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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Now if that was me behind the Falcon, with my bald head, the thrust would simply deflect and my dome would glow... :shock:
  2. Hey Jeager! Where'd ya get the saucy little redhead? She's my kinda gal... :shock: :D Wait a minute...the thought occured to me...yes, I'm slow...you a gal jeager? Or you just got good taste?
  3. I do feel that this is the best forum, its certainly my favorite. Everyone gets along pretty well and the focus is SF and makin it better. I didnt care for the way Buz and others were hacked on in SimHQ for commenting on the quality of the game and the status of the patch.
  4. Yeah, its a trick landin aint it chief... Im with you, the F-4 was/is/always will look bad to the bone.
  5. HA! Got a target on radar...selected it and watched the two brackets move down and mark the radar target. Then attempted succesfully to aquire target... fired sparrow, watched as it homed in, both in missle view and target view.... BOOM! WHAM! KABLOOIE! Instant scrap, hehehe. I love it when a BVR missile attack works... :D
  6. Nice skins Volks! Thanks for the hosting there Ranger. I added your site to my SF Favorites. :D
  7. Hey MadJeff, I've been trying to upload a video and have been unable to do it. Keep getting some error message. It is 5.3MB zipped. I thought it would upload as it isnt too big. Is there a way to break the file into smaller parts if nessesary? I also tried emailing it to a freind, no bueno there either. I was hoping you or maybe someone else might host it if it is good enough. ..I like it. :D Thanks...
  8. Im glad you know what your doing. I couldnt figure out what it was...mystery of the month... Once its working Ill try again. You can let me know what you think of the video. Im no artist or anything so any critism will be taken fairly well... :)
  9. HOLY MACKERAL! I hope they made it... :shock:
  10. tried...another error msg... Upload Error: Could not upload Attachment to ./files/F4Topgun.zip. RATS!
  11. The error msg I get when trying to upload it at Biohaz is this... Warning: Unable to open '' for reading: No such file or directory in /home/virtual/site10/fst/var/www/html/modules/Downloads/dl-adddownload.php on line 342 Maybe this isnt chinese to someone out there... :?
  12. By the way Pasko, I have been enjoying this iteration of the MiG quite a bit. It is really a hotrod. I like the skin too. Matter of fact, it was featured in my first ever video using fraps. I just wanted to say thank you for the work, its very cool. :D
  13. Hi Eagle, this is simply a video I did ingame Strike Fighters using FRAPS and MS Movie Maker and put to music. I added opening and closing screen bmp's I put together in paint. It shows some good shots of an F4 in air combat and displays the 3d models' animations like flaps, etc., its cockpit, and weps. It runs about 3.35 minutes and weighs zipped at around 5.3MB. If you are still interested, how might I send it to you? My email server, cox, seems to choke at the last little bit of data. Is there a way to break this file down to smaller files?
  14. If ya get a in situation again that is similar, try going to weapons view and watch the missle as it flys and see what it does. Just a thought...
  15. Best Sim A.I in your opinion

    I have only flown a few sims, SWOTL, F22 Lightening3, A10, CFS2, Aces High, (which doesnt have AI), IL2, but my favorite with the toughest AI has got to be IL2. They make you work for your kills, you need to know at least something about aerial manuevers to get on their tails. They also tend to be persistant, like pesky little bugs buzzin aound ya spittin 20mm.
  16. Quitting smoking!!

    Hey Dagger, chewed copenhagen for 22 years. Quit 7 years ago, and except for a few short relapses, finally quit for good 4 years ago. Still wouldnt mind a chew. Its a bit tough when your doing something you associate with it but it can be done. Ya just grit yur teeth and do it. I also learned not to bash myself if I relapsed, it happens. I would just quit again, which of course meant going thru withdrawals again. It was that realization that helped me to finally put a kibosh to the chewin. I also started chewing non tabbacco mint chew which helped some as a placebo. You might check out this webpage...http://www.quittobacco.com/. They sell the mint chew and have some quit smoking programs. And whatever you do, DONT replace smoking with eating! Exercise instead. One last thing...asking the Good Lord for a little help never hurt either, I KNOW he walked with me thru all the ups and downs... I hope I helped. I am real glad I quit. I still find myself grinning from time to time. Feels good not to be a slave to no one or nothing.

    Hehehe, yeah, I know what ya mean jeff. This sprout was 3 and I was about 30! LOL! Two of my old favorites for Naval combat were/are Great Naval Battles of the North Atlantic", WHICH I might add is still available, beleive it or not thru these people... http://www.navalwarfare.org/ for $20 in a "package" of 9 other old games/software. I loved this game cause you could not only "go strategic" and manage your forces and their deployment, but once contact was made with enemy surface forces, you went "tactical" and slugged it out. The other favorite was "Complete carriers at War" by SSG which is also still available from their website. It was something like Avalon Hills' Flattops which was probably my favorite board game of all time. *sniff* dang... :roll:
  18. For those who are eagerly awaiting Il-2 FB (P-51 pic)

    Ya know, I didnt know they were gonna do a P51. Is this Oleg's aircraft or someone else's that will be added in? I liked the looks of the P-47 addin. This looks snazzy too. Bet there will be a ton of skins for it eh? I'd love to see the props get as good as this in SFP1.
  19. Hmmm, interesting. Glad to hear it is progressing. I'll be lookin for MajorLee's comments. Thanks Dagger.
  20. Thanks Dagger. I got mine to fly now thanks to you. I have noticed that the black line is connected to the planes shadow on the ground. I also noticed the black square around the prop. It however wasnt always there. It seemed to come and go. I also thought the prop looked flat, not 3D I also noticed that I could not choose any weps that I had loaded before takeoff, very wierd. The weird part was I also noticed that the rocket launchers that I chose all seemed to be on one wing. I also noticed that the plane would disapeer on the ground when I pivoted the view around past the wingtips to the rear quarter area. All I could see was the weps and occasionally the pilot. I also could not make the flaps work except in the air at slow speed. They didnt seem to work on the ground. Sam for the hook. Well, its got a few bugs yet, but it still looks like a good start. I dont mean to be critical. Im posting this in the hopes of helping work out the bugs with some feedback.
  21. Ranger is what we here on boihaz refer to as a posting freak... Fast Eagle? Well... we all love him, he's... special...
  22. Very nice Crab. That may turn out to be my favorite F4. I Like It!
  23. That is one of the best I've seen pasko. Well Done! Ya got me all twitterpated...
  24. Check out this thread at SimHQ...http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...TML/003045.html Take a look at the movies then look at the SAM hit on the phantom screens. Our wait draws to a close boys... :shock: :D
  25. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I...I...just noticed that I was no longer a ...a ...senior member??!!?? Dang, first time I ever been demoted...*sniff*

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