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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Dieses Jahr ist das ja ausgefallen, keine Ahnung warum wieso und weshalb, aber ja! Glaub dann lernst du noch meine Freundin kennen ;)
  2. Wow! Simply great work! What a "simple" bump map can do for the visual effect.
  3. Its got a name...

    Mh, we have alot of cockpits, and stuff we can make those AI only flyable ... I`m the first very happy with the WIP since I saw SF1 pics with the early jets. I realy like it, but cant wait to see the "hidden" terrain, maybe it`S something realy completly new.
  4. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Da ist was wahres drann, mein Brumm brumm ist fertig, aber die Zeit ist etwas futsch, ich bin ausgezogen, haben Wohnung fertig gemacht, jetzt zieht meine Freundin aus, in zwei Zimmern müssen die Bödem komplett neugemacht werden und ich meine nicht einfach Laminat, sondern Boden raus, neue Balken einziehen lassen und dann Boden drauf, dann erst Laminat. Dazu die Uni ... alles gerade echt stressig .. Ich fliege gerne eure Sachen, kann aber zur Zeit keinen Beitrag leisten ;) Freue mich auf Carlos ginas und Volkers Viperpack!!! So jetzt hast mich oder macht aus mir Hartz 4! ...
  5. The skin and bumpmaps looking spectacular!!! May I say that the problem with the canopy comes from the creating method. Had the same on some birds, as I have extrude "planes" from a current canopy glas. Sometimes I had some bars and have removed them .. after this I have closet the holes of the canopy and recieved this shadow problem. I have remodeled the canopy shape again from scratch and it was all good! No shadow issues Don`t know if you have adressed it already. Hope I could help a bit
  6. Su-25 on SF2?

    Hi, I would suggest to wait, cause the plane is a nearly complete rebuild, remapped and reworked ;) the ordinary 2 weeks
  7. Can you pls paint the fencer more like the phantom, not the camo, but placeing the upper camo a bit lower, so fuselage is more covered like the phantom pls :D Looks damn hot! I like to isrealize planes! Can you pls paint the fencer more like the phantom, not the camo, but placeing the upper camo a bit lower, so fuselage is more covered like the phantom pls :D Looks damn hot! I like to isrealize planes!
  8. Mesh name

    i have a su from inskye as source file .. will take a search for it ;)
  9. this is an impressiv amount of work teras is doing here. You have to keep in mind that every pic he post, he had to rework. it`s not a critic but more a thank you teras for your hard work!
  10. I would say he means the front part of the CFT, cause of the shadowing in your last pic.
  11. del4

    great! reminds my of sorry for hijacking but
  12. del4

    I still have the Su-33KUB project on my list :)
  13. Seems you have worked on it Volker ;) Looks good!
  14. If you comparethe last picwith the first one, there are worlds between them! Good work Teras!!
  15. Have you thought about ravenclaws cockpits?! dont know how different a blk 52/ and a 70 is. So there could be a standartized cokpit layout for the upcoming viper pack ?!
  16. Looks nice ;) Its someimtes difficult to find accurate documents about current russian birds, cause all is top secret ;) Is it right that only the nose section needs to be done on the PU? Just an an idea
  17. You can edit the title so far I know by your self. Just edit the first post in this topic ;) Just ask Volkerm how much polys his Bucc hast ;) will you create different LOD`s for different distances? You was the man I was waiting for, just to see an upgrate, looks good to me ;) Have you htought about to import the Mi-28 model into SF2?
  18. This is a good exmple how the comunity can work together Teras, you are creating a very detailed Viper version,
  19. Have you thought about a PU version? Just changing the nose ;)
  20. The pit looks more than I was expecting at the very beginning! You have done a great job!
  21. will be interesting if the plane will be updated or carlo will get back his money
  22. fubar have you ever thought working with tk together?
  23. TK is small and low on manpower, I think everybody knows it, but the fact is: A bit more input (my 3D example, not only a repaint) would be more attractive to more <--- people to buy a DLC, cause it`s something realy "new"
  24. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Dann mal gute Besserung! Genieß noch das tolle Herbstwetter, lass die f-16 ruhen, überleg mal mit welchem "standart" die Amys zufrieden waren :-P die rennt dir nciht weg! Gute Besserung
  25. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hört sich nach viel getaner Arbeit an, wie geht es dir sonst wenn man mal öffentlich fragen darf?!

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