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Everything posted by thebear

  1. Hi i am new to WoV i havent played fighter sims seriously since f22 adf and always wanted to get back into it and this game is giving me the love again. However, im trying to work out how to use an aim9 in combat im used to the noise it gives and when behind an aircraft im waiting for a lock tone but it never comes. it does change pitch slightly is that the lock tone? i managed to splash two from behind last night but it turned out to be friendly fire but i dont know whether it was luck. im ok using the sparrows secondly as a first timer im reading alot about the mods. i want ot eventually get yankee air pirate 2 but just waiting for funds. can anyone recommend me some mods,and additional campaigns etc many thanks
  2. cheers guys thanks for all the input i will definitely have a go through these ideas tonight when the mrs' programs are on lol.<br> yep i agree with the sprrows much more user friendly and offer that bit of an extra distance.<br><br>got caught up in a accidental dogfight with a mig 17 with my a4 last night got shot down by aa in the end. those planes were not meant for that role i never got near him. i was fully loaded with mk-82's too. still at least he never shot me down haha. love this game
  3. ha i would love some guns but im in a navy f4 lol im just trying it out at the minute and getting the feel for it. i have heard of green mod 2 i will have to check those out.

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