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Everything posted by Womenfly2

  1. Just a quick note, and it may upsetting to certain people but, the basic FM in general in no way is close to the actual aircraft. They are as good for now as a sim can get. Unless you have flown one, you are only assuming. So do the best you can with them, they react very differently. WF2
  2. Read more here ..... German aircraft-mounted flamethrower Now this would be fun !!!!!! Enjoy, WF2
  3. OT: AOPA Safety

    ... going green all the way! Think about it. WF2
  4. On older planes without differential ailerons, you need to lead into the turn with rudder as you feed in aileron to compensate for the adverse yaw do to the aileron drag. Here is a good read: Differential ailerons Also a good book to read is: Stick and Rudder: An Explanation of the Art of Flying by Wolfgang Langewiesche. So get the rudder pedals out again and try to lead with the rudder into the turn at the same time adding in the same amount of aileron until you have established your bank. You will also note that the rudder will be used to keep the nose of the plane level with the horizon in the turn, it has now becomes an elevator. You then need to back-off the rudder as you come out of the turn to level flight with the same coordination in reverse as you went into it. Keep trying, you will get it. Cheers, WF2
  5. Well, in the beginning of OFF I made several comments on the FM's to the OFF team, well it seems they had many arm-chair pilots that did the FM and did not use any of my input, o-well its history. Yes I do agree, the FM of the Dr.I in BHaH is not as good as it should be, so-be-it. Very interested in how well RoF has done it. I did the flat turn in her and one needs full airspeed into it, your airspeed bleeds off very quickly in 1/4 of the turn, almost to near stall. If you do it from a shallow dive you can make it 1/2 way around, its amazing. Your body also gets slamed to the side of the cockpit! Once you know the max limits of any aeroplane its amazing what a skilled pilot can do with her, i.e Voss. One must frist get over the fear factor. Then your free. Cheers, WF2
  6. NOTE: The Audio has issues. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="<A href=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="<A href=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> ... the flat rudder turn that Voss used in his last dogfight and the Dr.I was famous for. Starts at frame 1:36. This plane is based at Owls Head Museum and has a Radial engine. I had the privilege of flying this one, once. Enjoy, WF2
  7. Barker and his Snipe

    Sopwith Snipe Project Enjoy, WF2
  8. Now this would be cool for the next new plane in OFF, a S.P.A.D. with this canon just for the sheer fun of it! The Air Gun of 37mm Semi-Automatic Engine Deal. Enjoy, WF2
  9. Canon de Guynemer ....

    I know ..... but how cool would that be !!!! The OFF team could do it so you would not know how long your engine would stay put. LOL, WF2
  10. Engels E.6 and Fokker D VIII

    Olham .... I have been following Achim progress since he started all his builds. Here is and another D.VIII build some may not know about: Down-Under D.VIII by Mr. Langdon. This ties into your other post of Mr. Koloman Mayrhofer, he built the D.VIII wings for Mr. Langdon and Mr. Achim. Lots on great detailed picture of the D.VIII wing construction, well worth the study. Cheers, WF2
  11. Ain't she a beautiful Lady?

    Olham .... Mr. Koloman Mayrhofer has had a running article over on the AeroDrome forum since he started the project. He also has other planes in the works too. Take a look here, very interesting: AeroDrome Forum D.III Good to see these video's again. Mr. Snoopy ... Looks here, under: FTS Fokker D.VII Cheers, WF2
  12. Interesting web site: The Morane Saulnier L Parasol This gentleman is building one with rotary engine! The site is in Dutch but use Google Translate to read. Enjoy, WF2
  13. WHAT ! .... What did you say! ... So that's how it is, see another pretty airframe and cast all others to the wind. It was the see through fabric that did it, wasn't it, ya, I know you. ......... Sie Schwein ! LOL, WF2
  14. Royal Flying Corps

    Hey, awesome. Take up all the slack you want. Cheers, WF2
  15. The origins of "Flying Circus"?

    "Flying Circus" name came to be because of the way the front-line Jasta's traveled, by train and setup tents. The colors were not the reason for the name. But it did add to it as a circus is colorful with all its wagons and such. As for painting the planes colors, to keep moral up and take the pressure off a little, give a since of invincibility maybe and peer pressure probably had something to do with it too. Some for identification, but that is very much less likely as all planes look pretty much like dark silhouettes in the sky. One cannot help but think at sometime in a pilot's career, he wished his plane was not so colorful, hard to hide after years of war has taken its toll on one's self. Maybe? WF2
  16. ... photo album found in Northern France some 90 years later. Read about it here: The Trembling Ace. The short video is good too. Enjoy, WF2
  17. OT anyone over 40 remember this?

    Ooooo my goodness! Know wonder all you turned out like you did. LOL, WF2
  18. ....... are you still? Enjoy, WF2
  19. Check it out ..... Jasta II WW-1 Aviation Enjoy, WF2
  20. Interesting web site ....

    Thanks Olham, not to bad for a Junior Member.... even if I have been with OFF since Phase -1, LOL!
  21. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> Enjoy, WF2
  22. Who's is This?

    ..... Yaaa, looks like the Jasta boy's need to give him a very close shave! nudge, nudge, wnk, wink ... LOL! One of the coolist paint jobs on an Allied plane in service I have seen. Wasn't there a Black & White strip too? Cheers, WF2
  23. O-my God, now I am going to have nightmares! Thanks a lot Cameljockey ........... can I sleep with you? LOL! WF2
  24. OT Song Lyrics

    Some WW-1 songs I recorded on violin with piano when OFF Phase-2 came out. Click Here to listen. Hope you enjoy them. Cheers, WF2
  25. 3D Plane Tutorial .....

    ... Sorry, forgot. Still getting use to the new forum. Its awesome! WF2

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