs. It could be named the "biohaz boat". Phairly Mahvelous! Simply Maaaahvelous!
  16. Thanks Sal, I had a feeling the numbers were related to size, just didnt know what the correlation was with size to numbers. Still not sure about the colors, gonna hafta experiment there. Now Eagle, are we still changing the vortexG values to what you stated above? ie; VortexG=-7.5.-7.0,-6.5,-6.0,-5.5,-5.0,-4.5,-4.0,-3.5,-3.0,-2.5,-2.0,-1.5,-1.00.0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.0,6.0,6.5,7.0,7.5 By the way Eagle, could you please email me your tutorial? pcpilot@cox.net Thanks...
  17. Dang! You are the MAN! :D Thank you for the time and effort Eagle, this is outstanding. Somebody give this man an Achievement Medal!
  18. Eagle...we stand in awe...I havent had a chance yet today to fool with this anymore, but will try this in a little while and see what it does. Do you think there is a way to make the smoke thinner? Maybe something to do with the particle size under emitter type? Also, I see there is a color code. Is there a way to change the colors say to red and green? I dont know squat about those codes showing under particle color. Again...WOW! :shock: :D
  19. LOL! That had to look funny, ya oughta post a screenie of that, hehehe. I was wondering while I tinker with this, would it be possible to make a new EmitterType for the particlesystem.ini file for our smoke and keep the ship wake Emitter intact?

    Snapple, as time passes after you quit, you will find your lung capacity improving again, and it wont take very long. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself. If you are going to exercise, that will go far in improving the lungs. It will just be a little tough at first so go easy. Dont expect to be superman right off the bat.
  21. So far fellas, no joy. As per your article in the Skunkworks forum, I changed the particlesystem.ini file in the flight folder to reflect the new values for EmitterType094. I then edited the A4-E data file in the objects directory to reflect the lines you stated in your post for the VortexEmitter. Both files reside in their respective directories. I'd save the files after editing, close them, and restart the game to make sure the changes took effect. I tried Dueces suggestion too. I even experimented with ingame resolutions to name one different experiment that might somehow have an effect. All the i's are dotted and t's crossed. Made sure the caps are where they should be, etc. I did not however try the regular engine setup you mentioned in your skunkworks test as it is late and I have to hit the hay. Will try that tommorrow just to make sure the smoke emitter setup in the particlesystem file is correct. Ill let you know how it goes. Thanks again fellas.
  22. Thanks guys for the answers and help. I am trying Sal's suggestions now and will let you all know how they turn out. I expect I will have some questions soon...

    Snapple, Here is what I wrote to Dagger when he said he was quitting. Dont know if it made any sense to him or not, he never said. Maybe it will to you. You are fortunate my freind, you think it is tough to quit now, wait till you smoked or chewed for 20 years. Take a look at some of the cancer patients' pics in the links on the following website link. It scared the hell outta me to look at them. Bottom line dude, you got to be tough, nothin in this life is easy thats worth a damn. "Hey Dagger, chewed copenhagen for 22 years. Quit 7 years ago, and except for a few short relapses, finally quit for good 4 years ago. Still wouldnt mind a chew. Its a bit tough when your doing something you associate with it but it can be done. Ya just grit yur teeth and do it. I also learned not to bash myself if I relapsed, it happens. I would just quit again, which of course meant going thru withdrawals again. It was that realization that helped me to finally put a kibosh to the chewin. I also started chewing non tabbacco mint chew which helped some as a placebo. You might check out this webpage...http://www.quittobacco.com/. They sell the mint chew and have some quit smoking programs. And whatever you do, DONT replace smoking with eating! Exercise instead. One last thing...asking the Good Lord for a little help never hurt either, I KNOW he walked with me thru all the ups and downs... I hope I helped. I am real glad I quit. I still find myself grinning from time to time. Feels good not to be a slave to no one or nothing." Godspeed buddy...
  24. Hehehe, I was born in Florida, shoulda heard my Grandparents and cousins down near Ocala... :roll: :D
  25. Check here... http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bbs/Forum55/HTML/001893.html ://http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/bo...ML/001893.html ://http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/bo...ML/001893.html ://http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/bo...ML/001893.html ://http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/bo...ML/001893.html ://http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/bo...ML/001893.html ://http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/bo...ML/001893.html I know its on this forum but I cant find it for the life of me. This is handy becuase I was looking at my second video just when I thought it was done and I was all twitterpated with it when I noticed that my airplane had different callsigns because I used different scenes from different missions. One scene he is Rambler11, the next Cowboy...AAAAAAAAA! I had to remove the info display and start all over again. :evil: As for transitions, in movie maker, at the bottom where you drag and drop in the video clips, on the left side, there is a icon that changes the video panel to "Timeline" from "Storyboard". Timeline will allow you to edit the time of each clip to overlap each other thus making a smooth transition instaed of an ubrupt one. Either transition is useful but better in some circumstances than others depending on what you want the clips to convey to the viewer. You will also notice that when the timeline icon is enabled, the zoom in/out icons are enabled also. try zooming in for more precise placement of transitions, music, sound effects, etc. Now that you know where to look, go to the help section in movie maker for an explanation of how exactly to do the transitions. It involves clicking on the timeline and moving sliders. For an EXCELLENT example of timeline manipulation, take a look at Tim Canada's video "Radar Rider". The best I've seen. The record and framerate numbers that you see while capturing video or watching the clips, even while in Movie Maker, is because FRAPS is on. Once you turn it off, they will go away and you wont see them anymore in the clips. Dang! Almost sound like I know what Im doin...hehe.

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