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Everything posted by F24A

  1. http://combatace.com/files/file/12800-udaloy-class-upgrade-package/ the udaloy class add-on http://combatace.com/files/file/14222-sovremenny-class-destroyer/ the sovremenny class add-on http://combatace.com/files/file/12802-slava-class-upgrade-package/ the slava class add-on I have changed the data,but looks like it don't work
  2. I am trying to add some aircraft to the campaign of the first middle east war and Korean air war,so anyone has these two add-ons?
  3. So is there anyone has the add-on of A-Team's Me-410 and MC.205 ?
  4. Well,I just purchase F2H on RAZ,so I won't need to get it from ATeam.Now I only need two aircraft addons...
  5. Well,now I indeed got banned by A-Team forever......Too bad...... At least I only need a few aircraft add-ons,I can download most add-on here.But there are some aircraft I can't find on Ace.Plus Me-410 and F2H-2 (v2 )...
  6. I Guess He would not allowed me pass because he said he would not accept register from my country...
  7. 在Ace里下载了一个插件,但需要A-Team Skunkworks的一个LOD,不过看不太懂注册流程,有人能帮帮忙吗?
  8. And how can I register an account of A-Team Skunkworks?
  9. I'm sorry,I meant I havn't figure out how to register an account of A-Team Skunkworks.I have downloaded an addon of MC.205 which need an LOD from A-Team Skunkworks.
  10. Er,the Su-27 and other aircraft from SF1,their aerodynamics are different from SF2,so their have some problem in SF2,such as very easy to stall,and I couldn't dogfight with enemy pilot. I think this problem is from DATA,but I don't know how should I do to decide on it. Can you help me? Take this DATA:
  11. Well....I have played SF2,so the game made this problem......And where is your aircrsft? Execuse me.
  12. Er,this SU-27 is new model(3D model from other game),but DATA is old . So I don't need an new aircraft,I need a new DATA
  13. Look at It does not show..... The HUD is from SF1,I put it inSF2,so it does not show.And how should I do to make it show?
  14. I am try again,It be show!And thanks for your help
  15. Thanks for your help ,but it still does not show Er,it still doesn't show
  16. Options .ini? there: [Pilot] LastName=Pilot FirstName=Administrator Callsign=Tomcat Service=USN [Options] Section=1 [GameplayOptions] Missionstart=1 CockpitView=1 DisplayUnit=2 EnemySkill=1 Simulation=3 FlightModel=1 WeaponEffectiveness=2 Avionics=2 Targeting=2 HUDDisplay=1 Landing=1 Collision=2 Blackout=2 AmmoUsage=2 FuelUsage=0 [GraphicsOptions] DisplayDeviceID=0 DisplayWidth=1920 DisplayHeight=1080 DisplayDepth=32 AspectRatio=1.777778 AntiAliasing=4 ForceDX9=FALSE ForceVSyncOff=FALSE Use32BitZBuffer=TRUE LensFlare=0 DetailLevel=4 ObjectDetail=2 ObjectTexture=3 CockpitTexture=3 CockpitMirrors=1 CockpitReflection=1 EffectsDetail=2 TerrainDetail=2 TerrainTexture=3 HorizonDistance=3 GroundObjectDensity=3 WaterDetail=3 CloudsDetail=2 Shadow=2 ObjectsFade=TRUE [soundOptions] SoundVolume=100 SpeechVolume=100 MusicVolume=75 NumChannels=16 ReverseStereo=0 SpeechSubtitles=1 [ControlOptions] ControlMap=Default.INI Sensitivity=75 DeadZone=20 ForceFeedback=1 ForceFeedbackGain=100 TrackIR=1 [MultiplayerOptions] LobbyLaunched=FALSE [MiscOptions] HUDDisplay=1 ForceAIPilot=FALSE [instantAction] AircraftType=F-14A MissionMap=IcelandNA StartTime=16:30:00 StartDate=09/18/1979 StartTimeDeviation=120 TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=0 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 [singleMission] AircraftType=F-22A Service=USAF MissionMap=ICELANDNA MissionType=SWEEP MissionTime=NIGHT MissionWeather=CLEAR AirActivity=LIGHT AirDefenseActivity=LIGHT FlyAll=FALSE LoadMission=FALSE LoadMissionFilename=F:\Strike Fighters 2North Atlantic\Missions\Intercept 1.MSN MissionDate=2010 StartYear=1970 EndYear=1984 EditMission=FALSE [Campaign] CampaignName= PlayerService=USN PlayerUnit= AircraftType=F-14A Difficulty=NORMAL Length=NORMAL AircraftSupply=NORMAL WeaponSupply=NORMAL LoadCampaign=FALSE CampaignSavename=DefaultCampaignSave [Multiplayer] Connection=0 PlayerColor=0 SessionType=0 GameType=0 Password=MyPassword MaxPlayers=8 IPAddress= [DogfightHost] MissionMap=IcelandNA MissionDate=09/18/1979 Loadout=0 StartTime=10:30:00 StartTimeDeviation=240 RespawnTime=60 RespawnDistance=4000.000000 MinHeight=5000.000000 MaxHeight=12000.000000 HeightDeviation=5000.000000 ContrailAlt=7000.000000 ScreenshotsDelay=60 StartYear=1970 EndYear=1984 WeatherType=SCATTERED [DogfightPlayer] AircraftType=F-14A TextureSet=DefaultTextureSet PlayerService=USN Squadron=DefaultTextureSet [CoopMission] MissionMap=IcelandNA MissionDate=09/18/1979 ContrailAlt=7000.000000 Service1=USN Service2=SOVIET Mission1=SWEEP AircraftType1=F-14A AircraftType2=F-14A AircraftType3=MiG-21MF AircraftType4=MiG-21MF ScreenshotsDelay=60 StartYear=0 EndYear=0 WeatherType=SCATTERED [MotionExporter] ExporterDLL= [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE Directory=F:\Strike Fighters 2North Atlantic Editors=StrikeFighters2 [screenShots] Directory=F:\Strike Fighters 2North Atlantic\ScreenShots Format=JPG Something wrong?
  17. My SF2 can not be screenshots, so I want to know how the window to play it..... Please help me
  18. In the SF2NA(July 2012),I can't using it, It only be loaded to 40%,then the game will go wrong. But in the mar2012, I can use it This in the end is why the.

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