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Everything posted by Sokal

  1. Hi all, I had StrikeFighters2 running perfectly under Windows7 and then I installed another game of a rather primitive nature (Steam and Iron infact) and low and behold StrikeFighters got some odd graphical problems: 1) loading screen (ie after hitting fly!) doesn't show up at all 2) F6 only shows the player plane -- everything else is just light blue or light grey screens But otherwise the game runs ok. I assume I just need to reinstall directx (is there a handy way to do this?) but maybe something else is corrupted (maybe StrikeFighters?) Any ideas?
  2. Hi all, I just wanted to say this is one of the best mods for any game I've ever played. Rich in detail and very atmospheric. For example, I never realized how many Sea Cat missiles were in and around the islands. Even the Belgrano has Sea Cats! Marvelous! Thanks again for this excellent mod.
  3. I took 4 German Seakings on a raid in Iceland. The target was cargo ships. Tornado F3s escorted and Tu-22 s (Blinders!) were doing air defense suppression. Floggers intercepted. Interestingly, the 4 Floggers only shot down 2 out of 4 helicopters. they also got both Tornado F3s and one out of two Tu-22 s. 3 out of 4 floggers were shot down. The event was pretty spectacular.....those Helicopters dropped a lot of flares and chaff!
  4. What software are you using to build your ships?
  5. Hi all, I've just started in this sim. The mods are incredible. Anyway, since a lot of the time I have no idea what is going to happen when I install a mod or two, often the pure surprise when something works is the whole fun of the mission for me. I had the Iceland terrain (beautiful ocean in there by the way) and I was running an antishipping strike with Argentine Daggers against Riga Frigates. Unbeknownst to me, I had put the guns in the right folder for once. So I come zooming along, ready with the bombs through the streaky light (broken cloud northern sun low -- very nice) and all the sudden the flak starts booming in the sky. A great moment in simulated flight for me anyway.
  6. Looks very good. Yes, naval stuff tends to interest me. I haven't found a game yet where one can run into a Sverdlov class-cruiser under mid-1950s conditions.

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