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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

    Stalker 2 will come for sure ;) have finished "Call of Pripyat" yesterday. Clear Sky is hard to play sometimes.
  2. Mal von Anfang an und für ganz Doofe!

    Danke dir ;)
  3. Good morning patriotDJ, and welcome to the SF world. The difference is the whole structure of SF2. Its better organized and modder friendly than SF1 was. Im not an ini guru, soI would suggest you could post your question, (copy paste) into the SF2 forum also. There are more people around than here. The ini entries for the planes are nearly the same for SF2 as for SF1. Look out for pics about the new SF2 North Atlantic or (New Aqua) as some call it. It looks like LOMAC and feels like SF2, so its modable and nearly userfriendly ;)
  4. Mal von Anfang an und für ganz Doofe!

    Hi, habe da noch eine Frage, wenn ich z.B. einen Teil in metalisch glämnzend haben möchte, aber der Rest des meshes eher matt sein soll?! Wie mache ich das richtig? Muss ich den Part abtrennen vom Mesh und mit einem neuen Material versehen und dann connecten zum alten Teil. Oder kann ich einfach die Teile markieren und mit einem anderem Material versehen? Ohne es cutten zu müssenn. Bestes bsp was mir gerade einfällt, sind die Triebwerksteile der F-15. diese glänzen metallisch und der Rest ist eher matt. Ist das ein seperater Teil oder ist das Mapping einfach dem entsprechend mit 2 unterschiedlichen Materials gemacht worden?
  5. Sounds interesting! Nice someone used it to improve a plane, have you done it also to the twoseaters?
  6. Are those TK`s Birds? Or have you done them from scratch?

    That would be a what if right?! The F-8 is an export version, a not very succesfull. the twoseater are real what if planes, cause it was planed and never realised.

    The Canopy is different, the hump on the back is also another, and im not sure about the over all size. But seems the chineese copied the Ye-152A design. Have the M also as WIP

    Those are old pics sorry no pric from the front, was to lazy to fire up SF

    Those are complete aircrafts, no fake Pilots ;)
  11. Well it's official

    Will be realy interesting if we can create out own Terrains, so as the mentioned Hawai Islands could be interesting, Malta Operations and other Stuff ;) Realy like this update, so Maybe thats a new era in the SF history

    I have the Finback 2 as WIP and the Ye-152 which is similar to the finback design
  13. Well it's official

    wtf do you want with lifeboats? after a soviet nuclear missile hits aboat... it will not need any lifeboat
  14. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    http://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints/ships/carriers-uk/ könnte hier nichts dabei sein?
  15. Well it's official

    Looks also like a new playgrond for Fubar
  16. Well it's official

    Looks like LOMAC and is modable like the SF series .. what do want now more?! For me its great!
  17. do you have the orig version also? a su-11 updare would be cool also. i can only provide a ye152a and m
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Frohe Weihnachten auch von mir ;-)
  19. what is it for aversion russo? your front glass is different than the standart Su-9???
  20. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Du hast immer die besten Ideen ;) Immer nen Bonus mit dabei, einfach klasse!!!
  21. Any Sudden Strike Fans around?

    I think i will fire up B1 after Xmas ;) You are right ... memories As I had the first Panther, I used them like it was described in my Book "Tiger", lots of support vehicles, rearming them and damn I wasted so much scouts :D
  22. @ Zur, that looks good to me, doesnt matter how the mesh looks when it works ;) So all is fine. How do you guys combine objects? I use the Boolean method so far.

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