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Posts posted by kampfwolf

  1. kampfwolf:


    Based on what you just said, I strongly suspect that your problem lies with the game not finding the proper Mods folder with the carrier folders. If after reinstall it's still not working, then you need to root around and figure out why the game is not finding the proper Mods folder.


    As I can't see how your system is laid out, there's not much more that I can do aside from noting that the KB contains at least one article on creating mod folders for custom mods like the Expansion Pack that you install.


    Eric Howes


    Thanks Eric for all the help. I might try to install it on SF2NA since it was loading the carriers there if the fresh reinstall does not work. I'll will post back the results.

  2. Kampfwolf:


    Something is wrong with your install. If you didn't even have an SCB-125 folder, then that suggests a partial/incomplete install of some sort.


    Only thing I can recommend at this point is that you try reinstalling the Expansion Pack mod. When reinstalling, don't forget that your first step should be to run the Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam executable,which will create a fresh Mods folder that should have a CVA-63 and SCB-125 folder.


    Eric Howes


    I'll give it a try. One thing I forgot to mention was the SF2V folder did have CVA-63 and SCB-125 in it's folder, but not the mod folder(I use mmods for that). I tried removing the CVA and SCB from the SF2V objects folder, but it still did not load me onto a carrier.

  3. *Update


    I actually took MigBuster's advice and updated the drivers and checked for background processes. I also did a bit of overclocking on the GPU(I have excellent cooling for the card and case). Those combined have gave me at least another 10fps over Hanoi. It maybe just a hair under 25fps(wherever your eye can tell there is a slowdown) in some places, but much better than it was.

  4. Thanks guys for all the replies. I was wondering what upgrade would make the most bang for the buck. I looked at the HD6770 card and can pick it up for a good deal. Also a possible is a RAM upgrade(my current setup isn't as fast as it should be on the, 667Mhz). I'll try upgrading the video drivers tonight, they might be a couple months out of date. Like I said, the game runs fine on vanilla SF2V and all the other versions, that's what puzzled me so, but I guess the Expansion(Gold version) just adds so much AAA and SAMs up North that it cripples my system. So the question is, what upgrade should I do to boost the performance the most? Thanks guys.

  5. Hi guys, I've searched all the threads I can find, but I cannot seem to improve the FPS in this mod to acceptable limits. Any mission with lots of objects(Hanoi area mainly) cause horrible slow downs(5-10fps). I've dialed down almost all settings to low, used the low terrain, flak effects, no buffs, normal exhaust emitters, everything I could find. I also removed some of the ground objects to cut down in the mission, but it still is bad. My system can run SF2E and SF2NA with med-high settings without a big drop in FPS at all, so I'm lost as to the cause of this. Any ideas would be appreciated since the mod is absolutely amazing other than this issue. System specs below.Thanks



    Intel Core Two Duo -3.0GHz

    4GB DRR2

    ATI Radeon HD4670 (1GB)

    Win7 64-Bit


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