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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird


    You guys are doing a great job, is there a way to help you with your projects?!
  2. is the weapon strength coded apart of the ini`s in the core game?! Im still using an older patch, not the current one. "I fear the reaper"
  3. Wow, impressive work! Thanks Dels
  4. Are the holes in the cockpit between the struts and the windows closed?! They where some holes in the last cockpit we had.
  5. I had the same and I have simply deleted the userlist.ini ... and it worked

    you are da man ! i have nothing to worry about ;-) Have you seen this?! Or is it photoshoped?

    good work on this Tu-160 contender.. but hey I think you have a new plane to work on.. F60 http://combatace.com/topic/73575-new-chinese-stealth-fighter-f60/ check this out, recently unvieled
  8. beautifull work! Plane and skin! This version needs definatly a radar upgrade (a bit bigger / longer nose) its just an imagination, but it was the first thing i thought when i flew it! great Stuff!
  9. Im remembering some pics, that where floating around some time ago. The Modder has just deleted the canopy frames and glas from Ajundars models and put some fakepilot Canopy`s on the single and twoseater versions. I forgot who was making it and I just wanted to ask, what happen to this project/idea?? Spinners is creating a nice RF-104G mod in the what if section. Looks good! An he was the one who reminds me of this old mod that was not released so far i know. best regards Martin
  10. CF-100

    Or Ravenclaw and his Bucc, the game doesnt have the requierments also for some effects. same thing with the cat or any other swingwng plane... and so on and on... sorry i thought we are one comunity and not divided into nations...
  11. Thank you, will check it out, maybe we can work something out of the G until new birds are ready ;) hope you like my idea and the result so far . best regards Martin
  12. Wrench you are right, it was the wrong entry, and skin is now a bit less NASA spacerocket like
  13. Oh the seat doesnt apear, cause I used a modified Data.ini thanks will check it out ;) Skin is untouched, I think I will create a refuelprobe for the "C" version in July
  14. I need only an ejection seat from this era Do you have any suggestions? Thanks wrench for this nice pic, so, we need a refuelprobe and ini tweaks to create a proper C from a G is it right?!
  15. I have now used the NF-104A as a base for the A model, it works realy good. The skin is realy good, only need some serial numbers. I have used the ini entries for some parts that needed to be deleted, so I think it`s a nice F-104A mod. Im not so into the Starfighters, is it right that the innerwing stations and central weaponstation where added later and the A had only the Wingtipstations?
  16. CF-100

    Is there anything behind, that they do not show up here?! I know a bit of the "modders" history, simhq and CA and also the YAP incident.
  17. Yes saw it, you have done a good job on this! My plan was to create a A and C version, but couldnt find any skins for the G model. Looked trough the download sections but nothing usefull was there. I think some objects needed to be deleted.
  18. CF-100

    Over at SimHq Saguanay has shown one in nearly finished conditions, cant find it now in the screenshotsection. He has alot of unfinished stuff, that is realy needed in the SF world, but I dont know the constellation between CA - SimHQ - Saguanay
  19. Same here, how is it going?!

    chinese f-16 any plans for a release? In your signature is a Su-27, do you plan also to create this plane? best regards Martin
  21. Will you create the B and D version too?

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