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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. wow

    Hehehehe, a little giddyup and go eh? :D When I was a sailor on the Independance in 1977-79, I LOVED watchin our hotshot VF-33 and VF-102 pilots put the Phantom thru its paces. That bird always impressed me as something I would NOT want on my six... :shock: ...and the pilots impressed us all as the best there was... <S Boys>
  2. You know, its funny that you posted these stories Eagle, I was just coming on to post a great story I read on the last flight of the F-8 Crusader. Its to big to copy and paste but its located here...http://www.vought.com/vspecial/html/last-flight.html and definately worth reading.
  3. WOW! Excellent resource for the F4! Thanks! Ill definately be using this in the future.
  4. Just curious Fast Eagle, what book was that you quoted from?
  5. Hiya people, I uploaded some front view line drawings very early this morning to use for the loadout image on the loadout page for all the AI aircraft and some hopefully soon to be added aircraft. There is a total of 24 aircraft along with a readme for their installation. These were taken from 3 view line drawings I found on the web at http://www.inetres.com/gp/military/ar/index.html and http://avia.russian.ee/air/usa/index.html. I worked these using the Windows paint and Corel. As we are able later to add new weapons, these images can be easily modified by anyone to add or remove hardpoints, etc. 3 of the large aircraft images do have a problem with resizing in the game as they dont look quite right being "squished" somewhat. Perhaps someone with more skill can modify them to fit better, I tried. The SU7 image was taken from the Flyable SU7 at Major Lee's. Otherwise, they are all images found on the net. Hopefully they will add a little snazz to the loadout page.
  6. Thanks for all the work Coyote. I got the new skin and am waitn for the rest. :D
  7. Delta Dart

    Wouldnt mind seein the Dart added to that list. I beleive NORAD used them as intercepters in the North against possible Soviet Bombers coming over the pole. That might be an interesting mission or campaign using Major Lee's Bering Straits maps and somebody modeling a Tupolev bomber...hint...hint...
  8. How about "Puff". A mission to save Khe Sahn or some outfield Ranger base would be cool. :) Still, whats in the works will be very snazzy. :D
  9. *Drool* *Slobber* *Salivate* RATS! I did it again...my keyboard! ARRRGH!
  10. I'm sure we could still use it Mike. :) I think ejectionseats' suggestions are good too. I'd love to see a mystere.
  11. Yes, Huge round of applause for new tiles!
  12. Some things I have noticed... When I am trying to land a large aircraft, like the TU-22 or AN-12 for instance, when I drop flaps to landing, the plane must be forced down to land. So much so that I cant seem to land without hitting the nosewheel first. I actually went down the strip with the nosewheel on the ground and the main gear in the air. I could NOT get it to land until a wing dropped and I crashed. Tried this several times and same result. I noticed at the same time that the wing that hits the ground partially disappeers into it with no ill effects until it is deep in the ground...(!) Isnt this called clipping? I also noticed when I was looking at my planes on the tarmac at a large airbase, that the nosewheel didnt have a shadow. I have seen it in other peoples screens so i know it isnt just my video. Last and most wierd was despite having collisions ON, I have yet to have one despite several times colliding with other aircraft and once a tower. Just wanted TK to know...Thanks.
  13. Yes, I am trying takeoff flaps and very low landing speed. This aircraft had some STOL capabilities kinda like the C130 methinks. (STOL for a very big AC, :0) ) Some planes I know you actually DO hafta force them down because of the lift generated. Thanks for the help DK... :0)
  14. Just for your info Coyote, my MiG-19 is flying with your skin. Ranger, please double check all the hypens, etc in the aircraft file. One mistake and it wont work. Even a cap letter used in a folder name and not used in the aircraft file will screw you up.
  15. Good question Dagger. Im thinkin maybe though that they might be addable with the mission editor, kinda like IL2. Im gonna see what I can figure out on this...
  16. You know, I saw somewhere some pics of a A-37 that someone is working on. We may see it yet in this game. :)
  17. MiG-19! YESSSS! Allright Coyote! Now I got at least one skin for each of my Migs. :D Darn nice lookin CV prototype too. The orange trimmed bird reminds me of the aircraft that came over to qual our flightdeck systems, etc. after we got out of overhaul, CV-62, 1977. Thanks for the headsup ranger! :D
  18. I think your first impressions were quite resonable. What you mentioned as missing, we all pretty much have noticed and grumbled about too. I said almost exact same thing about the lack of eject sequence in a thread in this forum. The non steering nosewheel and useless tailhook have passed thru the fire in the forums too. I appreciated your comments also about no training missions or bombing tutorial, heck, they arent even mentioned in the manual as you stated. Check out the thread here on the A6 and yes we should have a refeuling capability, THAT woulda been cool. So I think we all probably agree that there is a LOT of work yet to be done. Good news is that TK and crew are hot on their end fixing the bugs. He has also said that a mission editor is in the works as well as the hopefully soon release of the nessesary tools for modding. Though as I understand it, a lot of work is already in progrees using readily available software like 3dmax. The community, as small as it is, is an awesome group of people who have more than a passing interest in this timeframe of flight and combat. A LOT of guys are ex military who flew these birds or worked on them. (Make sure ya dont post some silly comment on these aircraft with no basis in fact as someone with experiance will likely call you on it, saw it done at least once already in another forum, hehehe) Now that ya got the game, dont forget to download some skins here at BIOHAZ and elsewhere to spruce it up a bit. Annnnd, dont forget to make your AI aircraft flyable too, they are a blast! I even made my own loadout and hanger bmp's for my MIG fleet. I understand the patch should be out before Christmas now, so all we gotta do is practice till then. Then let the games BEGIN! BWAAAAHAHAHAHA!!! *choke* *ack* *gasp* ...gottta...quit...doin that...
  19. There is an animation for the B57 bombbay doors?!!? If you know where we can find this animation, let me know. Probably in some cab file. Maybe we can use it for the IL29 and TU22. That would be a nice temp fix till the patch. I havent tried this yet either but I think we might be able to carry the max of 24 bombs if we change The TU22_data file under [WeoponStations] to read 24 bombs. Remember that the max loadout wieght is 9000kg to keep it realistic.
  20. Hi Ranger, I found that you can drop 12 bombs without opening the bombbay doors (!) by simple leaving the loadout empty. Dont put a bomb in your loadout, leave it empty, and you have a defualt 12 bombs in your bombbay. The bombbay doors dont do anything. There is no animation and it doesnt matter if they are open or closed. I was posting this on some other forums and TK posted and let me know that the loadout screen has a bug and will be fixed. He didnt mention it but I hope they will give us a bombbay door animation.
  21. Hi fellas, I sure would like to see some Mig-19 and -21 skins. Got a nice set of Mig-17 skins from Major Lee. Some more Su-7 skins would be cool too.
  22. I posted this I think before we learned about MarcFighters. Since then I have downloaded nearly all he has... :) Havent had a bit of trouble with any of them. Now all I need is a few MiG-19 skins and my MiG force will be clothed in style. Then its on to the IL28 and TU22!

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