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Everything posted by BetaHouse

  1. Mirage IVP mod

  2. Version


    MiG-21D LanceR-C ROMANIAN AIR FORCE INSTALLING INSTRUCTIONS: -Extract the LancerC folder into Aircraft folder VERY IMPORTANT! READ THE ADDTONATIONS.ini FILE!!! Credits: 1) hynkel for the plane itself 2) Marcfighters for Skin 3) me for ini edits and modifications Mark Kent aka "BetaHouse"
  3. File Name: MiG-21D LanceR-C ROMANIAN AIR FORCE File Submitter: BetaHouse File Submitted: 07 June 2011 File Category: Mig-21 Fishbed MiG-21D LanceR-C ROMANIAN AIR FORCE INSTALLING INSTRUCTIONS: -Extract the LancerC folder into Aircraft folder VERY IMPORTANT! READ THE ADDTONATIONS.ini FILE!!! Credits: 1) hynkel for the plane itself 2) Marcfighters for Skin 3) me for ini edits and modifications Mark Kent aka "BetaHouse" Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: MiG-21D LanceR-A ROMANIAN AIR FORCE File Submitter: BetaHouse File Submitted: 07 June 2011 File Category: Mig-21 Fishbed MiG-21D Lancer-A ROMANIAN AIR FORCE The "A" model is specialized for groundnd attack and light bombing. Beginning in 1993, Russia did not offer spare parts for the MiG-23 and MiG-29 for the Romanian Air Force. Initially, this was the context for the modernization of the Romanian MiG-21's with Elbit Systems, and because it was easier for the Romanians to maintain these fighter jets. A total of 110 MiG-21s were modernized under the LanceR designation. Today, only 48 LanceRs are operational for the RoAF. It can use both Western and Eastern armament such as the R-60M, R-73, Magic 2, or Python III missiles. They will be replaced in 2012 when new fighter jets will arrive, such as the F-16, F/A-18, Eurofighter Typhoon or Gripen. However due to lack of funds the MiG-21 LanceR may fly for years longer. INSTALLING INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Extract the LancerA folder to Aircraft folder. 2)Open NATIONS.ini located in Flight folder. Scroll down to Romania and change Alignment to FRIENDLY [Nation019] Name=Romania DisplayName=Romanian Air Force Alignment=FRIENDLY---------------------------> Change ENEMY line to FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesRomanian.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str I USED THE F-15A COCKPIT 'COUSE IT'S MOST APROPPIATE TO LANCER COCKPIT. CREDITS: 1) The plane itself: WFGR/Stefan Wiskstrom aka "Hynkel" 2) Skins: Marcfighters 3) And finally me for INI edits and modifications. Mark Kent aka "BetaHouse" Click here to download this file
  5. Version


    MiG-21D Lancer-A ROMANIAN AIR FORCE The "A" model is specialized for groundnd attack and light bombing. Beginning in 1993, Russia did not offer spare parts for the MiG-23 and MiG-29 for the Romanian Air Force. Initially, this was the context for the modernization of the Romanian MiG-21's with Elbit Systems, and because it was easier for the Romanians to maintain these fighter jets. A total of 110 MiG-21s were modernized under the LanceR designation. Today, only 48 LanceRs are operational for the RoAF. It can use both Western and Eastern armament such as the R-60M, R-73, Magic 2, or Python III missiles. They will be replaced in 2012 when new fighter jets will arrive, such as the F-16, F/A-18, Eurofighter Typhoon or Gripen. However due to lack of funds the MiG-21 LanceR may fly for years longer. INSTALLING INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Extract the LancerA folder to Aircraft folder. 2)Open NATIONS.ini located in Flight folder. Scroll down to Romania and change Alignment to FRIENDLY [Nation019] Name=Romania DisplayName=Romanian Air Force Alignment=FRIENDLY---------------------------> Change ENEMY line to FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesRomanian.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str I USED THE F-15A COCKPIT 'COUSE IT'S MOST APROPPIATE TO LANCER COCKPIT. CREDITS: 1) The plane itself: WFGR/Stefan Wiskstrom aka "Hynkel" 2) Skins: Marcfighters 3) And finally me for INI edits and modifications. Mark Kent aka "BetaHouse"
  6. I have a question. Can I add a new weapon to a plane's loadout? For example... I have a Mig-21-2000 (Israelian version) with western weapons like AIM-9 , AIM-7... This plane has only non-guided bombs availible. Can I add guided bombs like Paveway , Valleye?? If it's possible please tell me how can I do this thing. Mark.
  7. Sorry for double post , I just want to thank you all for your help. I made it , there's not a problem anymore. Here's another screenshot. Screenshot // Weapon Stations --------------------------------------------------------- [LeftOuterWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.68,-1.49,-0.42 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=500.0 LengthLimit=3.5 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RCKT,RP,IRM,FT,EOGR,ARM,LGB -> I just added "LGB" to AllowedWeaponClass line and now it works! AttachmentType=WP,NATO,USAF,USN,ISRAEL,FRANCE ModelNodeName=WingPylon_Outer_L PylonMass=60 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName=MissileRail_Outer_L LaunchRailHeight=0.10 LaunchRailMass=25 FuelTankName=Tank490_MiG21 [RightOuterWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.68,-1.49,-0.42 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=500.0 LengthLimit=3.5 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RCKT,RP,IRM,FT,EOGR,ARM,LGB AttachmentType=WP,NATO,USAF,USN,ISRAEL,FRANCE ModelNodeName=WingPylon_Outer_R PylonMass=60 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName=MissileRail_Outer_R LaunchRailHeight=0.10 LaunchRailMass=25 FuelTankName=Tank490_MiG21
  8. MiG-21-2000 is an Israelian modification Fishbed and in real life it has upgraded avionics , HUD , cockpit so it can carry LGBs. In game it uses an F-15 cockpit so TV display it's not a problem. Here's a screenshot of plane's stores availible. As you can see , it can carry non guided bombs. Screenshot P.S. I converted it into a LenceR-C 'couse it's the most appropiate plane to the romanian bird.

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