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About eagletheory

  1. Hello, Since i have no plan to upgrade my joystick, Im willing to ask if anyone have already properly calibrated their Extreme 3D Pro Joystick for First Eagles. Because my aircraft keeps turning left, i tried to re-calibrate my joystick and adjusted to its game default ontrol settings, but it seems it shows no sign of improvement. But it's fine running on other combat simulators.
  2. Hello, Today i've managed to install First Eagle 1 + Expansion 1. Im using windows 32-bit vista and it runs just fine, however i have a little problem tweaking my graphics settings, I've adapted Nick'n N settings for this game. And using the proper resolution for my LCD monitor which is by 1440x900. however reducing the resolution would even worsen framerate during engagement. I will give you a little idea about my Personal Computer Specs : PC: Intel Pentium @ Core 2.5Ghz Memory Ram: 4.00 Geforce 9500GT (1GB) I have no problem running other flight simulations game that lags dramatically like FS, Lock On.( I have no intention to relate this to your game.) However, from my personal view this is the only game that matches the atmosphere of WWI.

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