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Everything posted by abmhawk

  1. The weapons are there in the weapons folder, but my F-14A_82 data.ini for example does not have a this section that you posted: [DecoyDispenser] ReferenceName=AN/ALE-29/39 SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=29 StationGroupID=0 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=200.0 AllowedWeaponClass=EP SpecificStationCode=D14 What should I do? I had a good laugh when i got to this part thought : "Assume your RIO has control over it as you fly over your target!" LOL
  2. Can someone please post their counter measures section from one of their F-14 aircraft data.ini files. My F-14s dont have chaff or flares any more. It says 0 flares and 0 chaff when I press" x" and "c"!!! Also my F-14s TCS camera doesnt work. And how do I use the TARPS ? Can someone please help?
  3. Got it, Thanks. I think I also have to change the F14 to AIM-54 here too: [MissileStation1ter] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=17 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-3.179,-0.28,-0.653 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=550.00 AllowedWeaponClass=AHM AttachmentType=USN ModelNodeName=LeftPhoenix PylonMass= LaunchRailNodeName= MissileRollAngle=0.0 MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= SpecificStationCode=F14 <================= Change to AIM-54
  4. I have the same problem. I changed the name to AIM-54 in my AIM-54A folder and now I cant load the other F14s. What do you mean by "update the TMF Tomcats to "AIM54" for the SSD "?

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