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Everything posted by HrntFixr

  1. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    BAHAHAHAHAHA I was a White/Checkerboard shirt.... T/S P.S.= You get those pics taken that we talked about? EDIT: Well, I went digging through the closet and found a couple of pics..... My first boat ride before I became a final checker (Circa 1984)... Me checking that the wings are locked prior to launch
  2. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    You Tough Guy!!!
  3. Gumpy.... who was watching Cougar while you were showboating with that mig?
  4. Did you set the enemy to hard in the options?
  5. "Two's Joining"

    Quick pic using my new rig.
  6. Infidel of the week

    Oh Bob..... you spell your name backwards don't ya?..... I AM the fixer of the hornets that rain death and destruction down upon your Jihad!!!

    Check for double folder (folder in a folder), in the aircraft folder of your install.
  8. Now that Colbert sign is funny!!!!!!!!!!! Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies.... great ska/punk band... I got all thier CD's!!!!
  9. Testing my new avatar

    Mine is animated....
  10. Your thoughts

    Dam locked before I could post! I agree, it's "cake and eat it too" syndrome. joining the military of any country should be to serve and defend first and foremost, everything else is a bonus.
  11. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    Going Ashore for the last time (June 03) Dress Blues (Feb 00)
  12. Corny Jokes Thread!

    A brunette walks on to an elevator with a blond. The blond turns and smiles and says "T*G*I*F. The brunette looks back at her confused, The blond repeats "T*G*I*F.... Thank God it's Friday" The brunette grins and says "S*H*I*T" The blond looks confused and hurt and the brunette says "Sorry Honey It's Thursday"
  13. MOH: Airborne

    Picked this up this week. Not bad, your typical MOH series FPS. I've been out of them for awhile, so what do you all think of it?
  14. MOH: Airborne

    Yes, the better you get with a weapon, the more goodies you get. Exp: I have everything for my M1... lobbing nades with it is a blast in CTF. STG-44 with a scope and dual mags = SWEET!!!!
  15. You mean the one thats in the mod/skinning section here??? Hmmm... second page of threads... oh lookee here........... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=21242
  16. When the "D" model come sout I'm sure it can be done. I did a VMFX-121 for the Talon here at CA.
  17. No need for sorry FC! Tell like it is brother-man!
  18. Zip it! You want to have a suckle on my zipple? Zip It!......... zip it good!
  19. You are correct sir! There is also a TBM, Tomcat, P-2, H-3, S-3 in the park here on base. Post some pics when I get off work tonight.
  20. For sure that is a great aircraft! got one sitting here on base, i got pics somewhere...lemme look see... here we go
  21. I agree! Let's get back to the real thread

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