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Everything posted by peter01
Hi catch, step by step instructions should be done, but are time consuming/complex. I know having seen your posts in the forums roughly what you have- new planes, campaigns, skins, terrains, new view commands and maybe changed your graphics in flightengine.ini for the ATeams camel. This is probably what most have... If thats pretty well the case, do what TK suggested on his site. Its simple and you'll be playing in about 20 mins. If you have a problem then get back to this forum, maybe I will put together a description on how to do it thoroughly - I spent 2 hours last night very carefully doing it, because I've modded everything. This is what to do: 1. Copy your current FE directory (probably in c:/program files/thirdwire) to the same thirdwire directory. That is right click and drag and drop in same directory. This is your backup. It will be called "copy of...WWI" or something similar. Important you do make this backup though......no need to rename, but you can if you want. 2. Run Patch2, make sure when asked where to install in the install process you specify your usual FE directory, not the copy. Start the game via the usual icon or however else you did it before. Bob should be your uncle. No worry about exes, pointing to the right location etc etc Cheers
Thanks for info Monty, realling looking forward to this (just saw Flyboys) Tex is doing an outsatnding job, yes
EmID, thanks so much for this! Truly truly wonderful in every way - love the model, the skin is superb (nicely weathered, and first white plane, yipee), FM is spot on IMO and flies wonderfully in Hard FM. Cheers.....wish I could buy you guys a few beers.... PS I'll email you re PSD
does anyone can make it fly in the FE
peter01 replied to jv44kt's topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2
MrCraig41, thanks for the heads up... Gerard Van Der Harst ?/ jv44kt , man this is nice, some talent you have there...looking forward to others. Ateam, thanks heaps also, its fantastic....as always . TK should award you guys a couple of medals: one for service to the cause above and beyond the call of duty, another for valour under fire Thanks again all. -
More Machine Gun Jamming Please
peter01 replied to MjRichardIraBong's topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2
Hi MjRichardIraBong, Know that TK responded at TW, but if you wanted to mod it yourself, I think you go into the gundata.ini using the gundata program, and change reliabilty to whatever you like. Not eveyone likes modding though I know...cheers -
Tex mentioned he was working on a FM for a N11, maybe this one? Had thought Monty had gone originally to C5 though...so not sure.
does anyone can make it fly in the FE
peter01 replied to jv44kt's topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2
Wow, I hope so.......good luck with this, and nicely done. -
Tex and modellers, I know this is too early (and very greedy )...but was wondering given discussion initiated by Tex on Dolphin and optional guns, has consideration been given to different gun loads on N17, I think it is, would be cool, even if different planes, you know one with vickers on nose, other with lewis on wing, both common I believe depending on nation etc ....just a thought Jus' asking cause it looks like we are going to get a fantastic series of Nieups for FE.....someting for some guys to be fantastically proud of, others to have heaps of fun...........
Hi Tex, this is great news. Not only will we get all the main Nieups, but the FM will be modelled by the same person to give consistency. We all owe you heaps, and of course the extremely talented plane makers, Monty and EmID. Your testing sounds a superb approach, after the general model is first done, it does seem like the best way of tweaking them. Do you also pit AI Nieups against AI german planes? Cheers
Argggg!! Sorry Firecage!!! I have about 5 different installs I fiddle with, and tried your plane in free flight and it flew well. Then next day flew a series of dogfights, BUT it was my WIP mods (not entirely dissimilar to yours in outcome thought done quite differently, but turn is far less of course, offset by better rudder), so all my remarks are actually directed at myself...
Bump All Quiet on the N24 Front.....??
Hi Firecage, Thanks for doing this....I like Hard FM, but couldn't fly this until now, and I know it was not easy, this is probably the trickiest. I'm enjoying flying this now. Idon't like planes to be overmodelled. too easy. but I'd say that in a turning dogfight this could be better, better lift/turn/rudder, at the moment on hard its a challenge to outturn some ...could then reduce top speed to the historical value to offset. Just some thoughts, my opinion only, hope this is okay, as I said, you have done a great job and I'm enjoying it. I also had trouble with Hard mods changes I made getting them to takeoff. Cheers
Having a different version sans lewis guns would be cool...and optional armanent would add immensely, taking FE to a different dimension. Another good lateral idea from Tex... But I have to say if its one version, this is the best, the right one. The Dolphin was unique in having 4 guns for a fighter in WWI, and having this in FE is fantastic. It also looks great with these extra guns, good for Gothas & other two seaters, ground attack etc, and it is harder to manage all the jams/reloads in the thick of a dogfight, so its a challenge as well. And as AI.... well... I'd agree with Charles too...nobody really would want to fire at an angle (Ball did it early in war when things were a lot different), unless it was a unique type situation/target. Great and interesting addition, thank you ATeam, one I didn't think I'd see for a while. Very pleased.
Great stuff Now have something to trounce TK's Fokkers AND the ATeams Gotha
Hi Tex, They are both good - have the right feel for me, ie, the plane seems capable and especially nimble, but you don't feel smug say like flying the current Se5a, you know you have your work cut out for you. Of the two models I like the first - its dangerous!!!!! You do have to use the throttle as you said, first time I really have had to do so in this sim, and always be aware of your speed. You then tend to prefer turning/swirling/climbing actions to avoid high speeds. Once or twice to stop going into a terminal dive I had to throttle right down and pull up, and the AI I was attacking then turned the tables and jumped me. Good I think. Need some other input, as the second is good as well, and maybe others would like this or a model somewhere in between. Cheers, doing a great job.
