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vf2 ted

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Everything posted by vf2 ted

  1. lol, not upset at all, just trying for a chuckle or two
  2. It's from the Demo of "Beyond the Red Line" a Battlestar Galactica "Simulator" Glad you guys got a chuckle....
  3. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...mp;showfile=917
  4. Custom co-op missions is all this game really lacks. It'd be great to build a mission and fly it with your friends...c'mon Third wire...please...
  5. Sundowner Greek F-4E...

    Nice skin!
  6. Libya Raiders

    El Dorado Canyon...
  7. img00020.jpeg

    sky mod
  8. Online cooperative has to be my only complaint with this game....It'd be great if we could create missions and/or campaigns to fly with our froends online.
  9. img00011.JPG

    Too bad this doesn't work
  10. Virtual Squadrons in Florida Area?

    We're pretty much nation wide if that helps. What games are you looking for?

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