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Everything posted by Growler67

  1. Hawker1, the patch isn't out yet. Best guess so far is 5 Jan. I'm willing to bet that it'll be out by the time you get back. Check some of the other threads about tweeking your setup. You can also troll around the Ubi LOMAC forums for more setting advice. SimHQ has a good bit of info as well. In any case, by springtime I'll bet your cheeks will be sore, and you'll have a new callus on your joystick hand. Cheers!
  2. Just thought I would ask here if anyone has an idea of when it'll be out. I can check this forum while I'm at work, but not the Ubi one (gets caught by the filter). I know 'Wags' said that "by the new year was a goal but not a promise". I fully understand why he worded his response the way he did. I also know that it has grown to at least 21Mb. I'm just putting out a feeler guage......
  3. I'm sure there will be any number of people that could/would burn the patch to a disc and mail it out. I forsee those grins growing!!
  4. http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?s...c=3800&hl=hotas We had that very question here not too long ago. The link above should help you out on this issue.
  5. What kind of cooling does your case have? The Radeons (any video card for that matter) get pretty hot. Until I added extra fans, it seemed I had Sparklies, and lock ups. Since the additions went in......none. Just checking, maybe it might be a heat issue.
  6. Very much more a sim than a game. Although for those not accustomed to flight sims, you can turn certain options on (unlimited fuel, no crashes etc) until you get the hang of it. Most of your specs look good although there is a problem with Nvidia video cards. That problem is being addressed in the first patch due within a couple of weeks. There is also a problem with Win 98, but that is also being addressed in the patch. You could go to http://www.lo-mac.com/ and get some first hand p00p on the sim, and link to their forums from the main page. There is a lot of information on the forum (here, there and other places). If you want specific information, ask away. If you are a bit more studious, do some reading on the various forums. If your game, look into an online squadron. Purchasing the product, well thats between you and your wallet. I have it, I recommend it, it challenges me, and I like it. My $0.02, for what it's worth, and BTW.....Welcome aboard.
  7. Twelve Bugs Of Christmas

    Twelve bugs of Christmas For the first bug of Christmas, my manager said to me *See if they can do it again. For the second bug of Christmas, my manager said to me *Ask them how they did it and *See if they can do it again. For the third bug of Christmas, my manager said to me *Try to reproduce it *Ask them how they did it and *See if they can do it again. For the fourth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me *Run with the debugger *Try to reproduce it *Ask them how they did it and *See if they can do it again. For the fifth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me *Ask for a dump *Run with the debugger *Try to reproduce it *Ask them how they did it and *See if they can do it again. For the sixth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me *Reinstall the software *Ask for a dump *Run with the debugger *Try to reproduce it *Ask them how they did it and *See if they can do it again. For the seventh bug of Christmas, my manager said to me *Say they need an upgrade *Reinstall the software *Ask for a dump *Run with the debugger *Try to reproduce it *Ask them how they did it and *See if they can do it again. For the eighth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me *Find a way around it *Say they need an upgrade *Reinstall the software *Ask for a dump *Run with the debugger *Try to reproduce it *Ask them how they did it and *See if they can do it again. For the ninth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me *Blame it on the hardware *Find a way around it *Say they need an upgrade *Reinstall the software *Ask for a dump *Run with the debugger *Try to reproduce it *Ask them how they did it and *See if they can do it again. For the tenth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me *Change the documentation *Blame it on the hardware *Find a way around it *Say they need an upgrade *Reinstall the software *Ask for a dump *Run with the debugger *Try to reproduce it *Ask them how they did it and *See if they can do it again. For the eleventh bug of Christmas, my manager said to me *Say it's not supported *Change the documentation *Blame it on the hardware *Find a way around it *Say they need an upgrade *Reinstall the software *Ask for a dump *Run with the debugger *Try to reproduce it *Ask them how they did it and *See if they can do it again. For the twelfth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me *Tell them it's a feature *Say it's not supported *Change the documentation *Blame it on the hardware *Find a way around it *Say they need an upgrade *Reinstall the software *Ask for a dump *Run with the debugger *Try to reproduce it *Ask them how they did it and *See if they can do it again. Thought you all might enjoy this, being the season and all. Plus some of the reactions to LOMAC, just seemed to hit the right spot.
  8. I can't seem to post reply's on the Ubi forum since they switched. I keep getting an error message that reads: Only registered users can access this area. You have not yet confirmed your email address so this area is restricted. How do I accomplish this e-mail confirmation? I am a registered user with "Over 200 Postings", so what's up? Just thought I would ask. Thanx in advance for the help.
  9. Thanx again, it worked. Just went to profile and clicked the 'submit' button and "P00F" all better now. Appreciate the help guys. BTW did you see my "Twelve Bugs of Christmas" post in the "PUB"? I think you'll enjoy it. Cheers!!
  10. Twelve Bugs Of Christmas

