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Everything posted by frpg81

  1. Hello, Is there a fix for the range and course counters not being displayed? I have a full merged install, SF2NA, july/12 update, using the latest A-6 Superpack with Razbam's pit. The coding is there, but they simply aren't shown, just black rectangles where the numbers were supposed to be. Thanks!
  2. Hello, This is my first post here at combatace. (I swear I already tried finding a similar question in the forums) I was wondering on how is targeting done in SF2. When you want to shoot a cruise missile at someone, you have to get very up-close and personal, press "e" for next ground target and then send you 60-150nm ranged Harpoon - or whatever you chose to kill people with - on the way to its target, therefore in range of SA-N-3s and other nastier stuff if you modded your game enough. Then I had this idea... Would it be possible to create a moving, indestructible, invisible (non textured) object, which is coded so as to being able to be "seen" (visual sighting range) from, say, 200nm, which could then be set static in an airfield, suspect truck parking, sailing along in the center of an enemy task force, sitting atop the deck of a Kiev etc, so then you could target a cruise missile from afar just like it's supposed to be done in RL? Thank you!
  3. Gents, thank you for you patient replies. I had SF2:NA in mind while asking these questions. Yes, both battle groups are already spawned upon mission beginning, at least most of the time. Roger's suggestion is practical enough, although I was looking for a more realistic method. Well, we'll just have to wait until AG radar targeting is fully implemented!
  4. Let's consider the AGM-84C Harpoon vs a Kiev-class CVHG. Its inboard radar detection range capability is 12nm. What you are saying is, I'll only be able to lock it on to something in SF2 12nm or less in this case, which puts me right in the middle of the SAM envelope and defeats the whole purpose of standoff weapons, which should be fired from 100nm away or so. In RL, the pilot fires the missile so it will head to the general direction of the target and then, upon reaching a predetermined distance, it will switch on its onboard radar, find its target and attempt to hit it, right? What I suggest is a way to "see" the target - enabling the use of visual targeting command - from hundreds of miles away, so you can fire a missile from a standoff distance, like it's supposed to be done in RL. The maximum distance I could target anything was from 55nm away using the "Easy" visual targeting setting in options. I hope I could convey the idea successfully this time.

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