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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. How did you convert it to mpg, that sounds like a good idea?
  2. This is the best movie I have seen, way too cool! Im an old Riggs fan, loved the movie Heavy Metal, and to see this peice was a real jazz. I actually found myself laughing enjoying it so much. Matter of fact, saw the movie at SimHQ and was coming here to tell everyone. You beat me too it hehe. Good job Tim! :D
  3. When I first imported a avi file from fraps into the Movie maker, converted it into a movie and ran it in the MS media player, my media player automatically hooked up to MS and downloaded some codecs. I never did have a problem with films after that. If media player doesnt do that automatically, then go here... http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df...ng/codinstl.exe This should download the codecs you need. Hopefully, that will take care of your problem. If it doesnt, then I would suggest emailing Fraps with your system specs and athe error message you are recieving.
  4. dj, are you selecting the skin in the loadout screen in Strike Fighters? For instance, say you start a single mission and choose the F4. The game then takes you to the hanger screen right? From there, you can click the loadout button which takes you to the loadout screen where you can modify your weapons loadout. Well, here you can also modify your planes' skin. In the upper right of the loadout screen, you can choose what skin your F4 will wear. if you didnt edit the F4 configuration file correctly, the skin will NOT be listed. If it isnt listed, then take a close look again at the link above in Eagle's post. make sure you follow all the directions carefully. Also, any deviations like a misspell or even whether it is a capitol letter or not will screw you up. Sorry if you already knew this but 14 years of military service tuaght me not to take anything for granted, even things that might seem obvious to me. They may not be so obvious to someone else.
  5. DUUUUUUDE! (aint that how they say it? ) Nice skin! I like the green effect and the tail.
  6. Ya know, that looks very nice! This may become my favorite A-1 skin. Good job Volksjager. <S> :D
  7. Sorry Dirtybird, guess I coulda added where the video is... You can see it at MajorLee's website at http://www.major-lee.net or you can see it from my el quickie slapdash I aint got time to do a proper website here...http://www.members.cox.net/pcpilot/video/F4Topgun.WMV
  8. Hi Cylix, Thank you very much for your kind words about the video. I was introduced to movie making by MajorLee who told me about FRAPS, which is a software you can download from the following link for free. http://www.fraps.com This software will take screen shots, tell you your games' framerate, and capture video of the game while in progress. It is super easy to use, just read the "howto" files on the webpage. I was making movies in a few minutes. Once you have captured your video, it is automatically saved in the fraps folder on your harddrive. You then open Microsofts' Movie Maker which WinMe and XP both have, then import the files into movie maker where you can edit them for length, add sound, etc. A few weak points...The most important is that FRAPS does not capture video well at anything other than 640X480X16 resolution. You will also notice a substantial slowdown in framerates while capturing ingame videos. The F9 key is used to capture video by fraps, it is also used by the game, so there is a conflict there. However, as you can see, the video turned out pretty good. A word though, That video represents about 35 hours of work. Hopefully the next one wont take so long. It was the 3rd incarnation, I wasnt happy with it until this last version, which I might add still has some minor problems. You have an email inbound which says the same thing as this post. Hope this helps and again, thanks. pcpilot
  9. Shuttle Accident

    In 1986, I was in a grocery store getting some breakfast items. I walked up to the line to wait my turn at check out. I noticed everyone staring at a TV on the wall with shocked looks. I asked what was happening and someone said the Challenger had just exploded. I honestly thought it was a joke and almost laughed when I looked at the TV and saw the challenger rise, then suddenly explode. I stood and watched that explosion over and over again before I could bring myself to really beleive it had happened. Like MJ above, I felt a tremendous sense of loss and a deep sorrow over what had happened to those brave people on that flight. Who can ever forget the brave crew of that flight... President Reagen said it best when he quoted that fine poem mentioned above with a real sorrow and warmth in his voice. We all greived with the families. Now, tragically, more brave flyers have been added to the our pantheon of heros...and the loss I feel is no less acute... Their webpage at Nasa... http://science.ksc.nasa.gov/shuttle/missio...on-sts-107.html ...And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God. My sincerest condolences and prayers are offered to the families...
  10. Yes! Very nice skin, love it...
  11. LOL! Ill never look at diet pepsi without seeing this model. Man I hope I dont start flying my soda around thru the air in front of other people... :roll:
  12. I doubt Beer will mind, he has done some other things with the sim also I beleive. I think some other ship work, dont know if he finished it or not. This is very encourageing if he can make it all work. I heard the CV in F-18 was very nice.
  13. Hmmm, viper, you got me on this one. From the sound of it, you are doing everything right. Have you tried another sim altogether to be sure it isnt the stick or its trigger? Anyone got a suggestion?
  14. Im kinda the same way. This sim is an era that I have always looked for. To have it come out unfinished was kinda disappointing. But TK and the community have kept at it, so I am confident things will work out in time.
  15. Hehehe, pretty good shot. Love the damage modeling in IL2. Yeah, that pilots face is turning red...
  16. yeah it is cool. These sims are gettin better aint they... :)
  17. hehehe... I tell ya what pons and dj, one of these days I'd love to go back to Israel for a visit. Maybe come visit you "foriegners", hehehe. :D
  18. Dang! Dont get that pilot mad...nothin like a missle or two...or three, in the ole tailpipe... :shock:
  19. LOL! Kinda like the Navy and its carriers...takes half the Pacific just to stop the darn thing...
  20. Don't be to harsh on him, you apparently can't spell either (look in the bold type) This community is made up of many nationalities and he is at least trying to speak as best as he can. Please don't discourage members from posting, because their language barrier. We need all the people together here to make this game better Well said Eagle, Ranger. I spent time overseas too and it doesnt take long to grasp what folks are sayin. I teased DJ a little about his english but was tryin to do it in a freindly way as I saw he had a sense of humor. I figured I knew what he was sayin and wanted to make him feel welcome. You guys from overseas can practice your english on me anytime... :)
  21. WOW! Cool website with all kinds of goodies listed. Thanks Jersey... :D
  22. Definately a worthy project. Good luck! :)
  23. $1,000 Flight in a Phantom II

    Most excellent story, almost felt like I was riding with you. You lucky bastard major...sir. Ps. Definately a memory worth holdn onto.

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