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Everything posted by Giuseppe87

  1. You can find the answer here: http://combatace.com...e-by-migbuster/ , under 17. Wheels sink into the runway!! Hope that helps :)
  2. First of all I'm new here and I wanted to thank all the people working on mods and the Knowledge Base. What you guys do is brilliant work. I just hope this isn't the wrong place for this :) To my shame, as big aviation fan, I just recently found out about the TW sims, however I've already started nosing around with various mods. And even a few personal tweaks to them. Not that hard if you bother to search about these things first. Also I've noticed the way these games have been laid out is pretty intuitive and mod friendly. But enough with the small talk... I really, really wanted to ask if anyone knows about Romanian aircraft made for any game in the series (1 or 2). I do remember reading somewhere around here about someone who did the MiG-21 Lancer, a custom Romanian version of the ol' 21 with Israeli avionics. Also I found a few Romanian skins around here. I think someone even made a IAR-80 (Romanian WW2 fighter), but it was somewhere else, not on Combat Ace. So has anyone made or ever considered doing a pure Romanian jet? I've tried with the search function and came up short. Same for Google. Maybe I simply missed something. The particular aircraft that I have in mind are the IAR-93 (a Romanian ground attack and reconnaissance fighter built in the 70s and retired in the late 90s) or perhaps its Yugoslav twin, the J-22 Orao, the IAR-99 (a jet trainer still in active use, also upgraded with Israeli electronics about 10 years ago) and my personal favorite and dream that never came through: IAR-95. This last one was supposed to be an indigenous supersonic fighter capable of Mach 2, with a Tumansky R-29 engine (same as the MiG 23) and avionics comparable to said MiG. All in all it would have been a sort of Romanian F-16; obviously it never got passed mock-up, because our Soviet overlords refused to supply the engine. I think it deserves a pic: There were 3 big design studies that I know of: a larger version with twin vertical wings, a low delta wing version akin to the Mirage 3 or the newer 2000 and this one, the IAR-95S which was as it seems the version selected to enter prototype production. If anyone knows anything, please do say. You may have guessed it, I'm Romanian... you can't really blame a fella for hoping to fly the jets of his air force, even if only in a sim, can you? :)
  3. Thanks for the tip, I've found it. I think someone else used it in a big mod somewhere else, something to do with the WW2 Eastern Front. Didn't know it was here too. Yeah, the IAR-95 would've been a pretty good looking bird. If only I had the skills to make one, I'd surely go for it. The way things are right now it would probably take me a year just to get anywhere decent in 3D modeling and textures. And then there's getting the thing in game, with no guarantee it would be anywhere up to standard people have gotten used to :) Maybe someone likes it enough to get interested and perhaps makes one. If anyone ever thinks of that, I'll be happy to supply them with any info I can dig up.

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