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About dirtbikemike

  1. I worked in the ECM shop for H&MS-11, MAG-11, 1st Marine Air Wing during my tour in Vietnam 69-70. I went to school on both passive and active ECM systems at MCAF Tustin in 1968. The schools included the APR-25, APR-27 and the ALQ-100. In Vietnam, I was worked primarily on the passive ECM systems, specializing on the APR-25 and 27. We had the ALE chaff systems, but they were fairly simple and usually only had control box problems. We also had ALQ-81 and ALQ-88 pods. 99 seems familiar too. I spent most of my time in DaNang with Marine TA-4Fs, A-6s, EA-6s and F-4s, but my skills took me down to Chu Lai to MAG-12 for A-4s and to Marble Mountain for MAG-16s helos. I also spent a lot of time sweeping aircraft to detect line loss in the coax cables. Mike Lambert Cpl USMC H&MS-11 Vietnam

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