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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. This bird is long awaited in this comunity, so I think all are happy to have it, and its just a start of more what if versions out of you max file ;) Thank you FC
  2. sure no problem ;) just asked
  3. Looks great!! Will you rework the canopy frame and part behind glass too? very nice textures
  4. meshsmooth doenst work on my stuff as I want it, do i need to deselect some specs? Looks good! I had to do it manualy cause of the result. ;)
  5. Hi, Russo, may I show an idea i used on my Noseintake planes like the Ye-152 and La-200, the whole body shape of those birds are way less complex than the one of a Harrier, so I tried this out to have a more smoothed front and rear of the fuselage, so the rest is nearly low poly, but the result looks good. Here is and example of your nose section, the yellow lines are the polys you used, the reds are the one I would put in. Its not a huge poly increasy but smooth the nose a bit up with uot redoing the mapping ;) what do you think? here is the way I modeled it, I try to have areas like intakes, nose and cockpit as detailed as possible cause they are the areas you are looking most of the time at them. Its just a sugestion, hope its ok for you I post it here ;)
  6. great the canopy shape is reworked!! thanks ;)
  7. Thanks man!!! for all what if lovers : http://kaap.purpleglen.com/arrow_mk1.html
  8. Thats the whole family so far ;) All work will be done by Ravenclaw so we need a ll a new rig :-P
  9. if the game is MP compatible, I understand why people dont want to use mods, bt this sim isnt MP, and realy easy to mod .. pls show me one person who is playing this game out of the box!!!
  10. before you map it let me send you a pic :-P you will not regret it but pls give me time till sunday cause im not home until then. its a small thing but will improve your models a bit.
  11. yes the inside back ;) If you have some shadowing problems like on your last pic (cockpit area), I run into the same problem, try to set a different allignment of the splines or work with different smoothing groups ;) Erikgen showed that technique to me. It reduces the shadowing prob to nearly zero
  12. Can you try to model out the inside of the intakes, it always looks strange to see this part of a plane ending abrupt ;)
  13. Best way would be contact ravenclaw, his models are always to high poly and he managed to work it out to have them working in the game ;)
  14. The gear looks right so far... good work veltro
  15. nope MiG 29 :D
  16. J 24A Lokatten (F4F-4 Wildcat Swedish Air Force)

    Looks great! What kind of coulour are you using .. I used the one from humbrol but they had a similar effect as yours have they were to "thick" after this I used mainly the Revel stuff and painted it the way that you have not seen the "brusheffect" on the models.
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Wenn du nicht das bekommst was du suchst, kannst mich gern mal anschreiben ;)
  18. Alternativen für die Lw bzw. LSK zwischen 1955 und 1980

    koenntet ihr euch dazu durchringen die doppelsitzer mit zu bauen?! War die eleganteste version der Miragefamilie!? Ist ein alter Wunsch von mir, habe sogar die team idiot kfir zu einer BD umgebaut.
  19. Maybe this can generate some money for him and some new foundings for some features for us ;)
  20. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich denke die koennte ich dir mal eben bauen sag mal was du brauchst am besten nen bild.
  21. Alternativen für die Lw bzw. LSK zwischen 1955 und 1980

    Ich kenne mich da nicht so aus, spielst du auf die S an?

    Is the Fuselage the same, just the tailsection is different?! A Jointventure between those companys or just a good copy paste of the .... no idea which one was first
  23. MiG-29

    Darf ich dich bitten das du vllt den Fortschritt postest?! Einfach um zu sehen wie du arbeitest, aus neugier. Ich weis du baust gern im stillen und knallst dann den Dampfhammer einem vor die Füsse ;)
  24. MiG-29

    Hast du meine Email erhalten?
  25. Langsam wird's ganz schön ruhig hier

    Den ich nicht installieren werde :-P Bei jedem Game oder Software freut man sich auf einen patch / update .. nur bei SF2 ist das so eine Sache mit fadem Beigeschmack...

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