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About bobrock0111

  1. Interesting... as usual, thanks for sharing. I think that the FU audio cue should have been mandatory part of many weapon systems, in users language as well...:) It is so '80's :) So are you saying that HOJ was that reliable on Hawk, highly dependable? thanks.
  2. Thanks for clearing that for me; I will continue to test your Mig-21MF from RSS pack and maybe look into range settings for AI myself. Currently, with MF, I am getting around 1-2 R-3R's fired by friendly AI per mission, so not bad, it is a step in right direction. I will wait for your feedback once you had a chance to test it. One thing I did notice is that when I am in boresight mode and locked on enemy, the lock tends to break from enemy and jump to nearby friendly, like a lot. I am not sure if this is intended or normal behavior of boresight mode lock but maybe it is worth mentioning. I am keeping my aiming piper at enemy closely, but it still jumps to friendly very often. Thanks for getting back to me on this Gepard, I appreciate it. I wonder why did the Soviets/WP and importing Arab nations wait so long to include CM module? Do you think they simply did not have technology for it or was it a design decision/omission? It is strange that they would allow themselves to be at such disadvantage for so long (a decade???). What do you think?
  3. So I kinda made some progress on this; I tried the Mig-21MF from the pack you have suggested and got one AI to actually fire a single R-3R missile. It was only one, out of 8 ship flight, spending around 5-6 minutes in actual combat. The funny thing is that after that I tried same scenario with Mig-21bis from previous "Mig-21 Complete pack for SF2 1.8" and got pretty much the same result: two R-3R were fired (and missed) by friendly AI for the whole intercept mission. So basically it kinda works, which is great, but AI will pretty much go for guns or do nothing (considering that I made them carry only R-3R's beside gun) most of the time instead using R-3R. Do you have any further suggestions as to making AI more fond of firing these? I have noticed that the Mig-21MF from your pack does have settings you highlighted in your last post much higher (RadarSearchRange, etc) but I coould not tell that AI behaved different from one flying Mig-21bis from 1.8 collection. By the way, those numbers in [DetectSystem] RadarTrackRange: what are they exactly? For my own plane, I also tried increasing some values for my plane in AvionicsData, like extending tracking range but again, felt I can get a lock only around 2 km away. Is that realistic for RP-22 radar in Mig-21bis? I realize they are two completely different sims and maybe its wrong to compare, but In DCS you get fire authorized lights at 5km from locked target and can lock from way further. Sorry if I am annoying with all these questions, I just enjoy flying Migs and would like my AI to give a decent fight. thanks for sharing any info!
  4. This is really great info Gepard, thanks! Do you happen to know which Mig-21 variant and when exactly got countermeasures, like chaff and flare? Was it Mig-21bis?
  5. Thanks for replying, the issue remains with AI flying Mig-21 not being able to fire R-3R's. To Fubar512: I tested this multiple times with different ranges of engagement. Also, I tried multiple times with "Engage Air" command as well and the result is always the same, R-3R's are never fired by AI. To Snailman: First of all, I managed to get 24R's to be used by AI flying Mig-23MLD; I changed the export date on weapon to one year earlier to match my campaign settings and it is working now, the AI is engaging and calling Fox 1 quite well. So Mig-23 is back to its full glory as it should be. Next, I tried to check what you suggested but I am not sure if I understood you completely regarding RSS missiles and compatible planes. If you are referring to missile pack you posted to Downloads under name RED SIDE STANDARD WEAPONS PACK - FULL Beta 0.99, that is the missile pack that I use and only one that features R-3R as far as I can tell. I am not sure which "RSS compatible test planes" are you referring to exactly? Could you be more specific please? I am currently using Mig-21 bis and MF model from Mig-21 Complete pack for SF2 1.8 by ataribaby (http://combatace.com/topic/44584-mig-21-complete-pack-sf2-18/). Thanks for your help! Thanks Gepard, I appreciate the information. I only did this to test AI ability to fire R-3R in combat due to the issue I experienced. I was not going for historical accuracy on this particular setup.
  6. Hello! Just tested flights of Mig-21bis and Mig-23MLD armed with SAHM only (R-3R and R-24R)...none fired by friendly AI in both instances. Gave the order to my guys to attack my target, wingman said "can not comply" and Flight 1 acknowledged but kept all missiles in mint condition. Mine went off rail just fine (naturally, missed with both R-3R's). So it does not look very good for a SF2 campaign I made for Soviet side to play, don't feel quite competitive out there. Did anyone here experience the same issue and maybe found the solution for this? Thanks.

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