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Everything posted by Heretic

  1. Well, I guess that's the difference between the player and the superhuman AI. I probably wouldn't be as much of a nuisance to AI F-4s in a MiG-19 as AI Farmers are to me in a Phantom. - Edit: The F-4J already had A2A avionics refinements and a slotted tailplane for improved maneuverability, while the F-4D was just a slight refinement of the F-4C.
  2. Someone actually aploaded a ton of TailSpin episodes to YT (but they're in german): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvJBeSxpTU0 I'm just noting that the general (or his superior) has Brezhnev-lookalike eyebrows - and wants to constantly execute everyone. Also, the commander of the airforce got his post due to a typo and doesn't know how to fly a plane. Funny how the perception of cartoons changes over time. As a kid, you're laughing about whacky characters doing whacky things and as an adult you're laughing about the cartoonized satire and social critique. The linked episode e.g. deals with triggering a war to push ammo sales...
  3. The campaign pitted my flight of F-4Ds against MiG-19s yesterday. Observation: If you really want to get rid of Farmers, Sparrow 'em! There is no other way. My flight of four encoutered two Farmers on a CAP mission. While Farmer #1 largely ignored my flight (possibly for a C-130 flying in the area that provided a better target), Farmer #2 went for it and came straight at us. I got the lead with an AIM-7 which was easy enough, but MiG #2 was a real PITA. In a 2 vs 1 fight (my and three's wingie just didn't seem to be in a fighting mood), we did nearly everything to get the buggar. Two more Sparrows refused to track, so I've tried to get up close for some SUU-16 and AIM-9 love to no avail. His turns were too sharp and the reversals too quick to stay within the firing envelope of both weapons. My number three also spent all of his IR ordonnance on this guy, but somehow managed to get a lucky hit on his wingtip with the cannon. I hthen started to extend out a bit, which brought it into Sparrow range. My last AIM-7 fortunately homed in, otherwise I'd have broken off the fight an buggered out. So just to reinforce the opinion about the MiG-19: Fight it like you would fight a wild animal...do not let it get close and use your rifle to keep it from biting. If this doesn't work: Run! Run, run, run!
  4. Wasn't there a nuke effects pack for SF1? Maybe you've ported it over? I think I need to make my SF2E installation a bit more "nucular" at one point and do a bit of toss bombing with F-101s or freefall nuking with B-52s or turning a ckuster of drones into glowing debris. :D
  5. What a coincidence, I was actually planning opening a thread about the Advanced Falcon (AIM-26B) when under the shower last night. There were times in my current campaign when the dire supply situation forced me to conserve my Sparrow-Es and equip AIM-26Bs instead. And I found those missiles fairly pleasant and nowhere near as abyssimal as the "original" AIM-4. Maybe TK didn't get "it right" with those missiles, but in my experience the Advanced Falcon achieved a slightly better tracking rate than the Sparrow. The only drawback compared to its "successor" would be the shorter range and slower speed and hence a slightly higher tendency to "dumb out" and falling from the sky shortly before the target. I'd say the AIM-26 is a good, radar-guided complement to the Sidewinders.
  6. Those were the pigs, right? Great parody, especially the short, stupid general with those thousands of medals. :D
  7. High altitude nuke? Tingles my "cold war glands"...hard!
  8. Whackest windmill I've ever seen, lol.
  9. What's that compound supposed to be anyways? Barracks?
  10. "Big G" = That soul eating megacorporation slated for world dominance 10, 15 years from now. ;)
  11. The only real advantage the F-4 has is a lot more ammo and more speed. Since the SF2 is a cheating bastard when it comes to fuel use anyways, I use the "normal" setting for fuel consumption. Makes things kind of easier and a tad more even. Still doesn't help that much against the magnificence of evilness that the MiG-19 is, though. Thanks for the report! The big "G"? Maybe.
  12. The gun is a deviation from the standard strike loadout. Normally, you'd load your F-4 with Sparrows, tanks and 18(?) Mk82. Since I can manage my bomb throws really well, I got rid of the centerline bomb rack and substituted it for a Suu-16 for non-building targets and A2A self defense. But being the dirty cheater I am, I also sling four Sidewinders beneath the wings to hunt a few targets of opportunity. Since all you mostly have during campaign play will be AIM-9Bs and AIM-26s, you *will* see most of your rocket fueled ordonnance go dumb nearly right before impact, which in the end leaves you with guns only to fend off any pursuers. It's not that I don't have any heavy fighter experience, it's just that any hint in handling bricks like those 1960s non-interceptors is welcomed to improve my fighting skills. ;) I'm usually too fast for flaps, but I'll keep it in mind for the next fight. As I've said, especially B-winders are no guarantee for an armchair kill at all, rather than a concentration breaker for the other side. Thanks for the reports!
  13. Request (to keep you guys busy): F-4D w/ SUU-16 vs MiG-19 w/ guns only I find the Farmer a hog to kill in a flying brick.
  14. It's just a language thing. You wouldn't expect the soft speaking french to have a badass Foreign Legion just from the sound of the language... ;) P.S: Mark Schnell is a name, not a command. It's "Mach schnell!".
  15. Dang, what a good looking model! G10s, Germany_CE anno 1944 campaign... Wish I had the time to set up something like that.
  16. I've just had one of those "Heck freakin' yeah!" missions. Background: NF4+ infinite 1968 campaign. Mission: Fighter sweep over (enemy occupied) Bremen. My flight: 8*F-4D. (One valuable lesson learned during this campaign so far: Always take along as many planes as you can or you WILL regret it!) Loadout: The supply situation is bad, so it had to be this for each one of us... 4*AIM-9B (running low on Es) 4*AIM-26B (running low on Sparrow-Es) 1*GAU-16 (always low on Gau-23s) 2*370 Gal (plenty of those though!) Takeoff went well, transition got ended abruptly when Red Crown called out an enemy flight approaching mine shortly before the IP. Turned out to be two MiG-21Ss. After telling my squadron to engage, I let them pass underneath me, swung low and achieved a lock. Since the bandit wasn't maneuvering and his wingman was busy with the rest of my squadron I had all the time in the world to get my Advanced Falcon to track and hit (a rare occasion). Made for a small grin on my face. I then went after MiG number two, but that one ate friendly Sidewinder at one point. Then, back on course to Bremen, a pair of MiG-21PFMs joined the party. The ensuing dogfight was kind of the same. I got number one, this time with a Sidewinder Bravo (mark that day in the calendar,guys!), while another, unrelated Flight of Phantoms somehow got Fishbed number two. Since the only other enemy flight Red Crown had called out went straight for Bison, I abandoned the plan to loiter over the target area and help the AI out with what turned out to be two MiG-19s (my arch enemy - I hate them, hate them, hate them!). MiG number one gave chase to the leader of the other flight, but soon succumbed to a missile from that guy's wingman. MiG number two was a different story. Despite all the resentment, I felt kind of sorry for him having ten Phantoms wanting his tailpipes and other airframe parts. He evaded and gave chase very aggressively, which was kind of amazing, but not nearly as amazing as the inability of ten F-4s, eight of which had gunpods, to shoot him down. At one point, he went for me and I decided that playing the scared bunny was the best thing to do. Keep him focused, but out of cannon range and offer him to any of the guys as a trophy. The ruse only worked for a few seconds, so I dumped the ears and fluffy tail and exposed my fangs. I chased him east, until I got near what resembled a german opera with tons and tons of kettle drums. In my bloodlusting chase, I've strayed too close to an airfield and S-60s and Sa-9s do NOT make for a good time. Bunny time! I was so caught up in evasive maneuvers that I lost track of the Farmer. Never mind, I had two kills already. As I wiped a few treetop bird nests clean with my wingtips, I noticed that the red idiot, for whatever reason, had gone west again. He was alone, unchased and oh, such a juicy target on the screen of my APQ-109! Mark, lock, turn, unload the wings, Fox one. The AIM-26 dropped, started and tracked. Tracked, tracked, tracked and BINGO, the back smoke trail of utter satisfaction! A celebratory barrel roll and it was RTB. After all the setback in the just eight missions of the Fulda Gap onslaught this one was a perfect mission. Four victories, no losses and a DFC as a bonus. Heck yeah!
  17. Well, military aggression got a bit out of fashion here in Germany, so your MiGs are behaving quite perfectly.
  18. "Reset pivot" and "Reset XForm" can do wonders. :D But there's nothing worse than modeling an aircraft, exporting it to the sim and noticing that it's backwards because the root node hasn't been oriented correctly. - Edit: Nice shelter, btw. I still have models for grass walls in various lengths, Warsaw Pact style hardened shelters (open/closed), concrete blast deflector walls in various lengths and GDR style ramp lights in 3DS Max 9 formats that got used in a never released Trollenhagen airbase scenery in FSX. If anyone wants them for SFP1/2 use, gimme a shout.
  19. Gutted

