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Everything posted by Planejunky


    The funny thing was we still didn't have GPS during the first show in Iraq in 1991 either!
  2. To add to this list I would throughly recommend RAF Harrier Ground Attack Falklands by Squadron Leader Jerry Pook RAF. It gives the reader a great insight into RAF Harrier GR.3 operations from HMS Hermes during the conflict, as well as the internal conflict between No 1 (F) Sqn and certain senior Naval officers who tried to hinder them. http://www.amazon.co.uk/RAF-Harrier-Ground-Attack-Falklands/dp/184415551X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1254012888&sr=1-1

    During Operation Panthers Claw (in the lead up to the Afghan elections) 10 British soldiers lost their lives. Out of a population of thousands, only 150 people in that area turned out to vote, that's just 15 people for every one of those lads that came home in a box. Then we hear that the Afghan government has passed a law stating that it's ok for a man to starve his wife to death for refusing to have sex with him. Just what the hell are we out there for then, because I thought we were supposed to be giving them a better life?! Maybe I've truly matured now because the more I see, the more I realise that that fecking place is not worth a single drop of a NATO soldier's blood. It's time to stop the lies, bring our lads and lasses home, and let Karzai fix his own damn problems. If our troops were laying down their lives in the defence of my country like they did in WWII, then that would be different, this just seems to be a futile waste of young lives for no discernable purpose. I think this sums up Afghanistan quite nicely! Rant over!
  4. I just installed Ajunaidr's F-104 into SF2E and have found that the cockpit no longer appears. Has anyone else found this, and if so how did you fix it please? Cheers
  5. No worries mate, I've got it sorted. I missed the cockpit LOD file, that's what happens when you mess around with the sim when you're tired! Cheers for ther help in locating the correct files for me.
  6. Ok I have the aircraft appearing again, however I'm still no further forward in getting the pit to appear. The only thing I'm seeing is the pipper.
  7. Many thanks for that Mr Wrench. I've just completed the list, and now mysteriously the aircraft fails to show in the list for some reason! I've checked the .ini names and they all match up ok.
  8. I bought SF2 Europe as the old version stopped working on my Vista machine for some weard reason. Apart from re-learning old tricks in a new way (if that makes sense!) I've had no problem. Obviously you'll not be able to stay with XP forever, and of course it's debatable how well even SF2 will run on the next MS operating system!
  9. Hi, I've managed to get the Jaguar GR.1 working ok in SF2E, however I have downloaded a number of other skins. The RAF flew this jet in the 1991 Gulf war, and the Coltishall wing often deployed north to Norway as part of their NATO commitment to ACE. In the 1990's like the Tornado and Harrier, they were then re-painted in LIF Grey. The basic package only comes with the 1980's/early 90's grey/green wraparound camo, so new tanks are needed for the other schemes the jet wore throughout it's service life. The default grey/green fuel tanks needed to be packaged and entered into SF2E via the weapons editor, which worked ok and they're available to load on missions. I've repainted the Jaguar tanks in arctic, desert (operation Granby), and the later grey colours. After re-naming the files so they all correspond, I got them all loaded via the weapons editor with no problem, however they still won't show in the sim. Rather strangley the grey one shows in the list, but there's apparently none available for use! Here's the details for the Desert version. I've re-named the folders from TANK_NADR to: Tank_NADR_Desert Tank_NADR_Arctic Tank_NADR_Grey Here's the entry for Tank_NADR_Desert_data.ini [WeaponData001] TypeName=Tank_NADR_Desert FullName=NADR UK Desert ModelName=NADRUK_Desert Mass=950.000000 Diameter=0.525000 Length=5.065000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=1200.000000 Asymmetrical=FALSE Here's the Tank_NADR_Desert.config entry: [WeaponData] ObjectFullName=NADR UK Desert ObjectDataFile=Tank_NADR_Desert_data.INI The bitmap file has also been renamed NADRUK_Desert.bmp, and the name change has been correctly entered into the LOD file. As these are being recognised by the weapon editor, I'm puzzled as to why they're not showing in the sim itself. I've even tried defaulting them in the Jaguar loadout.ini with no joy. I hope someone with better knowledge than I, can help shed some light on this! Cheers
  10. Lockerbie bomber most likely getting out