I'll try this one out.. I did fly the first, and liked it, though crashed a few times. It was good in that you started thinking about the aircrafts limits. Perhaps a little more warning, which is what you are probably doing with the new fm. Flies really well at lower speeds, better than before, not too good, but just right. BTW, think you are realy on to something here, certainly a creative approach not tried before, that may indeed work well for those that like it more challenging...
looking even better, and given its whats-his-name, nice one to include for immersion....well done.
2 new skins for SPAD at check-six
peter01 replied to quetzalcoatl's topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2
Now these Spad skins I like, more worn, good colors. Thanks -
Hi Tex and EmID, Given no one has posted anything on performance, and it is hard to find for the N24...............dug this up from my RB3D days, no idea where I downloaded it from, though I remember at the time thought it was very useful, certainly for RB. The speed and climb rates are purportedly historical (maybe from A History of Aircraft Piston Engines, Hershel Smith), the rolls are as implemeted in RB (pretty accurate or good guess maybe - the guys modding for it are WWI aviation buffs). Anyway may help for comparison purposes to N28 etc, given lack of info.... take into account or discard as you see fit. Have included Nieup 11 and 17 for comparison, and for modders doing those as a start though theres more on these on the web then the N24. Figures are speed (kph), climb (height/time from takeoff probably), roll left (complete 360 degrees), roll right (complete 360 degrees): N11 167 2000m/8min30sec 6.60sec 7.38sec N17 165 2000m/6min50sec 5.75sec 5.57sec N24 176 1000m/2min40sec 6.04sec 5.93sec N28 206 5000ft/4min30sec 4.22sec 4.97sec Looking at other planes, german and entente, on climb (historical supposedly), N24 was an outstanding climber, N28 a good roller as well as everything else, and for example, Camel roll is 3.58/3.19. cheers PS EmID - it fixed the disappearing act, and I like the way the sights/guns are implemeted too
very nice indeed - like the cockpit view of the aileron action! fm wise is great, it is fun flying. but you are after feedback, so heres my two cents worth (on hard flight mode have flown N24 as player aircraft couldn't against ai, he kept disappearing/reappearing): climb is good, these Nieups were noted for that. seems to stack up well to opposition, keep as is probably turns as it should, but then is too good against opposition, could reduce a bit roll could be a notch or two better, not much though the best speed (controlspeed ?) seems too high, it performed best at higher speeds and if I rolled at 70 mph it would make those stall sounds?, probably should be lower could reduce prop effeciecy for higher speeds, only higher speeds I'd say, maybe increase at lower speeds the sights don't line up with bullets, intentional? not sure mmmm, it is good well done on fm, know its very hard
Hi GB, some things to try, I am sure one will work: I experiece this when the folder names of aircraft are too long, eg instead of "camel", its "copy of camel from ATeam". At a certain number of characters it does not read it properly, I think. Also if the plane ini file in that planes folder, eg for camel, camel.ini, is too long OR especially if the ini file name does not match the folder name EXACTLY. These are the usual culprits for many things in my experience, so go back to original download structure if you have changed anything. If you have not made changes, as it sounds, the other problem is the graphics setting: the camel bmps are very large files. A solution to some problems maybe this one (my pc crashed) according to developers is to change this flightengine.ini in the Flight folder (I can't remember if its there as default, if not you will need to extract from a cat file) and change (after backing up, of course) the GraphicsSettings section to: [GraphicsSettings] ZBufferDepth=24 MaxVertexCount=16384 MaxIndexCount=32768 MaxTextureCount=16384 MaxModelType=2048 MaxMeshPerScene=2048 MaxModelPerScene=4096 MaxLightPerScene=1024 AspectRatio=1.333333 MinPixelSize=1.0 If this is all too hard, probably resizing the camel bmp files from 2048*2048 to 512*512 may work. I reckon it will, but have not used this to fix problems as such, but its a good idea to do in any case - the camel files are very large, and will affect fps significantly if you have a few camels in the air at the same time. Cheers and good luck
Hi Gb, the mod shouldn't effect sound directly, so I am perplexed. Perhaps the best solution would be to do a fresh instal of FE, then either copy the sound files from the new installation to the old, or if this doesn't work, use the new installation and move any extras you have to it. Perhaps others have a solution...
Hi perth, yes its possible to modify, you need to change the data inis. But I do think some of these 2 seaters were used as fighters quite successfully, not sure about salmson, but Bristol F2B for example. If you are looking for two seaters or other bombers to shoot down on allied side there are new ones available, Be series and Ca3 that you could download.
Simulating some probs at excessive speed sounds great :yes: until changes such as DetachSpeed etc are added. I guess hard at first, but once done ...........????? I was also wondering if another way to go is using the stall features to simulate probs at high speeds? That is if kicking in at low speed, maybe it can kick in at high speeds? Recoverable, but limits aircraft performance.
I like this one very much. I use it now as the default skin. Its also great chasing this plane with a Camel, looking at the legend as it rolls past you, and you get a real urge to shoot the uppity blighter down - very immersive. Well done.