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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Thanks SD, it seems to work really well. If it is correct, my framerates are pretty poor, only around 10-15. Isnt there a Radeon tweaking utility somewhere? I seem to recall seeing one in the forums somewhere. Ill hafta look and post it here if I find it.
  2. After flying this game for a couple days for a total of about 8 hours, I gotta say the damage modeling is pretty poor. Using IL2 as a benchmark at a score of 10, this game is around a 3, maybe a 4. I get damaged by a missle. Afew holes, a missing airleron and elevator, and some smoke was as good as it got. I have seen the exact same damage on several screens now. Not very different. I did a dive into the ground at a steep angle. All I got was this 2D explosion that quickly disapeered. No hole in the ground or even a burn mark. No debris flying thru the air, nothing else to tell me I was toast. I did a belly landing just now that showed no ill effects to the aircraft or ground. It reminded me of an arcade game. Look, I dont mean to flame. Im stateing what I have seen in this game. In my opinion, it doesnt compare to present simulations that were out a year or more ago, not just in damage modeling, but also a number of key areas too. Like TCP-IP. I havent been able to join a game yet. All I get is a black screen and Im forced to cntrl/alt/del. This happens consistantly in Gamespy and Hyperlobby. And to not have a direct TCP-IP connection ability in a game today cuts deeply into its playability. I read a post were TK said they didnt even want to add TCP-IP unless we all voiced a desire for it! Our only way to connect is thru gamespy or Hyperlobby. Hyperlobby is cool, I have used it for IL2 but so far I cant get it to work even with the SF beta release. Besides, a direct TCP-IP connection gets rid of the program like Gamespy or HL running in the background and frees more resources, right? You gotta be kiddin TK...add the TCP-IP like the other games or you just wont compete. Lo-MAC comes out and this game will be forgotten, despite even the period aircraft that so many have waited for like me. The aircraft look and feel pretty good. They are what keeps this thing afloat in my opinion. Espesially as the modders can do their thing and enhance playability. I do however have a problem with control sometimes. To be on the verge of a stall and start to roll almost uncontrollably at 250+ knots doesnt sound too authentic, though I may be mistaken here. I dont know fellas. I feel like this game is still half done. It doesnt feel like a simulation. It feels like an arcade game, even set at max everything. I dont mean to grumble but momma always told me to, "speak my mind so you dont go out and smack somebody in a fit of temper." So I guess I vented. There, that wasnt so bad now was it?
  3. Cool! Thanks Dagger for doin it and Jeff for hosting it.
  4. LOL, I did the same thing, hehehe.
  5. Fly just a little slower. When you notice green glowing balls flyin past yur canopy, you found some ground targets. Matter of fact, right then might be a good time to look behind you. If you see a pillar of smoke headin yur way, you've found MORE targets... just pullin yur leg... though I might add the aeriel scouts in Vietnam did just that in their loaches... :0)
  6. I gotta say after playin with this sim the last couple days that I really do like it. Im really glad to finally see a 60's sim, its been eagerly awaited by me and a lot of others. This sim does a lot to satisfy that demand. Like everyone else, I can see its "Potential" however, not its complete realization. TK, you boys have done a pretty darn nice job here. But you aint done yet. Now put down that pizza and coke and get to crackin...
  7. Viper, I havent had any probs yet with the autopilot, It seems to work fine. I think DK might be right about your stick, try recalibrating it.
  8. I fianlly got the game two days ago and Im still struggling with it the radar so any tutorial will be much appreciated Dagger, thanks. I did fianlly manage to nail a Mig-21 and two F4's with Sparrows, (whoops), with it set to boresight. Would you beleive I still won an airmedal??!!? :roll:
  9. SHIFT ESCAPE will eject you. However, when you eject, it ends the scenario unlike other sims...no parachute, nothing. I would have loved to see the canopy release, an ejection seat fire off, then the chute deploy. Maybe have a little movie of it that plays when you eject if they cant model it in the game. Then just have the pilot modeled in the sim in a parachute drifting down. How about it TK? Is it possible? It would be a really nice touch and make it more like a simulation...
  10. You know I tried hyper lobby last nite and SFP1 wasnt listed as a lobby, or anything. Dont know the version off hand I have but just got it a couple weeks ago, should be the newest. Is there some procedure for getting hooked up on HL in a game that I am missing? Played IL2 on it no prob. Also havent been able to join a game in Gamespy. I was able to host one apparently but unsure if anyone was able to join or not, no one ever did.
  11. Hi Dagger, according to the manual on page 35 under defensive avionics, the "Decoy Dispenser" is only available on the F-4E Phantom II in later scenarios. It apparently has both flares and chaff. I cannot find anything on the drag chute other than the key command to deploy it. Nothing about what aircraft have it, what max. speed for deploying it, nothing. I do know from past reading and photos that the F-4E and the F-104 starfighter had them. Dont know about the other aircraft. Perhaps a test landing in each aircraft, get below 100 knots and attempt a deployment...
