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Everything posted by nebulanebula

  1. Unified Effects Pack 1.0

    wow i love the way the impact of the gun rounds are made, looks like the arma 2 series effects if youve ever played arma 2 great motherf***in job!!!1
  2. F-35A/B/C Lightning II V 2.5 for SF2

    Yeah there's like a silver ring in the cockpit view please fix!!!!!!
  3. Harrier GR.7 SF2 Version

    I'm rather disappointed with such a good mod:( here's the prOblems with it: One-problem with the one of the gunpods, doesn't work or fire 2- the aiming reticle for the air to ground and air to air mode for the gunpod is lined up right 3- there should be advanced air to air radar in the later versions of the harrier however the radar display doesn't show up when u press "page up" button 4- when using laser guided weapons the tv display doesnt show the target PleeeeeeeeeeAse fix it's such a good mod! I hate seeing it like this!!!!!
  4. MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2

    what kind of weapons are included in this pack? pweez weply!!!!!!!!!

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