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Posts posted by Top_Gun

  1. AI KC-135R package by TopGun

    First off I would like to thank Des Burrell for his help with the AFCADS and flight plans. I would also like to thank Michael MacIntyre for his help in lending me his AI FM for this pacakge and his New Hampshire textures which are part of his NEMAI package. If you currently have our NEMAI package installed you might have to tone back the flight plans for either this package or the NEMAI package of KPSM.The main files for this package will be the KC-135 from Rok Dolenec, his updated R version can be downloaded from his site here http://www.geocities.com/r0kec/index.html And my reskins package (kc135r_reskin_package.zip) found at AVSIM, Flightsim, Sim-Outhouse and Boihazcentral.


  2. if you do a search for Marco Spada on Flightsim.com he just uploaded a P-3 Orion panel.


    I see a nice Herc panel from him as well, can wait for that new Orion!


    There is a okay one from Mike Stone(www.pmstone.com) that Mike Pearson has gone nuts on reskinning(AVSIM) all the active units!


  3. http://www.flightsimmer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22166


    I finally downloaded Editvoice for Fs9 and added Stewarts call signs. How cool is it to finally hear something different besides air force for your AI or even your own plane.


    I took up the B-52 last night with call sign Chill 52. You hear the Cargo planes called Reach, KC-10's called Shamu or Exxon.


    The mods are available in the PAI library, you need framenet for edit voice to work. Upload each mod and then save them to the english voice file in your FS9 sound directory.


    framenet is on the MS website. When you try to install edit voice it will tell you if you don't have it.


    I got it on the Windows update run, much quicker than the normal download link.


    nice free addon that really changes your AI experience

  4. This baby aint cheap by no means but the level of detail is about as high as you can get. I know people don't think military AC belong in FS9 but even Capt Sim has seen what he's been missing.


    Pit is by Aeyes from F4,




    flares, guns and much more. Here is just some shots I took prior to my vacation last week






    Off at BRadley







    Actual door art from real plane










  5. Finally loaded up the new F-15E for Mountain Home. I've been useing the Coral F-15C that someone painted up as the 391st.


    4 tail numbers including the CO's who I took up to Hill for a Dusk flight.


















    I know this post really doesn't show off the plane but the sky was awesome and I have a new water set I'm using :D


    I'll do up a similar package to the Seymour Johnson one.


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