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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. LOL, pretty cool. Dont think thats an F-8 though. I think its a MiG-17, early version, looks like from an aircraft plant in Caucusus. Dont think it carries missles. Anyone else got some data on this baby?
  2. Dont apologize DJ, I was just teasing you a little. Your english is actually not too bad. I had a feeling somehow when you said you had an Israeli F4 skin that you might be from Israel. Ive been there back in 1979 on the USS Independence when we visited Haifa and tel Aviv. Never went to another place in 3 overseas deployments were we felt more welcome. Welcome to the Biohaz forum friend and if we can help with something, just ask. :D
  3. Lord! I thought my english sucked... no offence intended, just chuckling over here... at least he knows more than one language unlike me...I struggle with my own... :) Like coyote said, there is no Mirage out yet. We ARE all looking forward to its release however. You can upload any skins you have right here on Biohaz. Just join up as a member and go to the upload link found here... http://www.biohazcentral.com/modules.php?o...req=AddDownload By the way dj, where ya from?
  4. *sarcasm on* lomac??!!?? whazzzat? lomac who? asim called lomac? really? where? when? *sarcasm off* All I need for SF is another good patch or two and a mission editor thats relatively easy and straightforward yet capable, kinda like IL2.
  5. 1 month and still not smoking...

    Good job pal. You come to far to quit now, might as well finish the job... :)
  6. Aviation art

    Chief, here are a few more too... http://www.markwaki.com/pages/images/Close...%20NG100SHR.jpg found at http://www.markwaki.com/pages/index.htm http://store2.yimg.com/I/lonavart-store_1720_795561 found at http://store.yahoo.com/lonavart-store/a7cordec.html I have a signed drawing by Ortega of "Gabby" Gabreski with Gabby's autograph...most excellent.
  7. I think I like most the period of Flight it covers, a time of huge improvements from WW2. Like sledge said, its also easier to fly/fight due to simpler technologies, avionics and weps. Still a time when a pilot was more a pilot and less along for the ride to monitor the systems.
  8. Wow Eagle! Those look good. Im gonne hafta try my hand at making some of those.
  9. I'd REALLY like to see those pics if/when you are able to get them Oliver. Might help the modders too. Lookin forward to that SU-17 Sal. Hope you'll have time for the MiG-17.
  10. MJ, are you using DX9? Ive had some strange video anolomies since installing it. Im going back to 8.1 till a new version of 9 comes out.
  11. Tomcat VS Don Garlits Mongoose

    Ya know Chief, I vaguely remember this. I was in the Marine Corps at the time it occured so maybe later I heard about it when I went into the Navyin '77. When i first saw your post I was thinking, Don Garlits??? He aint still racing...naaawwww. Sheesh, talk about a time capsule. These sprouts wont know what we're talkin about, hehehe.
  12. USS Saratoga ferry boat capsizing, December 1990