    You guys didn't see a hitchhiker on your way back to base per chance? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hitch-Hiker_%28The_Twilight_Zone%29 ;)
  20. A FSX accelerator. Q9450 @ 3.5 Ghz 4 GB DDR3 1600 Ram @ 1750MHz GTX 275 896 Mbytes 120GB SSD (plus two conventional drives) Win 7 x64 22" LCD Thinking about upgrading though. Either to a Q9650 or a DX11 video card. Screenshots: - F-105 smoking a Fresco - Good timing, tovarich reporter - "Uh, oh..." - Thud got a Farmer. I repeat: Thud. Got. A. Farmer! (P.S: Those pics were taken before I learned of the autogen tweak.)
  21. "Dallas" and "Ewing" rings a bell, although I only know him by "J.R.". And yeah, I must be JR then. :english_en:
  22. Okay, triple post now, but thanks again for the help. Just wanted to confirm that everything is in order now. Did a campaign mission and got swarmed by Fishbeds, Farmers, and Guidelines and that's how it's supposed to be. Bottom line of the story: The path to your mod forder in the options.ini, always has to end with a back slash ("\") if things are to work correctly! P.S: As an experiment, I've set the "UpgradeType" for every single unit in the campaign file to "any". Let's see what surprises this will deliver...
  23. Thanks, Dave! 8. Ten and above hits my FPS, but 8 keeps 60 FPS averaged just fine.
  24. A missing "\" in the path to my mod folder was the culprit for all the hassle...a freaking missing "\"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :suicide2: I feel so dumb... Thanks for the help, guys!
  25. Okay, I've done another, complete NF4+ reinstall...and I still just can't select certain squadrons. It might be SF2E being stupid... SF2 (another partition): SFP2 installation folder with ALL NF4+ files in a separate folder ("NF4+") and a custom (renamed) .exe. "Saved games" folder (Windows partition): Folder created for the renamed .exe with options.ini pointing to NF4+ folder in my installation. Reason for this structure: Windows and Flight Sim X sharing a SSD. If you know the general size of SSDs, you know what that space is *very* limited on those. Hence SF2 has to be on a conventional HDD. - Edit²: Okay, SF2 has DEFINATELY problems reading out some aircraft folders. Again just four to five Flagon and Brewer units on the map and the sim still crashes upon selecting F-100D_64 squads.

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