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About jumiro

  1. bingo ! sam launcher appears in more recent dates ... not the same for Deutschland terrain ... there some sam launcher doesn't apear in any year, is that normal ¿?
  2. With KMD, Germany terrain, MAP1, I am planning a SEAD mission against Sam Launcher which I found in map located at : x 557421; 535662 (ID 4) in Halle area, but when I get in 3D, this sam launcher is not viewable. Is that normal ? any help ? Here is the file : [MissionHeader] AircraftType=A-10A MissionMap=GermanyCE MissionType=SEAD StartDate=06/18/1974 StartTime=18:00 [Weather] WeatherType=BROKEN WeatherAlt=4000.0 WeatherThickness=500.0 HasHighLayer=FALSE HighLayerAlt=8000 FogAmount=0.6 ContrailAlt=8000 StartWindDirection= StartWindSpeed=17.57222 WindGustingAmount=25.57222 [MissionData] FriendlyAirActivity=1 EnemyAirActivity=1 FriendlyAirDefenseActivity=3 EnemyAirDefenseActivity=3 PlayerMissionID=1 PlayerPositionID=1 MissionNumber=1 AdjustStartPosition=FALSE AdjustBaseWaypoint=FALSE [AircraftMission001] AircraftType=A-10A Name=Showtime FormationType=USFighter Texture= Squadron=-1 AircraftNumber=-1 Size=2 RandomChance=100 MissionType=SEAD CarrierBased=FALSE ObjectiveID=4 RatingForSuccess=50 StartOnGround=FALSE Position=555241,533585,200 StartTime=0 Heading=0 Speed=75.00 Alignment=FRIENDLY AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 Loadout= TracerMixRatio=50 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT TargetArea=Halle Nation=USAF Waypoint[01].Position=556783,535027,200 Waypoint[01].Speed=74.59 Waypoint[01].Size=200 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Objective=TRUE Waypoint[02].Position=557421,535662,200 Waypoint[02].Speed=74.59 Waypoint[02].Size=200 Waypoint[02].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[02].Objective=TRUE
  3. As I see in others terrain folders, you have to see in the Germany folder the following files : (*) GERMANYCE_MAP1.BMP GermanyCE.CAT GermanyCE.INI GermanyCE_dogfight.ini (*) GERMANYCE_TARGETS.INI (*) GERMANYCE_TYPES.INI (*) : to be extracted ( New with this simm, please correct me if I am wrong )
  4. File Name: WOE Deutschland Terrain ground objects pics File Submitter: jumiro File Submitted: 29 Jan 2007 File Category: Utilities/Editors Using KMD, I found myself a little lost with the 44 ground object's list, so here it is a table with the pictures of each item, hope it will be useful for someone else. Click here to download this file
  5. jtin: done, http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=3959
  6. Version


    Using KMD, I found myself a little lost with the 44 ground object's list, so here it is a table with the pictures of each item, hope it will be useful for someone else.
  7. Here it is my little contribution to say Hi everybody in this nice forum. Long time playing air combat simm's ( more than 10 yrs ) and WOE has been a very rewarding finding to me : maximum enjoy by minimum time of preparation. Thankyou to KMD mission editor author/s ( and to their family to let them time to make it :). I find it as an essential companion to the simm. Using KMD, I found myself a little lost with the 44 ground object's list, so here it is a table with the pictures of each item, hope it will be useful for someone else : HTML version : http://two.fsphost.com/webexpo/woe/gr_ob/W...d%20objects.htm PDF version : http://two.fsphost.com/webexpo/woe/WOE_deu...d%20objects.pdf

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