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Posts posted by VMF-Blaze_UG

  1. I am personally, very pleased about this.

    We did have a sort of WWI simulation using IL-2 as a basis some years ago. The Sim itself had quite a number of biplanes, even if they were incorrect vintage. But there was a website where people had made paint schemes that gave the stock aircraft the look of WWI aircraft. I made several sets of missions for these aircraft under the label BLUE MAX, using the Bastogne terrain, and these are still available on the NETWINGS site.

    A dedicated IL-2 based sim, with the correct aircraft, will be most welcome.


    If your referring to Knights of the Sky as based on the IL2 engine, the sim isn't...

    They have actually join forces with Strict and have come up with their own engine...

    This is certainly a much better direction as the IL2 engine is antiquated.. That engine doesn't really lend itself to a lot of modern day functions that GT has employed, They've implemented in the Alpha (Speed Trees and Advanced Shaders just to name a few)..

    So now were all waiting for the demo which should be released sometime this summer, and should be quite amazing ..



  2. If anyone is interested a buddy of mine is selling his Radeon 9800 XT 256 Meg for 250.00.


    The card is 3 months old. Its still alot of card considering the prices of the X800 Pro the a XT800.


    You can email him if your interested.






    Semper Fi.



    Dude you can get a new one in from New Egg for about the same price.....

  3. I had more time today to look into the Russian web site.....


    Actually I tried to post on it but couldn't.....



    I think you'll need to register to do that......



    So yes there is an english version there but it appears that registering and logging in are in Russian which I'm not fluent in.....



    Allthough, there are several famillar sigs posting there in english...


    I think I'm going to surf the forums to try and contact some of these guys and PM them and try to find out how they were able to register.....


    Anyone have any addional information about this????






  4. If you look a little deeper into the Russian forum (If you're flying Lockon, Russian shouldn't intimidate you by now) you'll find that there's an addional forum link that's actually set up in English and is moderated by one of the developers....


    Hummmm...I wonder if this is the forum that we have been waiting for these last few months????


    Even if it's not the developers are answering questions about Lock on in English..



    Very cool..............






  5. It seems like the Lock on Forum is closed down again.....


    I've been posting there for about two years.......


    I remember with the old software there were many problems but when UBI changed over to the new web site there were very few problems, that is untill now....


    It must be a sign of the times if you know what I mean......


    It really is getting harder and harder to really start any worth while threads there now anyway, what with all of the whineing going on. It's now similar to the IL2 Forum and has been heading in that direction for quite some time......


    I can also remember when I first began posting there how a lot of really interesting information was being disclosed and also how civilized the pilots were at that time, well that seems to have disappeared unfortunatley.....


    The other thing that seems to be happening is all the threads are being high jacked by Falcon fanatics who seem to be basically trying to sell Fighter Ops.....


    All well and good but I'm really more concerned with Lock on and Eagle Dynamics next steps thank you.....


    This Forum still seems to have maintained law and order, thank you Biohaz.....





  6. Ok Cool:


    I'll keep you posted....


    The package should be here soon but I still need a few other things ...




    Any way things are starting to getting exciteing again...





  7. Ok....


    I finally got a AMD 64 3200 plus the matching Asus mobo ....


    I work in retail and AMD was running they're yearly promo which of course is the above hardware....


    So any way I placed my order tonight and luckily they still had some left...


    What a relief I had been waiting for something like this for about a year...


    But the pressure really wount be off untill I finally recieve it which sould be in about 40 more hours.... :D



  8. Digital Overload:


    I just want to say thanks for taking the time to give me what seems to be the answer to my problem....


    This is something that I'm going to have to spend some time on and since the patch for Lock on has finally be released I've been busy trying it out.. You can't blame me for that can you... :lol:


    So I'll have the whole day off on Sunday and I'm going to work on your very clear and precise instructions....


    Thanks Again Guy






  9. Dagger:


    Thanks for getting back to me......


    I'm just useing the onboard, I'm not really interested in investing too much into this putter, but I guess if its going to help to reinstall S/F..... Cool


    I can allways move it to the new system later... :D


    Initally I did install S/F before with just the onboard and it ran quite well.....


    After the crash I reinstalled the operating system exactly the way it was originally but S/F wouldn't run and since that time I've added a directx compatable video card with the lastest drivers as well as a larger power supply.....


    But yes again you're probably right about it being a driver issue, but I'm going to need some direction on how to check these out if possible.....


    Thanks !!!! :lol:



  10. I tried to get this to happen allday, And I just cant seem to get it right...


    I have Adaptic CD Burner installed in my system which I think has some issues with Damon....


    Well anyway I tried to create an image on my harddrive with Adaptic....


    It copied S/F ok but after that the only thing that I could do was copy to a blank CD...


    I can't access the image on the H/D, and I can't open up Damon tools at all...


    And of course the copy that I made of S/F just freezes up and it wount let me install just like the original...


