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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. in thiscase I would suggest to remodel that birds completly, its very low poly, suffer a shadow problem and Mapping is bad also.
  2. Hi, I have found some 3ds files, that I would like to use for new ground objects, but it doesnt matter if i switch on the "smooth" function or not, the Obects still looks like not smoothed. All is edgy and I have no idea how to change it?! Is there a hidden option? I also tried to turn them into editable Poly and tried to smooth them, but it didnt worked
  3. 3ds files in Max

    Oh seems I had a missmatching number selected, it doesnt worked for me and the vertices were wildly cross welded. Thanks for that info, sometimes it happe that you oversee something :)
  4. 3ds files in Max

    Sometimes it didnt worked that way, not sure what is different in the informations regardsing vertices and polys between edit poly and edit mesh in 3ds and max file formats. Some parts need to be completly reworked and merged vertices doesnt garanty an acceptable result.
  5. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    die in der screenshot section ist das die von flo oder yap?!
  6. 3ds files in Max

    Thanks Mehmet, I have simply resaved it and run the smooth option after I reaplied the edit poly function and it worked!
  7. 3ds files in Max

    Problem solved, thanks guys
  8. 3ds files in Max

    I know what you mean, but they are already welded
  9. His marketing plan is not the best, take 1C as an example, they worked together with the comunity and you should not sell everything as a DLC! A good mission editor should be part of the Core game! Makes more sense for me!
  10. Found them, they are not bad, nothing special but ok
  11. The funny thing is .. i have it, but havent noticed the mig so far ... damn my cave is to dark
  12. uh seems i have missed something! Damn, but looks smoother than the old one from pasko.
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hatte MF keine RF?
  14. we have a new mig-15 model from tk???
  15. You should see it with Hellfires or Maveriks!
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    eine interessante website http://www.zonamilitar.com.ar/foros/threads/cutaways-cortes-esquem%C3%A1ticos-de-aviones.24700/
  17. You pitmonster! while we are on it, what about a mig 19 pit :-)
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich werd euch die Tage eine neue LOD der 20 schicken, skin kann behalten werden, mapping bleibt gleich. Die version wird die oben abgebildete sein ohne den Laser
  19. sorry to hijack this topic but can you please explain what is STL and where can i reset the x form in max ? thank you in advance
  20. working on the Su-25 naval version
  21. How can you switch it on in max that you can see the direction of the polys? In Maya it was an easy task, but have no idea about it in max?!
  22. Have the same problem on one of my birds, what do you mean with screwed up? Can it be repaired?

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