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About navair2

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    Illinois, USA
  1. Too much in the way of jumping to conclusions in both threads IMO. Patience is called for to be sure. BUT: Jason definitely needs to understand that from a customer's point of view, the very act of staying mostly silent and then throwing in a "wrench" like he just did was bound to have an "area effect".
  2. So...where are these apparent thefts located? I've seen no source links, no comparison posts of the artwork in question. Let's see them and decide for ourselves as well.
  3. Ok Like I'm the only one!

    Wow...old thread. I have no idea what you guys are on about in this one...there are only 3 Star Wars movies: Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. I saw the original when I was 11 years old, 5 times the summer of 1977 and twice more before it left theaters that fall. The other three "excuses" for films are IMPOSTORS and hence shall never be accepted as such... Besides, George Lucas almost completely IGNORED the storyline painstakingly laid out in the novels, so POOH! on him.

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