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About tinmaptd

  1. nvm that, i figured out how to arm squadmate now, sorry
  2. Yeah I looked into the loadout ini and found out that I don't have some. I downloaded the weapon packs 2 but still missing most of the weapons listed in the ini files, also, I feel like it's not compatible to the plane or something, the missiles don't seem to hit anything, might be just me sucking Also, I can only equip my OWN plane, not my squadmate planes, they still go into battle without a machine gun
  3. How do I equip my squadmate's armament manually?
  4. Two of the aircraft is the PAK FA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlunjEzpSU4 and one of the Mig 29 Hyper Fulcrum
  5. To throw this out first, I am new to the modding community of this game I've been adding new airplanes to the game collection, but noticed that when using modded planes, only my own planes got missles and such while the squadmate planes only have machine guns and chaff. How do I edit the loadout for them>?

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