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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Hi fellas, was on the SimHQ forum and read an update TK put on the forum concerning the patch he is working on. There have been quite a few grumblings so he finally answered them with some good comments, read on... "Stonec1, I do understand your frustration, I’m anxious to get this out as soon as I can myself! But unfortunately, these things just don’t happen instantly. We put together a build (takes a day), put it on out FTP, let beta testers download it (takes a couple days), they run it through its paces (another couple days), they report back to us about the problems, and we make decision on how to act on those reports. If we decide to fix them, that’s another couple of days of fixing, and the process repeats. And weeks can go by in a hurry doing this. FYI, AAA and SAM aren’t the only thing being fixed for the patch - they aren’t even the main concerns. The primary issues we’re trying to address are the CTD’s and other showstopper bugs. The patch will have other quick fixes (such as AAA and SAM) thrown in, but they’re not what’s holding the patch back. Two things that we are waiting to resolve: One is connectivity issue in multiplayer, which was introduced in one of the patch builds (I don’t think it was in the retail build - it’s always three steps forward and two steps back ). At SFI QA, they are unable to stay connected in multiplayer for more than a couple of minutes. We felt this was important enough that we should hold the release and look into it. And we are also waiting for reports from our localization builds, we want to make sure the version they get is compatible with English build, so we’re making sure any changes we have to make there also make into the patch. *IF* the build we currently have in testing passes the muster, and *IF* there are no major changes requested from localization people, then we should have the patch released early next week. If not, it’ll be another build and probably another week. Sorry I wish I could make it go faster, but it just takes time. Razorback, LOL! Li'lJugs, Thanks for your support, but I think you might be barking up the wrong tree... This project was independently funded, so at this point, the only thing SFI is providing is QA support, and not $$$ support. In any event, since $$$ and time go hand in hand, if you’re asking for more $$$, that means you’re asking fore more time (ie, delay the patch), is that what you’re asking for? guderian ente, And yes, subsequent patches will most likely add new features as well TK" End of transmission. This communication module will self-destruct in 10 seconds...9...8...
  2. Qfly, how can I change the type of bomb I carry? Can I add other types of Weapons/bombs too, like maybe the "kitchen" antiship missle?
  3. Thanks for the comments fellas. Your responces give me more food for thought on solving this problem.
  4. Hiya tc. Got to the links page on biohaz. They got several good sites with skins you'll want to add when ya get the game. There is also the capability to make all the AI aircraft flyable, verrrrrry kewl. There are a number of mods waiting for Third Wires release of the nessesary tools. There is no inflight refueling yet, hopefully in an addon or patch eh? The tarmac and base screens look pretty good. owever we have noticed some video clipping when you are on the ground, looks like the wheels sinking in the ground. But other than that and a few other minor problems, this game pretty much rocks. I hope ta shoot ya down soon... :D
  5. LOL! I was always told that "Maaarrrrriiiiiinnnne! was the sound of Sh-- hitting the fan... Well here's one for ya wiseguy... A marine and a Soldier walk into the can at the same time to take a leak. The soldier gets done and walks over to the sink to washup. The Gyrene gets done and heads for the door. The "Mudmuffin" gets indignant and pipes up with, "Hey Mac!, where ya goin? They taught us Army men in bootcamp ta wash our hands after we pee." The grunt stops in his tracks, turns around, and with a cold, calculating stare, tells the benighted G.I...."Well I'm glad ya learned somethin meatball. However They taught us in bootcamp not to pee on our hands in the first place!" hehehehe....
  6. Well, it worked like you said! Yay! If I dont set the bombload and leave it empty, I have 12 bombs. Now if we could just figure out how to change the loadout screen. Thank you for your help Qfly. :D I hope T_K notices this. It is something to fix in a patch methinks for all the AI bombers.
  7. Thank you Qfly very much. I will test it tonight. :D
  8. I have found what I beleive to be the data file for the various aircraft loadouts and what they can carry. It is contained in a file type called .str What is an .str file and how can I open/modify it? Thanks...
  9. Qfly, I am real interested in learning how you manipulated the loadout screen in the game. I am trying to get the TU-22 and IL-28 to carry thier normal bombload and not just one bomb. The Data, ini, and loadout files I extracted from in the aircraftobjectsobjects.cat file all suggest it is capable of carrying 12 bombs, either FAB-250 or -500. Various websites tell me the TU-22 can carry 24 bombs (!) or one FAB-9000 (!). But the ingame loadout screen says only one bomb of either type for both aircraft. help...me...pleeeeaseee....... ... _ _ _ ... (will the aviators pick up the signal?) (should I give another hint?) man, I LOVE messin with airdales... :0)
  10. Aces High