    I'm moving to the Netherlands!
  11. Lockerbie bomber most likely getting out

    Ain't that the truth, though the boys of the 48th gave it a damn good try!
  12. Those Gulf War skins are looking fantastic mate, nice work!
  13. I'm using SF2E and have managed to get the Jaguar GR.1 to port over reasonably well, however I'm missing some gauges from the cockpit. I've posted a screenie below as an illustration. Also does anyone know how I can get the LGB targetting TV display to work please? I select the weapon but have to TV display to target it properly! Yes I know the GR.1 didn't have the capability, but in the absence of a GR.1B or GR.3 variant, it'll have to suffice! Cheers guys.
  14. Thanks for the help guys, works perfectly now!
  15. Ah I see! There may be a problem there as there's three wet stations on the Jag, and all are used to carry weapons too. I generally use the centreline pylon for fuel though, leaving the wings free for a larger weapons loadout. I'm now sending you a copy of the weapons lines in the Jag data.ini. Cheers
  16. Ok, the tanks are all showing in the list ok, the aircraft is able to carry them ok, however we still have a couple of problems. A) They're not actually visible (a model problem I suspect ). B) I've assigned a grey tank to one wing, and a desert tank on the other in the Jaguar's ini file. Instead of all tanks being available for all FT enabled stations, only the assigned ones show as available, in other words I can only load a desert tank to the left wing, and a grey one to the right and don't have a choice of tanks (hope that makes sense). The new variations had already been set up as you suggested, for example the desert tanks details: Folder name = Tank_NADR_Desert Model name (LOD file) = NADRUK Data.ini file = Tank_NADR_Desert_data Config file = TANK_NADR_Desert Bmp name = NADRUK_Desert OUT file = NADRUK_Desert [WeaponData001] TypeName=Tank_NADR_Desert FullName=NADR UK Desert ModelName=NADRUK Mass=950.000000 Diameter=0.525000 Length=5.065000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=NATO,UK SpecificStationCode= NationName=RAF StartYear= EndYear= Availability=2 BaseQuantity=54 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=1200.000000 Asymmetrical=FALSE Here's the relevant data from the Jaguar's data file. [LeftInnerWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.051,-1.515,-0.296 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=800 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,LGB,RP,FT,2BR,ARM,ASM AttachmentType=NATO,UK ModelNodeName=LeftInnerPyl PylonMass=52.62 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= FuelTankName=Tank_NADR_Grey [RightInnerWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.051,-1.515,-0.296 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=800 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,LGB,RP,FT,2BR,ARM,ASM AttachmentType=NATO,UK ModelNodeName=RightInnerPyl PylonMass=52.62 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= FuelTankName=Tank_NADR_Desert Thanks for the help so far, it's much appreciated.
  17. Indeed they did, though the Jags were a little less risqué than the Tonka's and Bucc's with names such as "The Guardian Reader" (for the benefit of our non-UK members that's a UK newspaper)! Sorry for the quality, but we didn't have digital camera's back in 91, so I've had to scan these from my 6x4's!
  18. We're starting to make progress, but some weard stuff is still happening! The inner wing stations have now been edited to be loaded seperately, and work fine. Tank 1: J10_370glFT, --- is this the Bitmap file? placed in folder named J10_370glFT and TypeName=J10_370glFT, coloured dark grey I have three seperate folders, all named differently without any other folders within them.
  19. I'm sure this topic has been raised before, but does anyone know if there's any plans for a Buccaneer in the pipeline? It seems to be a very noticable absence in the SF world! I guess the rotating bomb bay may cause a problem though?
  20. Buccaneer?

    That's great, thanks for the info!

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