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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Like Fast Eagle said, do a complete delete and reinstall of the game, then apply patch. I found that some folders were still left after delete, so I got rid of them too before reinstall. I backed up the my objects/aircraft folder with all my addon aircraft and skins on my desktop and after reinstall and patch job, overwrote the objects/aircraft folder with my original. Everything so far seems to work fine. Been able to connect to both Gamespy and Hyperlobby. Like Todd said, it works better with patch than without. I couldnt connect at all without patch. Also chatted in HL in the hangerscreen part with no probs. Havent tried the team select part though.
  2. Ill download your hanger screens when they are ready, both of you guys. Now all we'll need is the planes...
  3. Viper the new skins I have, Idid like you and backed up the objects/aircraft folder onto my desktop, just not the whole objects folder, only the aircraft folder. After uninstalling the game and then reinstalling it and applying patch, I simply overwrote the objects/aircraft folder with my original with all my skins and updated .ini files. It seems to work fine in both singleplay and multiplay. Even the addon aircraft like the MiG-21 Lancer, AC-130, and A-1 Skyraider are all there. I have not tried my air to ground weapons yet so cant tell what is happening with you.
  4. Im still haveing the bouncy effect too. I also noticed in the readme with the patch that collisions still dont work except with the ground. I noticed a A-1 skyraider go right thru my MiG during one flight last nite.
  5. I installed the patch into a fresh install of SF. I then added the Euro tileset. When I flew a mission, get this...the wierdest thing happened. My airplane just fell out of the sky where it started despite high throttle. After my unexpected death, I switched views to the other Mig-17's in my flight and they were still flying sloooowly but in a 45 degree yaw to the right! Im not sure what happened here. I am still experimenting to see if I can figure this out. The tileset worked fine before the patch and reinstall of the game. Just thought I'd let you know about this...
  6. You probably already know this but Ill mention it anyway...make sure your loadout screens are Bitmaps at 1024X768. Any other size or file format and they wont work. Hope this helps.
  7. DOH! Comeon fellas, lighten up. First row Ive heard in Biohaz and its a mere misunderstanding. Once the patch is out we can merrily kill each other to our hearts content. Until then, lets be buds. Cant we all just get along?? Now comeone, lets have a group hug here...comeon...there, now wasnt that better? HEY!!! git your hand offa my butt! Who did that?
  8. Ive got things to do this morning and you post this! It aint fair I tell ya...oh well, chores will hafta wait...
  9. This is the video I wanted to upload at Biohaz when the upload function was messed up. Tell me what you think. This is the second version. I am working on a third version of it. http://www.members.cox.net/pcpilot/video/F4Topgun.WMV Thanks...
  10. Any idea when the patch will be available Jeff? As in what time? I doubt midnite will be time. Just curious, doubt they told you.
  11. Ya know, that looks pretty cool. Never seen that one before.
  12. US spies in WW2-their finest hour

    LOL! I'd like to take that challenge and give him a good wollop! :o
  13. How to say gotcha

    That pilots day is about to take a dump...
  14. Just when you thought you've seen it all

    Quality television...brought to you by FOX... :?
  15. Me262 being brought back to life.

    That was a pretty impresive landing. A real nail biter. I hadnt heard of this project. So for 2 million a pop, does that include the 30mm cannon?
  16. WOW! I gotta say Swede that that aircraft model is lookin good dude! Cant wait... :D
  17. I found this this morning on the SimHQ forums...http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...TML/003525.html Check it out NOW DUDES! :shock: :D
  18. Armchair Empire..

    Yeah good luck DK. And like Jeff said, if ya want to do some articles for Biohaz, please do.
  19. Check out this video of this new device that allows you to pan the view by simply moving your head, among other things. This is WAY cool! Situational awareness in computer gaming just took a quantom leap! $129, Now before I rush out and buy this new toy... Has anyone heard anything more about this? Is there any problems/bugs/irradiated brains oozing out peoples' ears? Video is found here... http://games.naturalpoint.com/sidebar/imag...ackIR_small.wmv
  20. Im looking forward to the review Jeff. Im real interested in this device, it could really improve the realism and sit awareness. I am wondering though why it runs so slow for Fast Eagle. I doubt he is alone having problems with framerates, etc. The setup doesnt really bother me, I can figure it out eventually. Were did you guys get yours? From the Manufacturer online or some store like CompUSA?
  21. How fast is your computer. I have a P3 1ghz with Radeon 8500 64MBDDR.
  22. Who wants to be in a movie!!!!

    Sign me up as a MiG jockey. Been studying the tactics they used. Good to know yur former enemy... My only problem has been being able to connect online. I also been using a program called FRAPS, downloadable from http://www.fraps.com/. You then use Windows Movie Maker to import the avi's and edit them into a movie. Majorlee turned me on to it after I wrote him and expressed an interest in making ingame movies. The only drawback is that the game resolution has to be 640X480X16. Newer versions of FRAPS will hopefully take care of that issue. For a sample of a FRAPS made movie, click here...http://www.major-lee.net/images/Marine_Ama...mazingGrace.WMV.
  23. That is just plain cool! Thanks duesces, nice work. Cant wait till its done. Reminds me of Eurofighter.
  24. Yes, you can get rid of the radar in upper corner... go to C:Program FilesStrategy FirstStrike FightersFlight In the HUDData.ini file under the "display004" heading, edit the two lines for hieght and width to show no values like this... [Display004] DisplayType=RADAR PosX=0.865 PosY=0.015 Width= Height= Alpha=0.60 InitTime=2.0 ...thought I would try to contribute something positive before I flew out the door... :D
  25. whoops... :shock: *reaches up and pulls foot out of mouth*... *toothy grin*... *backs slowly out of room*... *runs like hell*... "gimme 3 steps, gimme 3 steps mister, gimme 3 steps for the door..." "gimme 3 steps, gimme 3 steps mister, an' ya wont see me no mo..." (old rock song by ...can you guess?)

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