    It always sucked losin shipmates, espesially when ya knew them. Our ship, the USS Independance, CV-62, lost 8 men in a single deployment. 3 flight deck accidents and 5 aircrew. On our way across to the Med in '79, an S-3 Viking went down with 3 crewmen, I beleive if I remember right somewhere near the Canary Islands. We lost two more when a searching A6 went down. On the USS David R. Ray DD-971, we lost 2 seamen in 2 deployments, both to alcohol related accidents. One, Steve, was a 19 year old farmboy from Nebraska who always had a guitar and a grin. He was one of my sailors in deck Division. I had just left their party in Patayo Beach, Thailand when he fell off a balcony and died six days later from major head damage. To this day I beleive the example us Petty Officers set with all our hard drinkin helped to kill that kid. Ill never forget...
  13. LOL! Yeah its hard bein a dingbat isnt it? Ive had to live with it all my life... sorry part is, as I get older, it aint gettin any better. Now that I have helped to make you feel better, whats the chances of showing some of those helmets you made or is that one the only one? If it is, I might try my luck at doin some helmets.
  14. Hey Volksjager, Just a quick line to say well done and I've added your website to my SF favorites. Lookin forward to this aircraft.
  15. Sith, Im gettin black screens too. Didnt get them before patch except trying to join or host multiplay. Now Ive gotten several, once during a campaign, and a couple I think launching missions. I have also gotten 3 trying to join multiplay, just like prepatch times. Like you, I found that if I reboot, it seems to work ok. DK, thanks for the headsup with the file checker, gonna do that now. Its discouraging to have to reinstall a game to apply a patch. Now I got to reboot to play the game. Like I said MJ, I feel your pain, I getting the same one...I know where it hurts, its somewhere around my backside...
  16. After raeding your intial post MJ, I have to say I cant blame you. This game has been a frustration. Your point about us being beta testers is right on. I dont like it either. I buy games to enjoy. And while this one has so much potential, it hasnt been realized yet. So many key parts of the game are missing too like an editor, FF, and direct connect. Yet I have looked forward to this era's coverage for a long time. TK's efforts to get this first patch out and the community efforts at improving it are encouraging. as long as I see work continuing by TK to fix this game and get it were it should be in relation to other sims, Ill continue to support it and play it. Yes despite some problems, I still get a bang out of it. If they stop efforts before I feel its done, Ill never buy another SF or TK product again, period. I think what makes this game bearable right now is this great community. Guys like Ranger, you, Dagger, DK, etc. just to name a few, keep things interesting. Dang! Im gettin all choked up again...time for another group hug... :roll: :D
  17. In IL2 those tanks wouldnt let you park there...
  18. I agre with Dagger and Rogue. I have waited a long time for this game really looking forward to the era it covers aircraft. I think we all knew this first patch wouldnt be an end-all, cure-all. It has taken care of some significant things and is a good step forward. Yes, there is still a LOT of work yet to do so TK after your break, get hot my freind... :) We need that mission editor, a direct connection option, and some force feedback. The Mission editor espesialy, I would like to be able to place ground units and air units giving them waypoints like you can in IL2. I also agree with Rogue, strategy First commited a MAJOR blunder releasing this game early in beta stage, (and thats being kind). I wont be buying any SF products without a very close look on the game forums and a decent demo. They lost my confidence.
  19. Bill Mauldin, the cartoonist and creator of Willie and Joe of WW2 fame passed away today at the age of 81. The man was a soldier and told the story of the foot slogger with heart and humor. One cartoon...Willie and Joe are sitting under a tree dead tired after a big fight with the nazis. An American Officer strode past them with a determined look on his face heading for the front a short distance away. Willie and Joe look at each other and one says, "He aint no combat man." The other replies, "Yeah, he's LOOKIN fer a fight..." <S>
  20. This is a letter that went out a few months or so ago asking all his old pals who remember reading Willie and Joe during the war to help out Bill. He was sick in a bed in a nursing home and needed his pals. The article is here...http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/FJ6/Dillow.html. An excerpt from the letter... "For those too young to remember, Bill Mauldin was one of the most famous Americans of World War II. Starting out as an Army infantry private who drew military-life cartoons on the side, he later became a full- time cartoonist for Stars and Stripes, The GI newspaper. His cartoons also appeared in syndication in newspapers across the United States. Mauldin's two main characters were a couple of dogface infantrymen named Willie and Joe. Dirty, unshaven, squatting in muddy foxholes and griping all the while, they represented the millions of ordinary citizen-soldiers for whom the war wasn't a path to glory, bot rather a hard, miserable juob that simply had to be done. And yet, like so many GIs, Willie and Joe somehow found humor in even the toughest situations. High-ranking officers, who were frequently the targets of Willie and Joe's foxhole jokes and gripes, may not have approved of Mauldin's anti-authoritarian outlook and the stand-up-for-the-little-guy tone. But ordinary GIs loved Willie and Joe - and love Bill Mauldin for creating them. So did millions of other Americans. Sgt. Bill Mauldin became one of the most popular cartoonists in American history, and in 1945, at age 23, he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize." A couple of Willie and Joe cartoons from the war... http://www.45thdivisionmuseum.com/Mainmuse...um/Mauldin2.htm.
  21. After playing something like 60 missions I finally had two lockups in fairly close succesion. The first was when I hit the ground and exploded after being shot down. Suddenly the mouse locks, then frees itself leaving another curser where it froze. After that nothing worked, not escape, not even Cntrl, alt, delete. I had to use reset. The second time was was whn I was in the hanger screen and pushed the loadout button, BinG! Lockup! This time no mouse ghost, just solid lockup. Had to use reset again. Anyone else having this problem? I also have noticed a problem with the control settings where I try to map my keyboard and stick. I try to make a new setting and it keeps going back to the original setting or it clickis something else that was under the menu I was clicking. Does that make sense? Dont know how to explain it better. Just wanted to let you know TK. I guess it might also help to add my system specs... Pentium3 @ 1ghz 320mb pc133 RAM Radeon 8500 w/64mb VidRam Intel motherboard w/815E chipset SBLive! XGamer 5.1 SB 5.1 5300 surround speakers Logitech FF joystick latest and greatest drivers and bios for everything HardDrive has been reformatted recently, scandisk ran, and defragged. Over 2 gb free on HD, plenty for file cache, etc.
  22. Hopefully "Service Pack 2" will take care of this...and add Force Feedback.
  23. I LOVE YOU GUYS! All these NEAT toys. Gosh, Im gettin all emotional...time for a group hug... :shock: :roll:
  24. Marfighters already has a skin??!!?? Dang that boy is on his TOES! :shock: :D I thought that model was reall too, hehehe. And we have COCKPIT TOO? oh no...Im starting to salivate...must...protect...keyboard...
  25. Where are the aircraft data files stored in the games' folder? I hope I didnt overwrite the new updated files with my old ones when I overwrote the objects/aircraft folder with my original with all the addons skins, aircraft, and configuration files.

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