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Posts posted by JJava

  1. Alright guys, to keep this thing manageable, please check the table below for your information.

    For simplicity, those that have declared more than one Squadron, consolidate them under one Force Name/Banner.

    And please no more than 2 types of aircraft, for current partipants. Newcomers should only declare 1 type of aircraft.


    This only applies to aircraft we'll keep track of. For fun and screenshots, you can fly other transport/sar/helo/etc. types and base your stories on them, but we will NOT keep record of them.


    I'm yet to fill in the Roles, will check the "Emergy Action Messages" thread for this info, so if you haven't given your Roles, please do via PM or this forum.


    Please point out any errors and changes you want ASAP. I got a feeling things might get hot soon! Have fun!


    HävLLv 21 (Fighter Squadron 21)



    8 x F-18C [CAP, INTERCEPT]



    As I'm not a great strategist, I'll leave this up to you. Preferably in a place that's got need for interceptors. :smile:

  2. Sure thing JJ. What kind of missions are you armed for? Report to Pureblue for airfield assignment....

    Well, considering the Finnish foreign policy, our planes would most likely be used for defensive A2A missions (CAP, INTERCEPT). Although if s**t would hit the fan our planes could also be used for the A2G role thanks to the latest MLU's.


    Here's the F-18C, Link.

    Sorry for the external host, it seems I've exceeded my attachment quota.

  3. Sorry, It's a bit late and only one weapon.


    It's the 23 ItK 61 (zu-23-2), the weapon that my unit used when I did my time in the army. I've tweaked the default ini's to create a more realistic representation of the weapon and made one of the two guns to shoot armor piercing rounds and the other HE rounds as in real life the belts would be mix of these.


    I'll post some more weapons (a couple of older 20mm, 40mm bofors, 35mm oerlikon) and a couple of missiles after I get their credits sorted out.


    The File

  4. Thanks for the update! :salute:

    There's just one thing i'd like to point out. In the update some tanks were given the ability to shoot at air targets, I just found this out the hard way when i was tasked on CAS-mission against some T-55's in 1956. The mission ended with my Mystere getting shot down by two (2) direct hits from 100mm cannons. Even before my demise, the air was filled with cannon round streaking very close to my plane.

    I doubt this was the intention, so is there any way to prevent tanks from firing their cannons at me and restrict them to only use their AAMG's? If this is not possible, how could I at least make the cannons less accurate?

  5. Taiwanese Thunderbolts

    Taiwanese skinpack for Russouk2004's revamped P-47N-15





    Excellent skin templates by russouk2004

    Tailnumber decals by russouk2004

    F-100AD-mod was "liberated" of the ROC-roundel by JSF Aggie

    Applying color to templates and some decaling by JJava





    2 ROCAF skins

    A green and a silver one, based on photographs from 1954.


    1 Bonus CNAF silver skin

    Actually an ex-US D-model used by national forces during the chinese civil war


    An incomplete userlist-file for the thunderbolt and an ini-file utilizing it.


    Readme-file with installation instructions and a link to the correct plane.

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