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Posts posted by minigamer1953

  1. Hello, Being new here, I hope I show proper etiquette. I have decided it is time to move on from Red Baron 3D, a most enjoyable game that I have had on my PCs since the original boxed version of Red Baron was available (when a 40 meg hard drive retailed for around $400). Recently, I purchased a new copy of CFS3 and spent more hours than I can remember trying to get it to run on my laptop. Deciding that I was continuing to beat my head on the same wall over and over, I decided to install it on our older desktop PC and give it a go. I have been successful in doing so and was hoping to get OFF Phase 3 so I could enjoy some flight time in a canvas falcon. Alas, I discovered that my six year old desktop does not have the power to run Phase 3, so that dream will have to wait for a replacement CPU. I do believe that it will run Phase 2 though. If someone here could point me to a copy of the Phase 2 program, I could then get something out of my investment in CFS3 and the time spent fighting with MS and my laptop. As an aside, I cannot believe that CFS3 will not run on my laptop as configured with Win 7 when much older software from other vendors runs just fine right off or in an emulation mode..... So, if I can secure Phase 2, I can at least see what I have to look forward to when I can upgrade to Phase 3. I am in Central Wisconsin, USA. Zip code 54467. Thanks for your time and understanding. Ric


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