  12. YEAH BABY! Go FATES! Hehehe...
  13. Well, I finally got the game and it seems so far to be pretty good. I like the graphics for the most part though I flew the plane into the ground to see what would happen and the resulting explosion didnt do anything for me, it was pretty weak. The game has loaded and played pretty well so far with the only slow framerates were while I was in the multiplayer screen (!)... go figure. I also can see that I need a very careful hand becuase the FM's are touchy, needing constant attention. But the thing that bothers me most right now is the instant action. I dont expect it to be entirely like IL2 mind you but that setup is outstanding, where you choose the aircraft you and your enemy fly, how many, etc. I suppose I will be able to do that when the editor comes out. But being able to do it quickly without spending what may be a LOT of time building a mission is definately worth something, at least to me. Maybe this can be added later eh? With maps of vietnam, the Middle East, even Russia, etc. perhaps. This adds a tremendous amount of replayability.
  14. Do you target ground targets the same as air targets in this game? I understand the 1960's systems were pretty basic. Still havent got it yet but will Friday...only 8 more hours...come on...come on...
  15. Now THAT is cool, thanks TK and crew! Good for you! 8)
  16. Man, what a sweetheart eh? You lucky dog... Now keep in mind that big monitor is only gonna make it easier for you to see your explosion from my missle strikes... :roll:
  17. Hiya Gunner. I would get a copy of "Computer Edge" magazine. Its a weekly pc rag and is free. When I shop for parts, I use it to check prices. They have an online version which also lists their advertisers with their ads. You can find it here... http://www.computoredge.com/sandiego/. Also frys has a online store located here... http://www.outpost.com/. Frys can have some good prices but a lot of the salesmen are really young, inexperianced, and still trying to wipe thier noses without using their sleeves so beware. Nothing against young people in general, but these salesmen often just got a lot to learn about pc's and sales. Its a good idea to do your research first and go in there with a specific item in mind already. They also have a very good selection on stuff, its like a PC superstore. Make sure though you dont buy something that has been returned and repacked and restocked. If you keep your sales reciept and the original packaging, their return policy is pretty liberal, (except for software which is same as anywhere), I have had no problems there. Hey! Glad to see San Diego so well represented, hehehe. Bob, you said you were in Bullhead. My former Father in law worked there on the dam when they were building it. I dont doubt that its hard to find PC stuff there...Do they even have phones there?
  18. I was wondering...whats the chance of getting some flyable period communist aircraft modded for Strike Fighters? I was thinking like Mig-17's and Mig-21's. It would also be cool to see some Mirages flyable for middle east scenarios. This would certainly make for some interesting online shootouts, espesially with the different performances and weopons. Is there any well known modder websites that may be working on these aircraft? Thanks fellas.
  19. LOL! You know, right after I asked this question, I went over to the skunk works and found just what you are talking about. They also mentioned work on a Mirage and Mig-15, and a SU-something or other. Didnt see a Mig-17 but if thiese aircraft actually happen I doubt it will be long before the -17 comes along. This is gettin cooler by the minute... :D I still havent found any modders websights, so if anyone sees anything, please let me know.
  20. Thanks Jeff, looking forward to it. Get well too pal...
  21. Mainly I think weasal is correct in stating this era of aircraft is one that has been overlooked making this sim eagerly anticipated. These aircraft are ones that all of us are about to blow a gasket waiting to fly. However I'd have to add knight isnt all wrong either. Like him I have been waiting for something about vietnam airwar. While this doesnt have any Vietnam focus or scenarios in it that I know of, there is little doubt the sim community will be coming up with some great scenarios and addon mods. I would love to see a mod for the B-52 made, (doesnt have to be flyable , just AI is good), that would work in this game and then make a campaign for the Christmas '72 Hanoi bombings with you as escort or flying wild weasel. Or how about a MAJOR Rolling Thunder campaign eh? :D
  22. Hi Hollywood and N42. Im a bit new myself but like you I think this ought to be a good online home for my flightsimming. :D I checked out your reviews, look outstanding and sound professional and enthusiastic like you give a flyin banana! Ya! I might take this opportunity to mention that I am a member of the Military Gamers Group which is a bunch of present and former military, police, and emergency services personnel who love to game and are not a little salty. We too are into a number of games with ghost Recon among the very top. Our website is located at http://www.militarygamers.com/index2.htm. Please feel free to visit and Ill let them know about your site too. Hollywood wouldnt be an illusion to San Diego recruit depot would it? ...as in "hollywood Marine? Before I went Navy to see the world, and boy did I see the world!, I was a Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton. Got tired of humpin hills.
  23. Yeah, I love goin down clairemont blvd on paydays with cash in mah pocket, just like when I was in the Navy 'cept those were bars... Soooo many computer shops and soooo little time...hehehe. What part of Az. ya in? I used to live in Tucson, grew up there, rodeo'd in High School. Used to love watchin the evening sunsets and thunderstorms. I have a LOT of good memories about that place.
  24. Now bear with me here, I dont know squat about skinning. But I was wondering, what software do you use to paint your blank skins with? :?:
  25. Oh dont worry too much about me bird dogg, hehe, Ill be gettin the game. Ive waited too long for this one. I think it is like everyone says though...this game has a lot of potential. I just hope its realized. I tend to agree with you and feel TK and crew will square this baby away givin a little time. By the way, thank you for your comments. It actually sounded a lot more positive than I thought it would. Cant wait... :)

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