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Everything posted by dispatchgeek

  1. I am looking for some help testing a possible method of having an external radar display for the StrikeFighters series. I have an external radar set up on my Windows XP WOV install, using a program called Magnifixer. Magnifixer (Available for free here) is a piece of software designed for visually impaired people to magnify their computer screen. The magnification window can be dragged and dropped on a second monitor, and the magnified area can be locked at one spot. Doing a quick and dirty test, I loaded up magnifixer on my second monitor, and set the magnified area for the approximate location of the right hand corner radar display. Magnifixer did not display correctly during the menu and loading screens, but I had limited success in flight. It will display the radar quite well. I set the update frequency on Magnifixer to 25x per second. The only problem I have doing so is the background occasionally flickers through on the magnified window. I've toyed with the "ALPHA=" settings in the hud INI, but it still flickers displaying the background irregardless of how I have transparency set. I am curious if someone with Strike Fighters 2 would be willing to test this out. I'd like to see if SF2 flickers like SF1 does in the Magnifixer display, or if it's even possible. It's not an ideal setup, but it's similar to the way Falcon 4 MFD Extractor used to work. If we can get this working right, this would be nice for people who want to build a cockpit panel housing a small monitor for their radar. I also plan on uploading a video of this working in WoV next week. (You know, that whole work thing getting in the way of a good day of simming!) EDIT: I am also in contact with the developer of Magnifixer who seems interested in assisting with this issue.
  2. Skatezilla: I didn't think it was possible to move any rendered object out of the primary game on the strike fighters series. I would be interested in persuing this route if I can make it happen. Do you know of anyone around here that I might be able to peek at their HUDDATA.INI settings and export that corner radar off to a different screen? That would make my life a lot easier with this project!

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