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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. "Oh, God. It's Mom!"

    There is NO getting away from the long arm of Mom! I love it, that was great.
  2. On the left of the Object dialog box, under the properties tab, there is a list of parameters: ARMY, AIR FORCE, REGIMENT, SQUADRON, etc. Look at the AIR FORCE parameter. If you have chosen Red for your army, you have chosen allies, so you should then be able to choose which allied air force your plane will fly for.
  3. Now that was a video right thar! Welcome back Gunny.
  4. Pearl Harbor article and photos

    Some pretty nice photos of present day Pearl. I remember cruising past The Arizona when we would come into port. Every man at attention. I know I was thinking about that day. Sent a chill down my spine. http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/this-flying-photogs-haunting-images-reminds-us-of-pearl-1667892561/+darrenorf
  5. Youve heard of SWCC right?

    These guys are pretty cool. Check out this article and video. Seems SWCC isn't invulnerable... http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/watch-a-kamikaze-fish-take-out-a-mini-gun-toting-sailor-1572799750 http://vimeo.com/17449674
  6. With my pre-order I was invited into the alpha testing. The game right now is pretty basic with the focus being combat, However, much is planned for the future. The water and wind is the nicest Ive seen in a game. The ship models are awesome. The combat is fun and challenging. It includes trying to come alongside and board...arrrrrrr! The cannon can be loaded with ball, double shot, grapeshot, or chain for tearing up masts and sails. Damage modeling is good with holes in sails or sides, broken bowsprit, etc. Admittedly, not a lot of animation yet to boarding but the basic mechanics are there. Took a beating. Damage control is overwhelmed...Im going down.
  7. Here is a little movie I put together. Another player and I took on two A.I. 8 gun brigs. We were sailing 6 gun cutters. I had equipped my ship with long range 6lb. "long" guns which gave me a good reach. We both focused our fire on the lead brig initially. I would fire a ranging shot and watch where it landed thru my telescope. Then cut loose with a broadside using solid shot. Eventually I found myself downwind firing at the second brig, leaving the first brig to my squadron mate. After a desperate fight where he sustained much damage, he did manage to sink the brig. By then, I had closed with him and the second brig and we both took it under fire until the AI brig turned away. I turned to give chase and firing chain shot slowed him down. Switching to double shot at close range, I inflicted a great deal of punishment on him and as he started to sink, we were given the victory. Please excuse the video as it is comprised of several 30 second recordings using an unregistered version of fraps. So it doesn't always connect very well between the clips. I didn't add any dialog to it either. But it gives you a good idea of the sights and sounds of the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfUBzS-bPrc&feature=youtu.be
  8. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner dsawan. I don't know if it is moddable yet. Ive also been asking about a game editor. Im not sure the devs have gotten far anough along in the development to answer those questions with any certainty.
  9. I cant keep this a secret...

    You guys have got to see these Japanese commercials...I almost hurt myself laughing. The animated flashdrive whose butt is the usb port...why cant we see this here??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQ6utTt1TcE
  10. Happy Thanksgiving 2014

    Thank you Eric and all CombatAce staff for another good year here. I personally have much to give thanks for. The Good Lord has blessed me with a sweetheart of a wife. We have our own home once again after actually being homeless living in a hotel and jobless for several months. My wifes' double cancer scare from last year turned out to be relatively minor with no cancer, just a thyroid gone bad and a normal growth in her female parts, both of which were taken care of by some skilled surgeons. I now have a job with benefits for both of us, we have a new church with new friends, and Jill found her first job in nearly 6 years here in Missoula which is no mean feat these days at 61 and a broken job history. Thru the difficult times we did our best to hold on to our faith and try to stay positive. God heard our prayers. You bet Im giving thanks.
  11. IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad - first flight!

    Yes, the visuals look pretty nice. Im looking forward to your next installment Lima, thanks again.
  12. One of the fellas on the Naval Action forums made us a video of the UI. Its pretty cool actually... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=379PVePZ9NU
  13. You know, Im going to look into that series myself. Maybe Amazon might have something for kindle. I remember reading books by Adm. Daniel Gallery back when I was a young seaman. There was 5 of them. Some of the best nautical reading Ive ever done. One was a cold war thriller. Another was the true story of his capture of the U-505. And the other 3 were satire about a sailor called Capn Fatso. Great books with good humor.
  14. I couldnt stand it...I had to buy the game. It will come out with a steam key which I am no fan of steam but this looks worth it. Here's the reply I got after the purchase... Dear Customer You have successfully pre-purchased Naval Action. We appreciate the continued trust and support. The steam key for the pre-order and a key for the bonus ship will be sent out to you in the near future. We plan to open up early access for buyers as soon as we do the following: Finish implementation of 10 ship models Finish implementation of basic RPG and upgrades system Connect open world prototype with instances Add new gameplay types Meanwhile please register at our forums if you have not done it yet. This will allow to follow the development and participate in discussions about the product. Game-Labs. Looks like game will start with 10 hulls. Kewl!
  15. Old vs New

    10.7 seconds! THAT is freakin awesome. Always liked the challenger. That new model is just amazing. But I would still give a testicle for that '71. ;)
  16. Dave, a question....

    Whats that new naval game your playing that you mentioned a while back? Do they have it for the PC? I am going freaking NUTS without a good tactical naval game. Guess I need to try Fleet Command again 'cept its always so darn buggy. I really miss good old Fighting Steel. I'd give a testicle if that game ever showed up on gog.com.
  17. Dave, a question....

    I'll give Genymotion a try since its drag and drop. Thanks Fubar. Maybe tommorrow I can pick up Pacific Fleet... :)
  18. Dave, a question....

    Thanks Fubar. Which one of those programs do you use to run the apps on your PC?
  19. Dave, a question....

    Yep, thats the one. I just found out its only for handhelds apparently. Bummer...looks good.
  20. SF2 WW2 PTO P-47N, Ini, Skin/Decal Update Pak

    Nice improvement to the FM. The AI seems to be able to fly the plane a lot better. Skins look great! Thanks.
  21. Greased Lightning

    This'll crack ya up...these guys are pretty good. Found it on http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/very-bored-swedish-marines-parody-greased-lightning-in-1604339457
  22. Here is the Deal. We Need Money...Bad!

    I'm in for a month. Sorry it isnt more. I dont think sim sites get better than CA. Thanks to Eric and Dave and the others fershure.
  23. My GFEST Report

    Now thats a SERIOUS Godzilla collection! Looks like you had a blast pal. Ahhhh, creame brulee...dang, ya got me salivating...lol.
  24. So this is the b*stard responsible for pop ups!

    Sentence him to solitary with nothing to do but close continual popup ads. If he stops for even a moment, add another computer with the same issue. In a years time, he'll be surrounded by screens clogged with continual popups and the annoying little sound windows makes when another one comes up.... BWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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