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Files posted by Pagan

  1. Joint Force Harrier GR9

    An upgraded version of Bobrock and Dave's Harrier GR7 for SF2, to commemorate Joint Force Harrier and the fleet of GR9 aircraft, sadly withdrawn from UK service and sold to the US for spare parts.
    It includes an ugraded weapons capability, upgraded avionic systems and re-painted aircraft and cockpit to resemble (as close as possible) the real Harrier GR9 and the Joint Force Harrier Squadrons and paint schemes (Hi-res skin templates are also in the folder).
    Installation Instructions:
    Download and install Bobrocks Harrier GR7; this adds all the necessary components for the GR9 to work.
    Unzip and copy and paste the folders in the 'Joint Force Harrier GR9' folder into your mods folder overwriting where necessary.
    Add the Squadrons listed in the 'Add To SQUADRONLIST.txt' file to the squadronlist.ini in your 'pilotdata folder'.
    You also need to have following weapons installed:
    Brimstone (& Brimstone3pack)
    Tiald included with Bobrocks Harrier GR7
    RAF Weapons Pack/Modern RAF Smart bombs.
    Feel free to modify the HarrierGr9_Loadout.ini and the 'StationGroupID' in the HarrierGr9_DATA.ini to change the selectable weapon stations in the loadout screen and default weapon types.
    Thanks go to:
    Bobrock & Dave for the original Harrier GR7
    AleDucat for the ejection seat (Martin-Baker Mk.12 for the Harrier GR9 is a repaint of his Martin-Baker Mk.10L).
    All those who posted in the Combatace forum where I learned so much.
    This is my first uploaded project; tested and works in my merged SF2 install, the Hi-res skins work best with graphics detail option set to 'unlimited'.


       (3 reviews)




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