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Everything posted by Womenfly2

  1. Next airplane for OFF?

    ..... I love the way your think! .... WF2
  2. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> Enjoy, WF2
  3. Here is an interesting statement by Dan San Abbott over on the AeroDrome forum about these two planes. Would you like to read more .... Enjoy, WF2
  4. Next airplane for OFF?

    .................................................................................... Sopwith Dolphin with her .... FOUR MACHINE-GUNS .... very nice! WF2
  5. At the time MvR stated this, there was no Dr.1 ... correct? He was seeking a Triplane design of the own. WF2
  6. Hey OvS, glad to hear it. Just hope your not bias to any particular side Herr OvS ..... nudge, nudge, wink, wink. LOL!, WF2
  7. Hey, party booper .... Its always fun to dream, that's what its all about. The OFF team will do as they seem fit away, but, we can dream and have wants here on the forum too. Keeps the excitement and hope going. It can just get better .... ! Cheers, WF2
  8. Next airplane for OFF?

    Fokker D.vIII for me, of course. I also like the Siemens-Schuckert D.IV too. But I say whatever plane the OFF team does come out with next, I should include one Allied and one Axis in the same release. They should also be matched performance wise and year of service wise too. Just to be fair to everyone. Just my opinion, WF2 Very interesting Poll.
  9. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> This is pretty cool! You can read more here along with the rest of the videos and pictures. Enjoy, WF2
  10. I agree HedgeHog. People build these to keep the engine cost down and to use what they can get fairly reasonable. There are many other factors to, like loss of medicals, inexperience, simplified building, availability of plans, enegines .... on and on. There are people that are building new rotary engines, just write them a check for $20,000.00 plus and you too can have the WW-1 engine for the plane of your dreams. "Ooooo" and you will need to remove yourself from a social life for a few years too to build it ..... sorry forgot, the social life thing, we play OFF, never mind. I say go for it .... keep us updated with photos and progress on your build, we are all pulling for you. Maybe build a two-seater, 1-1/2 Strutter, so you can give us all here rides when your done! LOL, WF2
  11. It is! Buy the kit and then model all the parts on your computer. Geeeeee! How simple do you want it. LOL, WF2
  12. Nieuport 28?

    ... ya, two-seaters were the work horses of the air service indeed but, there is nothing like a flight group of Gotha's or Handely Page's with all their guns firing at you while you attempt to approach them! .... and if you think coming up from the bottom of a Gotha is safe, think again! Bring them all on I say. Cheers, WF2 P.S. please finish the D.vIII ...... please.
  13. Good input guy's. I found it interesting regarding the comparison of the two planes. Knowing that each one had its own 15-minutes of glory, the outcome of these two planes dogfighting each other would have been interesting. Its fascinating that 6-ailerons vs 2, more it better theory, would be a detriment to a planes performance. Anytime one has to add more control input the amount of drag increases lowering airspeed do to frontal surface area in relation to the slipstream. Q: Do you think if the Sopwith Triplane vs the Fokker Dr.1 were both in service at the same time, that it may have effected the outcome of the air domination? Cheers, WF2
  14. Nieuport 28?

    Its a good idea, but the reality of doing that would take a lot of time away from the OFF team to train people. They have is down to a science form the looks of the models. It takes years to get to that level. Also in order to keep John Q pilot buying OFF it has to be up to par, which means they would have to check everyones work plus, meet all the poly-count and tons of other requirements before being released. It would be easier to recruit a modeler with experience. Best thing is to give it a try yourself. There are good tutorials on GMax and lots of help in all the forums. Who nows ..... one day we may just see these planes. Cheers, WF2 P.S. ..... girls too!
  15. Nieuport 28?

    So, this brings up a good question ...... are any new planes including ones that have been started but did not make it into the release, being worked on at all? Or are they all on hold waiting for increased sales of BHaH before continuing? Just wondering. Cheers, WF2
  16. Winder's haircut ..... does that count? LOL! WF2
  17. Any one seen Parky?

    Hey you guys! Great to have you back, where have you been? WF2
  18. off phase 3 theme

    I love the new music. It sounds a little " Fly Boyish" to me, but in a good way. Did Mr. Milne write all the music for BHaH ? Zundap ... I have Finale 2009 music notation software, comes bundle with "Garritan Personnel Orchestra". Its awesome! Cheers, WF2
  19. Questions and Observations

    Just a Q: if the AI plane dives at full speed from altitude, straight down, and levels off ...... would not the AI planes suffer from structural failure as us? I know this all depends on the plane the AI is flying. Has anyone see this happen? Curious, WF2
  20. ..... FANTASTIC ! Great job on the new graphics guy's. Its awesome! WF2
  21. WOW! This looks ......

    Hey thanks M. Looks like OFF is off the SOH site altogether. If you click on Over Flander Fields there you get linked to here. "O" -well, appreciate nice thought. Maybe the OFF team could help? WF2
  22. WOW! This looks ......

    Would be great if they could get our medals back too, its okay if they cannot. How about another one for purchasing the DVD? I love it here.... . WF2
  23. Looks like they pulled the plug.

    .... they are totally closed. Cannot post anything. WF2

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