    I been playin Aces High online h2h with 8 players for awhile. It seems to be a pretty good sim. I was wondering what some of you other fellas thought.
  11. I know whatcha mean Hollywood. Obviously this poor "mudmuffin" is sadly deficient in Pacific war history too. Methinks he just wants to raz us to get our ticker wound up. So maybe I'll just humor him...at least till his next post...
  12. Yeah, this is a Kewl game. Cant wait till the patch so my multiplayer gets fixed. I'm really lookin forward to playin and flamin you guys... 8)
  13. Sonic Boom Pics

    Very cool, good timin on the camera, or maybe it was motion picture. Anyway, wish I was in one of those birds...
  14. "Bunz out the Oven"

    Congratulations Injun! What an awesome responsibilty the Good Lord's given us in children...and what a deep honor. The future rests with you dude.
  15. I dont know about wwhiteside but I have all the latest updates from the MS sight for WinMe. I hope the game doesnt have a compatability problem in MP with WinMe. I dont want to get XP.
  16. Anyone got any suggestions for this? I'd sure love to have a more accurate bombload in these aircraft. I beleive the B-57 might have the same problem, though it can carry more than one bomb in the game. It just doesnt carry as much as it could.
  17. ROFLOL! What is there to add, you both said it all... GO NAVY!
  18. Found this gem posted by MajorLee on the SimHQ forum, thought you guys would like to know. Check out the skins at this site! This dude is blowin and goin, turnin and burnin, rotatin and motivatin! Very nice skins AND a couple of repainted cockpits! It can be found here...http://www.marcfighters.hpg.ig.com.br/index.htm
  19. Hi Fellas, Marcello sent me an email telling me that he has some new skins along with some updated and improved skins, most notably, there is several nice F-4E skins including Japan versions, 3 new Mig-21PFM, and a couple new A-4 skins. Thought you would like to know... :0)
  20. You may already know all this so bear with me... First make sure you run scandisk on your harddrive, then defrag it. Second, make darn sure you have all the latest drivers for everything, video, sound, MoBo...everything. Third, make sure you have DirectX 8.1 installed. Fourth, make sure NOTHING is running in the background except "Explorer" and "Systray". Use Cntrl-Alt-Del to do this. Try the game then and see what happens. If it still messes up, then try setting your game settings to the lowest settings, then try restarting the game. If it still messes up, they try uninstalling the game, restart the computer, then reinstall the game. If you encounter any problems with any game or software, this should be your first aid kit. If this doesnt work, I would call ThirdWire Tech support. Hope this helps.
  21. Havent heard but I cant even get his website to come up at all. Its like his server is down or something. By the way, anyone know when Gabby Gabreski passed away? He was a childhood hero of mine... Im sure gonna miss him and his generation, they made America what it is today, we owe them a LOT. God speed pard, we're gonna miss ya...
  22. I just now noticed this, there doesnt seem to be any force feedback in this game!!??!! That is a must have lads, all new sims have it. It makes the game that much more immersive. I sure hope it will be added in the future, that would be one more thing to make this game back seat to other sims.
  23. I agree 100% Ranger on better damage effects. I love the way IL2 models it with peices of wing spar, etc. poking out of the remains of the wing, or a shotup stabilizer showing its ribs. Thats cool. The visuals are probably the most important aspect of a game after its playability. But I personally also like IL2's FF, like when I'm taking off, the bumping down the runway, or the bump of the flaps coming up, or when I am hit by rounds fired by some unlucky, poor, benighted fool who managed to get behind me and who now is only seconds away from a flaming, exploding death because he had the temerity to fire at ME...uh, sorry, I digress... :roll: I just think its one more thing to make the game that much more immersive. If ya dont like it, a good game will allow you to turn it off.
  24. Whiteside, your comments about the sim hearten all of us as you have practicle experiance. Thanks for letting us know about this. How as it you flew a real Mig? Were you in the USAF or Polish AF? Ya got me curious. I'm still learnin how to get off the runway in a computer game...hehehe. As for your black screen, I am having the same problem on my WinMe machine in HyperLobby and Gamespy. I just got the game going for a friend on his WinXP machine and it worked fine in Hyperlobby, didnt test it in Gamespy. I noticed that my machine however wasnt always locked solid. A couple times I could Cntrl-alt-del out of the program. Most of the time however, I have locked like you. I still have yet to fly MP in any way on my machine...

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