    ....Tell 'em it's a feature......... Oh STOP it! I can't breathe....... ....Say it's not supported...... Aahhhh, I can't take it anymore..... To everyone here at BioHaz, Staff, members, and guests......To all of you, and yours, Happy Holidays. Please keep our nations service members and their families in your thoughts.
  11. Thanx, I'll give it a try later today.
  12. I got mine (#256) Saturday, in Colorado!! Aside from a few typos I am Very Happy with it. I corrected the closure problem by trimming 1cm off the plastic dividers and punching in new holes. Closes fine now and the tabs stick out about 4mm and are still easy to use. I even punched holes into the Flight Planning card and have it placed in front of the manual inside the binder.
  13. I was mostly curious in the aspect of Squadron colors/emblems. If one squadron challenges another in MP for instance, will our tail-flash or whatever be visible? It's nothing overly elaborate at the moment, but one squadmate did some preliminaries posted in the 'Taipans TFW' post here.
  14. Twelve Bugs Of Christmas

    Holiday Bump!
  15. Planes Vs Blobs

    I very much like the Planes over the Blobs (indicating new posts since last visit). It fits with the overall theme and they look much cooler. Wider FOV on the whole forum as well, I'm not entirely sure we deserve this, but THANX SO MUCH. Love the site upgrades.
  16. In your "Options" before starting a mission, go to "Audio". On the right hand side, there are slide bars for various sounds generated by the game. To get 'Betty' to shut up, you have to either set the volume level to it's lowest setting, or uncheck "radio" below the sliders. Hope that helps.
  17. Planes Vs Blobs

    Just realized it's a skins choice in my preferences. Oh,well.
  18. Twelve Bugs Of Christmas

    Glad to see it is having the desired effect. HAPPY HOLIDAYS ALL!!
  19. If you hit the F4 key and press your 'Q' key, you'll notice the flares deploy outboard of the wheel nacells and chaff drops down from the aircrafts centerline. But countermeasures alone will not save your life. For those idiots that think adding them to airliners will make the public safer, you are deluding yourselves. Without adding aggressive flight manouvers to the deployment of countermeasures, you're toast. I'd like to see Hillary's reaction when the pilot of the 767 she is in starts "crankin' and bankin'". With the aggressive manouvers, your chances for survival are increased, but NOT guarenteed. Know your enemy (or threat), that is the best way to deafeat him (it). BTW, fire extinguisers are not available in the retail release of LOMAC. I think I saw that someone had asked for it to be added in an upcoming patch. However, I really don't think it'll be in the first one.
  20. My friend got LOMAC the other day and it will not run on his DELL. He opened the case on my instruction and has no AGP slot. He picked up an ATI 9200/128 PCI and wants to know if it'll run LOMAC. I couldn't answer that for him so here I am. Anyone running this set up, or know if it'll work?
  21. 9200 Pci And Lomac

    My friend got LOMAC the other day and it will not run on his DELL. He opened the case on my instruction and has no AGP slot. He picked up an ATI 9200/128 PCI and wants to know if it'll run LOMAC. I couldn't answer that for him so here I am. Anyone running this set up, or know if it'll work?
  22. Go, Thunderworks, Go!

    I only have this available as my initial comment: HARRIER, VSTOL, HARRIER,VSTOL.......it's about time this was addressed in earnest. Keep us posted on your progress.
  23. Might be a go if there were an F-15E Strike Eagle available. Needs more though.
  24. ABIT IS7-E P4 2.4GHz 800fsb 2x 512DDR Kingston HyperX PC3200 Radeon 9800Pro 128 Creative SB Audigy LS Saitek X36 HOTAS Averaging 40-50 FPS before my card went south. I think I got the one lemon in the batch. I know it happens and right now not too critical to wait for warranty service (patch inboud to resolve most critical issues), Squadron still in "training" mode, stuff like that. BTW......this game ROCKS!!!
  25. Usaf Dead?

    Ahh, beg your pardon. I know a couple of guys that talk alot about gaming online and HL to them is Half Life. My mistake, no ill will intended.

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