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Posts posted by Boz

  1. Layered F-5E templates

    !!! CAUTION !!!


    *There is a F-5E_DATA.ini file included in this templates set which works with

    this F-5E templates ONLY!! The originally released F-5E_DATA.ini file won't

    work right on the light locations with this templates and all all other F-5E skins

    repainted based on this templates!!


  2. Hi there,


    This P-51D was the ride of one famous Chinese fighter aces - General Hsu Hua-Chiang. He gave a name to his airplane called "Tian-Ma" which means the horse of the sky. You can see the blue coloured characters on the nose these are the name in Chinese. Also the four red strips wraping around the rear fuselage represent the rank of Gen. Hsu which is colonel at the time as the leader of 4th Fighter Group, He is 80 something now and he had done a lot to his country so this skin is dedicated to him. What do you guys think?







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