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Posts posted by thegeoff

  1. Figured it out.... thought I'd put it here in case anyone else has the same problem. I'd forgotten that I installed SweetFX, which requires you to add certain files to the Menu and Flight folders. When I deleted and regenerated the Flight folder, of course it didn't have the necessary files so the game crashed. I removed the SweetFX files from the main installation directory and the game now works like a charm.

  2. Yeah, I've tried both the above suggestions and I'm still getting the same symptoms. If I delete the mod folder and let it regenerate, the game works fine - but as soon as I add a folder called 'Flight', regardless of what's in it, the game refuses to start. I've also tried extracting the original Flight folder from the CAT archive but it didn't help. Thanks for the tips guys but it looks like I'll need a complete reinstall!

  3. Yeah, it's in  C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam. The weird thing is that the problem occurs no matter what files I put in it - originally I had the whole Air/Ground war expansion installed, then when that stopped working I tried using only SARCASM v1.5 (after moving the original flight folder away of course), then in desperation I tried using a completely empty folder. Nothing works! But as soon as I delete the folder, the game runs perfectly...

    From my understanding, using a completely empty 'flight' folder should have the same effect as using a mod folder without a 'flight' folder at all. Yet for some reason the game crashes immediately with the first option and runs flawlessly with the latter.

    Also, all of the other installed mods work fine - all the additional aircraft, terrains, cockpits etc run without a hitch. Can't imagine what could be causing it!

  4. Hi everyone,

    I've suddenly got a mysterious problem with SF2 Vietnam. Whenever I add a "Flight" folder to the game mod folder the game refuses to start at all - the splash screen appears, it loads for a while then immediately quits to the desktop at the time when the main menu should usually appear. If I remove the flight folder, the game works perfectly. I guess it's not urgent but the game looks a whole lot nicer with some cloud and effects mods. 

    The actual contents of the folder don't affect the problem - it even happens if I add a completely empty folder and rename it to "Flight". Any ideas what could be wrong? 

  5. Is the [DiveBombAI] data in the OP working for anyone else? I've tried it with the A6M2, D3A1 and B5N2 and none of them even dive, they just slowly approach the target, make a few really sharp turns, then drop their bombs into the sea. Is there some kind of setting elsewhere in the .ini's which determines whether the [DiveBombAI] section is used or not? Come to think of it I don't think I've ever seen a proper dive bombing run in SF2...

  6. No, there aren't any rivers in that area. I'll try playing around with flightengine.ini and see if that has any effect. I did try changing some of the settings in the [heightfield] section of darwin.ini... increasing DetailScale seemed to help a little in some areas but it also makes the terrain really rough and jagged. Maybe DetailFrequency is the key?


    Looking forward to that New Guinea map! Can't thank you guys enough for all the work you do, mods and addons are what really make this game worth playing!

  7. I've recently been building up a WWII south-west pacific mod folder, focused around northern Australia and New Guinea (that wirraway came at a perfect time Wrench!). I'm using Edward's WW2 Darwin terrain with Wrench's update pack and the tiles from Green Hell 3 - I simply copied the GH3 files to the Darwin folder and used the darwin_data.ini included with GH3.


    The problem is that some of the terrain tiles are transparent at certain angles. It's usually the forest tiles on the side of hills, and it only seems to happen when they're viewed from a low altitude. I've included a couple of screenshots to show what I mean.


    I just tried again without using GH3 tiles and the problem is still there. It might be heightmap related?


    Any ideas on how to fix this?



  8. No, looks like the file isn't in any of the green hell 2 downloads. There aren't any trees or bushes in the cities in any version of green hell 2 it seems... I guess these were removed before the mod was released? Doesn't matter, the cities look much better now anyway.


    It's a great terrain, definitely looking forward to the release of an updated GH3 in the future. Thanks for the help!


  9. Yeah, I've copied the .tod files for all of the city tiles across, it didn't change anything though - Green hell 3 does not include .tod files for the city tiles, so the GH2 tiles were not overwritten and the tods were already in the directory.

    Thanks Stary, that's what I did earlier after Wrench's advice - it worked perfectly for the buildings, but the city tiles all have AlphaObjectTexture=City_trees1.TGA as the second line, and I can't seem to find that file in either GH2 or 3. That seems to be the reason the vegetation is missing from cities.

  10. Yep, that worked for the buildings! They now appear with the gh2 textures on the gh3 tiles. I went through both the gh3 and gh2 vietnamsea_data.ini files, and wherever there was a reference to hanoi_buildings1.bmp in the gh2 file I modified the corresponding entry in the gh3 file.


    The trees and bushes in the cities still don't display - they seem to be in a file called City_trees1.TGA which is missing. Doesn't really matter, the buildings are the main thing. Thanks for the help!

  11. I'm currently trying to use Stary's excellent Green Hell 3 tile set with the VietnamSEA and South Vietnam terrains from the SF2 Air & Ground War expansion pack. I prefer the look of GH3 in the jungles, fields, villages and rice paddies but I like the denser cities with bigger buildings from GH2 (the terrain in the expansion pack). So far I've simply copied the files from the GH3 terrain folder into the VietnamSEA and South Vietnam folders, and that has mostly worked. The new target areas and objects all appear on the GH3 tiles, exactly as intended.


    The main problem is with the city tiles. The buildings seem to use the wrong textures, and the trees and bushes in the cities don't render correctly. I've included some screenshots to show what I mean - while some buildings look alright, some seem to use roof tiles on the walls and have doors on the roof. The trees and bushes are also strangely rectangular.






    I know very little about modding terrains in SF2, but I had a look around in the terrain folder to see if I could easily fix it. I've tried copying the .tod files for city tiles into the root terrain folder but that didn't work. I noticed that the textures of the buildings are mostly from TEROBJECT_BUILDINGS1.bmp (which is a GH3 file, not a GH2 one) so I tried deleting that, didn't work though. What I'm trying to do is have buildings and trees on the city tiles from GH2, while using the tile textures from GH3.


    Does anybody know if it's possible to do this? Thanks.


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