    I tried to run it from the file as well (not the Autorun) but no dice..... <_<


    Does any one know what I should try next or should I wait for 4 or 5 more months untill I maybe have enough cash to build my next machine..... :(


    Oh well !!!





  11. Sorry but its not that.....


    I actually bought the game from EB games here in NY....



    After the problem initially started I took the CD back to EB and they gave me a fresh copy which was really cool....


    I work at CompUSA so I then went back to work and installed it into a Sony Media Center, one of the RZ models a 3.02 GIG machine with a 19" Sony flat panel and it acually ran extermley well , without any patches, right out of the box....


    Well then I brought it home and tried and it just wount install....


    No matter what I do to install it just freezes up my system..... :blink:


    I had contacted Third Wire and managed to get a Tech to reply which he stated that I was fortunate to contact him directly as they weren't supporting S/F any longer..... he then e-mailed me instructions from the Micro Soft Technical website that coved a lot of highly complicated instructions for tweaking my CD player, which by the way didn't work and caused me to have to do a fresh install of my operating system again.....


    I then contacted Strategy First which asked me a lot of very sophistcated questions concering my system and asked me to fax over my current DxDiag readings which I did....


    So anyway after several days of communications with T/W I recieved an e-mail stateing that they didn't know what the problem is......


    So now after 6 months of trying (this is how bad I want to go back to this simulator) I'm still not able to open up the CD without my system crashing.....


    Some of the guys over at Simhq think that the best way to overcome this issue is to create a virtual hard drive and run it off of there, but honestly I don't have a clue as to how to accomplish this.......


    Does any one else have any ideas concerning this problem????






  12. OK Dagger But I think I tried that allready....


    But just to make sure could me a little more detail on how to do this ?



    Sorry to be such a nube, but I guess in this case I am.... :lol:



    the last 4 or 5 times that I put the CD into the drive and tried to run the cd, My Computer froze up completly and I had to physicaly power it down, then turn on power again and reboot....




  13. Well I have an older system...


    But I had S/F running on it before with out any problems...


    But anyway this is what I'm presently running, hope to build a new one when I get more cash, but I could be sometime before that happens :lol:


    I'm running an AMD 900 with with 512 memory, its an old vaio with Windows ME..


    I just did a complete operating system reinstall and added the all the latest Windows upgrades from the Micro Soft Web Site, I think its super pack 6....


    Also I moded the the stock case to accept an Antec 320 power supply (the orginal was just 100 watts)...


    I added a nvidea fx 5200 video card and added DirectX 9 so that I could run Lockon on medium settings and I just installed the most recent drivers when they came out 56.64....


    Also I have a Cougar with the latest patch....


    By The way I tried to install S/F before I did all of the above, and then tried it again afterwards but I just woun't go...


    I hope that this is enought info...


    Thanks for your time guys



  14. I got this sim about a year ago and think its great..


    But I have't been able to get it to run for the last 6 months...


    I had to do a reinstallation of my operateing system and since then I just woun't load up...


    When I hit the install icon the computer locks up and I have to power it down and reboot.....


    I've been all over the place trying to get a fix for this but nothing works....


    I've been on SimHQ, Stratagy First, and Third Wire but no one seems to have the answer....


    I guess I should have come here first seeing as how a lot of this forum is dedicated to this sim....


    Some one recomended that I set up a virtual hard drive and run it from there but I can't seem to get that to work....



    Does anyone have any ideas, I haven't even been able to check out the lastest patch... <_<





  15. Turbowns:


    Dude your campaign rocks but there are some problems...


    I've finally reached mission 4 (the airbase relocation)....


    I don't know if anyone else has this problem but I can't start it...


    The Fly button at the top of the window that usally has the blue letters in it is grey and I can't click it ...


    I've tried everthing that I can think of but no joy...


    I thought that it might be a time issue because the take of time for the squad was a little bit later then the listing for mission takeoff time ......


    So I syncronized them but that didn't work....


    Please check it out for me I'd like to continue......






  16. Yes the choppers are really quite impressive.... I have been doing an old Flanker Campaign that was originally written by USAFHMT with his permission of course :D ...


    I don't know if you remember it The Peninsula Isn't Enough, but he had the a Russian invasion happening in mission 4 and had used the Hovercraft to bring in the troops but as you know these boats arn't available in Lomac. So I deceided to use the russian choppers instead and then chose to add the gun ships to protect the invasion force as well as an assortment frigetts and patrol boats.


    I was realty cool to actually set up the chopper gun ships with the armnement and designate targets, (a lot of fun ) Well anyway I began to run the mission and Dave had everything in there but the kitchen sink :P and after I put in the choppers that was the kitchen sink and guess what ? It was so much going on there what with airport strikes with 8 wings and CAPS and Escorts along with several GIF's and the invasion itself well when I went to try it out it just froze up solid and crashed my system :D A great idea but too elaborate so I'm tuneing it down and hope to finish it all up soon . This should Rock when I finally finish it!!!




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