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About Spiritwalker69

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    Apart from computer gaming and flight sims, I also keep tropical fish and have a 500 litre display tank which is home to several different species,


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  1. A query for any USAF veterans out there ....

    Thanks again Guys. I spoke with Dad on the phone earlier and relayed your thoughts. We did discuss the possibility of paint fade and weathering making the colour appear blue and he agreed that this was possible. He did recall that a 23 Squadron Lightning flew around for some time with a pinkish eagle on the vertical tail fin due to weathering. He did mention that quite often the F-102's would land and simply roll to a stop at the end of the runway due to being almost completely out of fuel. Anyway Dad has asked me to convey his gratitude to you all for your help.
  2. A query for any USAF veterans out there ....

    Thanks Guys, I did think the 57th FIS was the most likely identity myself but was thrown by my Dad saying that the checkers were blue and white. I guess that with almost 50 years having passed since he was stationed there that his memory is hazy on some details. I will pass this on to him.
  3. A query for any USAF veterans out there ....

    My father is ex-Royal Air Force and was stationed at RAF Leuchars between 1963 and 1969. Recently he was reminiscing and mentioned the F-102. He told me that he can remember F-102's, which he thinks were based in Iceland, landing at Leuchars for refuelling after shadowing Tu-95 Bears down through the G-I-UK gap. He has told me that they had blue and white checkers on the vertical fin but I have been unable to find any F-102's connected with Iceland showing these markings. He thinks that this happened around 1965-67. Do any of our USAF veterans know which Squadron these would belong to and/or if indeed they were F-102's? Alternatively does anyone know which aircraft type they were likely to have been and where they may have been based?
  4. Is it fixed then?

    Yet again Erik, an infinite number of THANK YOU's are due to yourself (and the admin team too I daresay). Having just been paid off, money is tight but come October I will be doing my utmost to renew my subscription. You have built a great site here and it would be a dire loss if the community here was to disappear. Just remember to take care of yourself in between looking after us
  5. Check the version.ini of the game you are trying to run ..... it should read similar to this [Version] BuildDate=May 2013 StrikeFighters2=TRUE StrikeFighters2 Vietnam=TRUE StrikeFighters2 Europe=TRUE StrikeFighters2 Israel=TRUE StrikeFighters2 Exp1=TRUE StrikeFighters2 Exp2=TRUE StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic=TRUE StrikeFighters2 Exp3=FALSE [OnlineNews] LastUpdateVersion=May 2013 LastDLCCount=29 If the BuildDate and LastUpdateVersion do not match after patching then the game rewrites the ini and also redeploys stock aircraft - this is probably part of the patch process to ensure any ini's for the aircraft are updated. I have found that the following method works to prevent this "corrupting" all my installs:- 1. Before patching make archive copies of your saved game folders but remove the version.ini file from the backups. (You can also get away with just making a back-up of the aircraft and decals folders) 2. Apply the patch 3. Run any of the SF2 exe files and exit the game 4. Open the folder in saved games for the SF2 exe you opened and copy the version.ini file (paste it to your desktop for safety) 5. Delete the contents of the saved game folder for the exe you opened (or the aircraft and decals folders if you only backed them up) and use your back-up to replace them. 6. Copy the version.ini from your desktop to every game/mod folder in your saved game folder. Using this method you only have one mod folder to retrieve - I generally use the test version of the game I have setup to use when checking new decals etc.
  6. The Site Being Back Up

    Erik, Thank You for the diligence and dedication to keeping CombatAce up and running, it is very much appreciated.
  7. shortcut icons

    www.xiconeditor.com/ You can visit this site and upload any pic. The site will the allow you to crop it and convert it to an .ico You then save it to your pc as favicon.ico and can rename it to whatever you wish.ico Then drop it in the root folder of the app you want to use it as a shortcut for. Right click on the .exe the shortcut is for and create a desktop shortcut by selecting send to desktop. Now select your new shortcut and right click, select properties and you will see an option to change icon. Simply navigate to your new icon and select it. To actually produce your own icons you can use gimp to create a 64x64 pixel gif and convert it as above.
  8. SF2 Library Reorganization Complete

    Thanks for the effort guys ..... all concerned deserve recognition.
  9. RAFs new drone display team

    New Squadron motto? - "Pray thy uplink remain stable"
  10. Saudi Tiffies finished in a 3-tone lo-vis scheme
  11. The original mod can be found here - http://combatace.com/files/file/10311-highway-airfield-mod-for-sf2-europe/ The readme file contains set-up info for using the highway strips.
  12. File Name: RAF Typhoon FGR4 Skinpack File Submitter: Spiritwalker69 File Submitted: 02 June 2013 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Skins RAF Typhoon FGR4 Skinpack This pack is designed to replace/update the decals provided as part of Brain 32’s SF2 release of Bongodrivers EF2000 Typhoon In addition it will also update my previous skins/decals for the Typhoon and add 2 new Squadrons – 1(F) Squadron and 41 Squadron. You need to have the original add-on aircraft installed to use this pack – it can be downloaded from http://combatace.com/files/file/9332-ef-2000-eurofighter-sf2/ Recommended Install Instructions:- As this pack changes the installed decals and reflects the current equipment levels of the Squadrons represented within I strongly suggest that the following steps are used to install the pack. Install the original add-on to the SF2 saved game/mod directory of your choice. Open the Objects/Decals/Typhoon folder in your saved game folder Delete all the RAF skin folders (3 sqn, 11 sqn, 17 sqn and 29 sqn) Open the RAF Typhoon FGR4 Skinpack and extract the objects folder inside. Copy the objects folder to your saved game folder and allow it to merge with the existing objects folder. Allow any file overwrites. Load up the version of SF2 you have installed it to and ENJOY. All credit deservedly goes to Bongodriver for the original and Brain 32 for converting it to SF2. Spiritwalker69 03/06/2013 Click here to download this file
  13. RAF Typhoon FGR4 Skinpack

    Version V1.0


    RAF Typhoon FGR4 Skinpack This pack is designed to replace/update the decals provided as part of Brain 32’s SF2 release of Bongodrivers EF2000 Typhoon In addition it will also update my previous skins/decals for the Typhoon and add 2 new Squadrons – 1(F) Squadron and 41 Squadron. You need to have the original add-on aircraft installed to use this pack – it can be downloaded from http://combatace.com/files/file/9332-ef-2000-eurofighter-sf2/ Recommended Install Instructions:- As this pack changes the installed decals and reflects the current equipment levels of the Squadrons represented within I strongly suggest that the following steps are used to install the pack. Install the original add-on to the SF2 saved game/mod directory of your choice. Open the Objects/Decals/Typhoon folder in your saved game folder Delete all the RAF skin folders (3 sqn, 11 sqn, 17 sqn and 29 sqn) Open the RAF Typhoon FGR4 Skinpack and extract the objects folder inside. Copy the objects folder to your saved game folder and allow it to merge with the existing objects folder. Allow any file overwrites. Load up the version of SF2 you have installed it to and ENJOY. All credit deservedly goes to Bongodriver for the original and Brain 32 for converting it to SF2. Spiritwalker69 03/06/2013
  14. Weapons Pack 2

    Storm Shadow is probably not showing as it is AttachmentType=UK. and the French version SCALP is AttachmentType=FRANCE as are the Apache family, so I would guess that is why these do not show. JSOW has AttachmentType=USAF,USN - year related?

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